Celestial Peak

Chapter 364: 364

The realm began to churn within the presence of chaos. The two Kings entered the realm, they did not need any kind of ability to tell that chaos was gathering at the center of the realm.

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The two Kings flew out they could feel it getting stronger, denser and most of all, more alive than the minute before. 

"Did he hide in this realm? I didn't think we would see him again."

"I know, I didn't expect it either."

The two Kings speak of one person only, the General of the Emperor. Having the qi that almost resembles the qi of the Emperor the two kings had always been envious of him. But after a long time, they had already gotten over it after the fight they had all those years ago.

"I feel, the space in this realm is being unstable, I don't think this world will hold out if we face the bastard. What do you think? Should we first get the beings of this realm out of here?"

"No, let us first wait and see what will happen."

The two kings flew out with high speeds and a few short moments later, they arrived at the place where the space of the realm ended. A grey barrier was erected circling the Red Lands where the three ruins lay.

It was no ordinary barrier as the barrier before them was not merely acting as a wall. Its surface radiates dangerous qi that would try and erase anything that touches it, spirit qi or a living being, it will disintegrate if it was not chaos qi.

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Garm and Philas stopped dead on their tracks, Garm was displeased as his path had been blockaded. He creased his brows and gathered qi to his hands, carefully manipulating the qi so that it will not go beyond what the world could withstand.


An explosive amount of qi emerged from a single point in the area. It came from a simple strike of the fist, but it did not come from Garm's fist. They turned to a side of the barrier, boom* once again the barrier was rocked and a wave swept the area.

It was similar to God Might but at the same time different. Garm and Philas turned to one another and moved, with a simple motion they appeared near the area where the force of the God Might originate from.

There, an ethereal beauty stood before the barrier, her fist bloodied from the unknown of punches she had thrown. Boom* once again she threw a punch and the barrier tried to devour her like before.

The lady was fearless, not letting anything get in the way of her mission to get inside the Red Lands. Her aura tells that she was full of hatred but she was also anxious, a weird combination that no one would be able to understand if they were not her.

Garm and Philas wished to take one step forward for them to stand before the lady and asked why she was doing such a thing, but they could not despite being the two Kings. The Four Deities stood before them and the lady. Garm and Philas were silent.

It took Garm a long time before he managed to open his mouth and asked if this person before her was indeed the one they referred to as the Mother of Beasts.

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"Is she your Mother, Fae, Rith?"

"That is right, she is the one who gave us life, but she is not our mother. Currently, we do not know who she really is."

Fae and Rith did not know how to properly describe their emotions. Their despair was still in heir heart, it will not dissipate no matter what they did but after seeing Bai Xue punch the barrier of chaos tens of times, their despair became like a fleeting wind.

Her eyes filled with longing and worry, she continued to knock on the barrier with her fist, with every little fist strike she does, the stronger her strike became. They could see it, something within her was dissipating, they wished for her to stop but they couldn't disobey her words of to stay still. In the end, they were made to be spectators.

However, that does not mean they do not hate the one who is inside this barrier. Whoever it is causing their mother such pains would suffer under their wrath, it was something they had promised.

Garm looked at them and shook his head. He got closer to the barrier, and once again gathered qi to his fist. A red corona that circles her head over a full third but not a complete circle appeared.


He did what he was about to do previously, he punched the barrier, his intentions clear destroyed the barrier before him. Seeing what Garm was doing, no words were needed to be exchanged as the other people present did what the right to do is.

Inside the barrier, within the tomb of the General who had been beaten to a pulp, Wang Ling stared at the skeleton. The words of the Gray Figure echoed in his head, but as it did, he drew out the qi of chaos that existed in his body and gathered it to his swords.

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The skeleton was chained, it wore armor and the sockets of its eyes had nothing. From no matter what angle one looked at it, this is nothing but an ordinary skeleton.

But Wang Ling could feel it, the qi of chaos was present. It was similar to the qi that he possesses.

Without knowing what is happening around the realm, his intention became clear and he tried to slay the skeleton before him.

Wang Ling's sword quintessence of killing emerged in the form of bloodlust. He called upon his bloodline and with start, his strength exploded and he disappeared from where he stood.

His intention was clear, it was to destroy the skeleton before him before anything could be uttered. In a matter of a split second, Wang Ling gathered his qi and made his move, the wind cried as the universe echoed and wailed.

The universe seemed to be trying to cheer him as she tried to kill the skeleton that is before him. Wang Ling brandished his blade, and swung his right sword and stabbing the forehead with his left.

The skeleton began to tremble and eject light out of its body. Wang Ling could feel resistance in his hands, he fought back with his own strength and calling upon the two bloodlines, he ignited it both and drew everything he had.

Whatever it was that was hidden within, Wang Ling drew it in order to slay the skeleton that should already be dead.

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The hands of the skeleton twitched and tried to attack Wang Ling, but his reflexes were fast enough resulting for the attack of the skeleton to fail.

"Turn to dust." Wang Ling calmly said and as he had uttered, the skeleton did indeed blew up and turned to nothing but dust.

Dust floated around him it circled him and then attached itself to him but it soon dissipated and the aura of chaos disappeared shortly after. 

"Is that it?"

Wang Ling's guard was still up, but after keeping it up for a minute, he exhaled and calmed down.

His body lost its tension and he was ready to get out, with this, the request should have ended. He will return to his family and then get back to travelling the universe trying to find out the apex.

But as he turned his back, Wang Ling lost control of his body and his hands stiffened. He now failed to control even the tip of his fingers. The voice of the Gray Figure then echoed in his head.

"Good word, my successor, I'll be sure to make it as painless as possible in order to spar you of any suffering."

The Gray Figure said these words and the chaos that disappeared suddenly turned up around Wang Ling's body. Before anything else could be said, Wang Ling's body absorbed every qi in the vicinity and one after the other he broke the barrier of realm after realm reaching the twelfth meridian before having his body implode.

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