Chasing the Light

Chapter 11: CTL Chapter 11

In the early morning of the second day after the recording of the program, Liang Xincheng returned and was on the same flight as Wei Xishuang. Liang Xincheng arrived at the airport late so he boarded the plane directly after entering. Only after boarding the plane did he find that he and Wei Xishuang were seated next to each other.

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Wei Xishuang greeted him with a smile: “What a coincidence, if I know, we could have come to the airport together.”

Liang Xincheng nodded casually. He put his carry-on luggage away before sitting down and then put on his headphones and started listening to the song.

The corners of Wei Xishuang’s mouth curled slightly as he raised his hand to take off one of his headphones: “Stop listening to the song and be careful of tinnitus later.”

Liang Xincheng’s face darkened. He turned his head to glare at Wei Xishuang fiercely. He and Wei Xishuang were not familiar with each other and he didn’t like his familiarity. He didn’t know whether this person was too thick-skinned or he didn’t know how to read people’s faces at all, but what he had done had made Liang Xincheng a little unbearable.

Wei Xishuang smiled helplessly before raising his hands in a gesture of surrender: “Don’t be angry, I apologize to you, don’t be so serious.”

Liang Xincheng didn’t plan to really argue with him in public, so he lowered his head and played with his mobile phone and ignored him.

Wei Xishuang leaned over again and asked him with a smile: “The WeChat account you gave me before is your work account, right? Can’t you give your personal account?”

“No, just that one account.”Liang Xincheng replied coldly.
“What happened the other night was just a little misunderstanding. Are you so angry because you were seen by others? How about I explain to them that there is really nothing between us?”

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The last few words were deliberately emphasized and the laughter was also ambiguous, making it sound insincere. Liang Xincheng completely did not want to pay attention to him anymore, he just thought he was talking crazy, but Wei Xishuang got ahead of himself: “Do you care about what others think? Or is it only for certain people?…It’s Xia Yuanhang, right? I find that you really care about him, ah. I thought your relationship was all hype, but he doesn’t seem to be too friendly to you, huh?”

Liang Xincheng didn’t even give him a look anymore, put on an eye mask and leaned into the seat to close his eyes. Wei Xishuang, who was self-deprecating, smiled and finally shut up.

Ding Yao’s flight was an hour later than theirs. At this moment, he was still in the lounge of the airport, waiting to board the plane and reply to Xia Yuanhang on WeChat: “I have already arrived at the airport. I just checked in with Xincheng-ge. His plane is one flight earlier and he has already boarded the plane. He is really popular. Many fans came to see him off. It’s a pity that you didn’t come, otherwise you can compare with him haha.”

Xia Yuanhang was still in the hotel. He still had a job here and had to go back a day late. When he received Ding Yao’s WeChat, he was having breakfast in his room and replied to him with a voice message: “There is no need to value popularity too much. The river flows thirty years to the East, thirty years to the West.1idiom meaning change is the only constant or something similar to ‘every dog has its day’ Maybe it won’t be long before you’ll be more popular than me and him.”

“You think highly of me, how can it be possible? My uncle said that the matter of whether one is popular or not is a metaphysics, and I can’t force it. But I looked at him today and thought that Xincheng-ge should be popular. He really looks good, ah. He is very outstanding in the crowd. If I chase stars, I’ll chase him too.”

Xia Yuanhang smiled: “Are you a fan of his face? Don’t be fooled by his face, you saw it that night; he is like that, that’s it.”

“Don’t say that, it’s not clear what happened that night. I think he was quite embarrassed at the time, maybe we misunderstood. Seeing is not necessarily true, and hearsay is even more unreliable.”

“I think you are his fan. The filter is too heavy.”

“Why do you say that? You have worked with him, shouldn’t the relationship be very good?”

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“Who told you that if you have cooperated, you will definitely have a good relationship. I have worked with many people, but not everyone has a good relationship. To be honest, I am not familiar with him. Liang Xincheng, that person…is too complicated; he has so many thoughts,2basically means he’s very good at thinking when encountering bad things, so not in a good way, not suitable for deep friendship.” Xia Yuanhang helplessly educated the child.

Ding Yao couldn’t help frowning as he listened to Xia Yuanhang’s voice. He really had a good impression of Liang Xincheng. Even though Liang Xincheng had targeted him before, he especially believed in his intuition that he didn’t know where it came from, that was, he felt that Liang Xincheng didn’t have a bad heart, he just mixed in this circle and had to pretend to be the him now.

Many people thought that Ding Yao was innocent and simple, but he had followed Du Shen since he was a child. So, he actually saw the people in this circle very accurately. There were many people in the star who pleased him, but he only became friends with Xia Yuanhang because he felt that Xia Yuanhang was not like other people with impure motives. However, on the issue of Liang Xincheng, he and Xia Yuanhang obviously had a big disagreement.

But it wasn’t just Xia Yuanhang, his Xie-gege also kept telling him to stay away from Liang Xincheng, which made Ding Yao really helpless.

After hesitating, he asked Xia Yuanhang again: “Do you really think so? Then what you called brothers and sisters in front of the camera before were all fake?”

“Everyone gets what they want, proper hype is necessary,” Xia Yuanhang admitted frankly, “Liang Xincheng and I really don’t have any personal relationships. The interactions on Weibo are all done by the agent. We are not even ordinary friends.”

“How can you not even be an ordinary friend, right?”

Xia Yuanhang chuckled and continued to reply to the voice: “You have to pay attention to fate to make friends. He is not the kind of person I like.”

“I think he’s pretty good. At least he’s good-looking, why don’t you like him.” Ding Yao still insisted on his point of view.

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“If he looks good, then you must like him? How can he be as cute as you?”

Xia Yuanhang’s words were already a bit ambiguous, and Ding Yao didn’t answer any more: “I’m going to board the plane. Let’s talk later.”

“Okay.” Xia Yuanhang smiled and sighed.


After getting off the plane, Liang Xincheng received a call from Liu Fan as soon as he got into the nanny car and asked him how the recording had been in the past two days. Liang Xincheng replied casually: “It went well, the effect should be good.”

“I heard that you and Xia Yuanhang were a little tit-for-tat in front of the camera?”

Liang Xincheng laughed when he heard the words: “Liu-ge, who did you listen to? Isn’t it all the effect of the show?”

“I’m still afraid you’ll lose your fans.”

“It’s not me who wants to lose the fans. Don’t worry, I obediently listened to you. Not only did I not avoid suspicion, but I also took the initiative. He was the one who didn’t cooperate.”

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“Then it’s easy to handle.” Liu Fan’s mind was very active. Even if Liang Xincheng wanted to break the CP with Xia Yuanhang, he couldn’t be the one to take the initiative, much less let the fans favor Xia Yuanhang. Xia Yuanhang’s lack of cooperation simply played right into their hands.

Liang Xincheng knew what his manager was up to, so he didn’t bother to ask any more questions. After saying a few casual words, he hung up the phone.

He rubbed his brows wearily, leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes again. Looking back on the recording of the program in the past two days, he already regretted it a little bit. He shouldn’t care too much about the relationship between Xia Yuanhang and Ding Yao. He behaved irrationally in front of the camera. Apart from making people laugh, it was actually meaningless.

Except for himself, who cared what he really thought?


The author has something to say:
Focus of this chapter: WeChat’s voice message

T/N: Sorry for being MIA for so long. I didn’t have my laptop with me and I’m too lazy to translate this chapter again haha It’s saved in my laptop instead of cloud so yeah. Next time need to just use google docs I guess


1idiom meaning change is the only constant or something similar to ‘every dog has its day’2basically means he’s very good at thinking when encountering bad things, so not in a good way,

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