Celestial Peak

Chapter 355: 355

Wang Ling raised his head observing the situation with Bai Xue on his hands. He turned east trying to assess the strength that Bai Xue had used.

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"The power she had used was devastating enough to cause such a large riverbank. If she had just used her full power, will the world crumble?"

He was no God, but with his Piercing Vision, he had managed to see the extent of Bai Xue's God Might. But try as he might, he was not able to see the limitations of her God Might because it had no limitations it was growing and increasing with every passing second the corona appeared.

But, he also managed to see that something within her was burning as she tried to use the power of Gods.

While he was contemplating over the situation, Yan Renhuo returned with Xiao Yu with her. Wang Ling turned to them and asked Yan Renhuo to place his grandmother on the ground and she quietly listened to his wishes.

Kneeling down, Wang Ling's angelic qi activated and he then summoned the seven haloes before healing his grandmother. She did not regain consciousness but her condition improved.

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"Is she going to be fine, Brother Ling?"

"The broken bones she received would heal in about an hour or so and she will regain consciousness in a day if we are unlucky. It is safe to bring them with us, let us first head to the Frost Domain, grandmother said it is the center of the current time."

Wang Ling was ready to leave as he unfurled his wings and carried Bai Xue in his arms. But then, he felt a presence coming from behind. A spatial rift opened and a man stepped out of the spatial rift.

Alarmed, Wang Ling brought the Reaper out and got ready to protect himself and the others. But before he can do anything of that he felt an embrace coming from behind.

And from a familiar voice, he heard the affectionate words, "Son, you have returned!"

In that simple gesture, Wang Shu Qing lost his pride and burst into tears. After years of him being lost, he had finally and without doing much or saying much he said those words that echoed in the heart of Wang Ling who answered with a smile.

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"I have returned."


By the time she woke up, Bai Xue was lying in bed with a case of an awful headache; causing her to wane in between consciousness and unconsciousness. She was bordering life and death, but she was not dying, not in the slightest.

Simply put, a piece of her soul that doesn't belong in the body of her current self is slowly beginning to dissipate. It was getting devoured by the bloodline and the soul that originally belongs in that body was trying to reclaim her right to control her own body.

But, 'Bai Xue' knew it was her body. She has the memories of her past and the memories of the present. Her husband who promised that he will protect her still exist in this world, they had just returned to their home and she still clung to the past with a vice-like grip as it is the present, because to her, she had just woken up from a deep slumber and this is but the next day.

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However, even if she so wishes to not get dragged away, the original soul wished to rip her piece by piece to reclaim control. In her mind that part of her will scream, it will scream without tiring trying to claim this body was hers when it is clearly not.

"I am myself, I have returned to our home, our kingdom. Many things may have changed but this is still my world, my home, and my body!" She was adamant about refusing to acknowledge anything other than her own thoughts.

"I have given you free rein for years now, you lied to me when you said you would help me. You are a snake, you trap me in the deepest part of my mind trying to confine so I cannot surface but you are nothing but a shadow of the past. You call upon the power of the bloodline that dwells in my body but fails to control for this body is no longer your own. I do not ask you to fade, I hate you but I sympathize with your circumstances so please, let me talk to him once again."

The voice in her head would scoff at her words but it still shows warmth and sympathy. The voice in her head let her take control of her body one time because of sympathy that strung her heart for some odd reason. The longing that did not belong to her amplified her own to meet the man who holds the most important part of her heart.

It was a mistake as she was then trapped in her own mind as she tried to escape the cell she had walked into with her hands held high. She can only scream, demanding to get her body back. She screams for her sake, but also for the sake of her previous self that is slowly disappearing as she called upon the power of their bloodline.

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Bai Xue, the one who had been with Wang Ling all this while was trapped while the 'Bai Xue' in control who knows not of her own name enjoys life trying to regain that had been lost. If she just let her be the 'Bai Xue' would disappear in a few more decades. Waiting is not new to her so it would be an easy task. But the death of the one who claimed to be her was oddly not something she wishes to witness.

 However, no matter the warnings she speaks, 'Bai Xue' chose not to listen to her words.

"Such deceit I will not fall. Did I not use it upon you? Do you think I will fall for such a thing? I shall live in this life once again and whoever it is that tries to do what they have done to my world previously, I shall try my best to annihilate."

With those words, she opened her eyes and saw a maiden with pitch-black hair by the side of the bed. She wore her hair without any accessories letting it flow with the wind granting her a natural beauty with an icy chill that exists for her.

The maiden noticed her waking up and against all expectations showed a beaming smile.

"Big sis Xue, you have finally woken up!"

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