Celestial Peak

Chapter 344

Stabbed in the stomach, Wang Ling did his best to raise his blade and twist his body; with great effort, he managed to perform a single slash and target the being of death.

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His movements were swift; it was almost uncatchable by the eyes of people his level. No, that was incorrect as anyone his level will not be able to know what he had just performed much less follow the movement of his sword.

Wang Ling was performing a level of skill many times over what others can show. But as he twisted his body and took the chance to sever the shape of the being of death into two different parts, he was stopped by two bony fingers.

His eyes bulged as the being of death looked down upon his pitiful self. The red dot of his did not waver as Wang Ling's crimson eyes showed no signs of giving up.

This being before him was showing signs of Immortal Qi, no it was beyond Immortal Qi, yet there was a lingering presence.

It was the qi much similar to that of a God but still not quite there yet. The skull-like head of the being of death opened its lurid mouth. The pearl-white sheen of it reflected the two eyes of Wang Ling's unwavering gaze mixed with subtle hints of arrogance.

Wang Ling's gaze made the being of death eel unsettled; its cold and unfeeling heart throbbed at the sight of those eyes.

It could see pass the crimson of his eyes, beyond the crimson, was a deep color of gray. And with Wang Ling's strength that is on the border of increasing and being depleted, he gnashed his teeth together and poured everything he had to gain back the Reaper.

The hands of the being of death were stuck in his body, still. But as the pain of being destroyed invaded his senses, Wang Ling summoned forth the strength from the depths of his bloodline.

From the Human Blood Essence to his two excellent bloodlines, he pulled everything out to its extremes. He raised the white sword and summoned God's Mark.

Covering his right hand with an obsidian patch, he roared and raised the weight of the blade to its limit, "10,000,000 kilograms."

It was a sword that weighs 10,000 tones.

With a weight such as this, its might is, of course, something to be considered as formidable.

Upon summoning the limitation of the sword, Wang Ling also called upon the strength of his body.

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He pulled everything out, and his body followed, with the best of his capabilities. Wang Ling performed a slash once more.

The wind wailed, and the sword created enough pressure to cause an updraft that rose to the air.

From afar, the sword seemed like it was bearing wings. It was a magnificent sword. With its white base and wings made out of the wind, the Heaven's Will indeed seemed to have embodied its namesake.

With its descend to the dark body of this demon, the Heavens had shown its Heavenly Will. And the will demands its death!


It was an explosive meeting, and the body of the demon sunk and crashed into the ground.

Wang Ling anticipated this and did his best not to get dragged to the bottom of the ocean. But the demon was not willing to go down alone.

Grabbing him by the neck, the being showed its tenacity. The demon dragged Wang Ling with it, and with Heaven's Will on his hands, he too crashed to the cold water and was dragged to the depths.

Wang Ling tried his best to shrug the demon off, but he couldn't. It had latched onto him like a vice.

The demon was too bent on killing him. And so, Wang Ling summoned the Reaper once more.

With the most massive sword in his possession, its pair could not be any weaker than the former.

The pair must have a sword that can match the grandeur of the last.

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If the heaviest already exists, then the other must show its unique ability.

With a dark sheen, the Reaper glowed under the sun. As they quickly descended, the Reaper hummed.

A sword that hums is a sword that wishes for something, and in the hand of the mightiest killer, it could only wish for one thing - death.

With a hand on his neck and his abdomen, he gathered what he could and made the sharpest sword.

A sword without a sharp edge is nothing but a glorified stick.

A sharp edge is what completes the identity of a sword. The sword must have a sharp edge to create the most devastating attacks.

The most robust and most massive sword may be an overbearing weapon, but the blade is not supposed to be oppressive. A sword should be terrifying!

A sword with the sharpest edge can summon the most primal of fears - the fear of meeting one's end - the fear of death!

Wang Ling gathered everything, not just what measly qi of both bloodlines but the qi hidden in the Reaper.

The Reaper had been reborn after his journey to the world beyond the peak!

When he reforged the two swords, Wang Ling kept half of the God-Might that had remained.

The God-Might he hid was summoned to eradicate the enemy before him. Or at least to achieve what he wanted.

"Try and catch this one! Blood Seeking Sword: Rupture1"

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As if death personified, Wang Ling overwhelmed the demon who was supposed to be a being of such.

His sword moved akin to lighting lacerating the arms of the demons without mercy and severing it completely the next moment after.

The sword glowed fiercer and fiercer as if it had not had its fill. The sword was like a snake trying to devour its prey.

The sword aimed from the neck of the demon, but it fled as it moved backward. Wang Ling finally had a breathing distance and shifted the weight of Heaven's Will to five kilograms; he swiftly twisted his body and threw the sword like a spear to the demon.

As it flew away from his hands, he touched it with his fingertips one last time, and then he whispered, "10,000,000 kilograms."

The sword struck the chest of the demon and pierced its almost non-existent heart.

The sword dragged it to the bottom of the ocean, and as Wang Ling watched it summon its strength to get the sword out of its body, he smiled.

He was ready to continue his fight, but the wound he had suffered finally did its job.

He faltered from his steps, and his wounds began to let out blood like a waterfall.

The gaping hole on his stomach was too much for him to handle.

Wang Ling could feel his end; the mark on his heart did not even do its job. He will die right now, he can tell.

But as he was about to lose his consciousness, someone pulled him out of control.

The gray figure took control of his body, and it whispered, "You have done enough, my successor, I will do the rest."

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The gray figure had its way of dealing with Wang Ling's injury. It summoned the Holy Lord Bloodline and granted it with the Qi of Chaos.

The Gray Figure drew out what it had been filtering from Wang Ling's 'low-class' Chaos Qi, and as he did, he mended the wound to the best of its ability.

There were still bleeding, but the internal organs healed in a moment.

[I shouldn't have sealed that innate ability, this is partially my fault. Well, I can't let him use it, I will have to use it myself - he is watching, but I must do it!]

The Gray Figure watched the demon escape from the sword, and as he got ready to take it on, the qi of Chaos emerged. It was a different qi of Chaos from Wang Ling's as it was more potent and chaotic.

He let go of the Reaper and clenched his fist. He reviewed the technique Wang Ling had inherited from the wall and unleased a single devastating blow.

"Moon Crushing Fist!"

The Chaotic Aura filled the air, and an overwhelming power surged from his fist.

It showed strength as if it was capable of turning anything it touches into nothingness.

The aura of a true warrior appeared. An image of a man appeared before the demon.

That man was wearing a Gray Armor like the God of War, and as it stood before the demon, the demon opened its arms and accepted the fist of the Gray Figure as if it was reveling on its power.

The demon disappeared, it had died, and its death caused an inexplicable feeling of depression to the Gray Figure.

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