Chasing the Light

Chapter 17: 17

Before the filming of the new film started, Liang Xincheng went to Macau to shoot commercials. The three-day filming time was a very good resource.

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The downstairs of the hotel where he stayed was an internationally renowned casino. Before coming here, Liu Fan specifically told him that he could not be addicted to playing when he went in to touch his luck. He also needed to be careful not to be photographed.

Liang Xincheng laughed it off. He was very stingy, so he couldn’t bear to spend his money on gambling.

The third day’s filming ended early and it was over not long after noon. The assistant who followed finally had the opportunity to go shopping, but Liang Xincheng didn’t have much interest in it, so he went back to the hotel alone.

After resting in the room for an afternoon, at eight o’clock, he went downstairs to the restaurant next to the casino downstairs. He wanted to have dinner, but just as he stepped out of the elevator, he unexpectedly ran into Xia Yuanhang.

Xia Yuanhang and a middle-aged man were pulling and arguing about something outside the casino. Even though he was wearing a hat and mask, Liang Xincheng recognized him at a glance. He didn’t know that Xia Yuanhang had also come to Macau and it seemed that it was for a personal matter.

Liang Xincheng stopped and stood in place for a while. As Xia Yuanhang’s argument with the man grew louder, he heard Xia Yuanhang question the man in a stern voice: “What did you say last time? You said it was the last time but what are you doing now?! How many last times do you have?”

The man’s cloudy eyes were full of greed and madness. Because of the excitement, the whole face was swollen red as he gasped for breath: “I’m really lucky this time. You don’t have to care about me. I can win back all the money I lost before with interest!””

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“Are you crazy! Stop dreaming! Come back with me now!”

“I’m not going back, I’m your old man, you leave me alone!”

The man violently swatted away Xia Yuanhang’s hand, turned around and ran inside the casino.
Xia Yuanhang went after him, but was stopped by the casino’s security guard. The security guard seemed to think that he was deliberately coming to cause trouble and refused to let him in, making Xia Yuanhang furious: “He is my father, he has no money left! Why did you let him go in to gamble?”

The passer-by all had been looking at him, but fortunately, there were few people who knew him in this kind of place. When Xia Yuanhang was about to clash with the security guards, Liang Xincheng took a big step over to pull him back and reminded him in a small voice: “Stop it, be careful of being photographed.”

Xia Yuanhang was stunned for a moment, Liang Xincheng smiled at him: “I won’t say anything.”

Ten minutes later, they were sitting in the corner of the bar upstairs. Liang Xincheng watched Xia Yuanhang pour down three glasses of foreign wine in a row without blinking, and helplessly held down his glass: “Stop drinking, you’ll get sick if you drink too much.”

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Xia Yuanhang wiped his face. The wine he drank burned his stomach, and his mouth was full of bitterness.

At this time, it seemed that the person in front of him was just a colleague who had an awkward relationship with him. It was not important anymore. He just wanted to find someone to pour out his heart full of unresolved bitterness: “He came back before the New Year and said he would never gamble again. After the New Year, he went to find a serious job and swore in front of my mother’s grave. As a result, he came here again in less than a month. Do you think he is really crazy?”

Liang Xincheng didn’t know what to say, he didn’t know the situation in Xia Yuanhang’s family. In Liang Xincheng’s impression, when Xia Yuanhang was the most energetic in high school, his family was still very harmonious and happy. He had also seen Xia Yuanhang’s parents come to school together for the parent-teacher meeting. At that time, the man looked very serious and upright. It was hard to recognize the gambler who was so thin and out of shape like an addict that he had seen at the entrance of the casino before as the man before.

“How did he get involved in gambling?”

Xia Yuanhang shook his head and smiled bitterly: “It’s been like this since my mom died. At first I thought he wanted to vent because he was too sad so I didn’t care about him. It was too late when I wanted to. I can’t figure out how much money he has taken from me to gamble over the years…I don’t care about money, but he can’t keep going like this. He also went to borrow loan sharks, he is really tired of living.”

Xia Yuanhang began to pour wine again, but Liang Xincheng did not stop him anymore. Listening to Xia Yuanhang intermittently talking about his mother’s death, he also poured a glass and accompanied Xia Yuanhang to drink a stuffy drink.

When Xia Yuanhang drank a whole glass of wine again, his voice was a little slurred and even a little choked: “I always thought he would change. He was not like this before. Why is he like this now… Why on earth?”

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“People will always change. Don’t be too soft-hearted. Don’t give it to your dad if he asks you for money. You can’t let him really treat you as an ATM. It’s the result of your indulgence that he became like this.”

Xia Yuanhang looked at Liang Xincheng with stunned eyes: “You mean… I made him like this?”

“You are not the main cause, but you can’t say that you have no responsibility at all.” Liang Xincheng patted him on the back and comforted him, “If you want him to change, don’t give him another penny from now on, otherwise he will never be able to change.”

Xia Yuanhang smiled bitterly again: “How can it be so easy? If I don’t give him money, can I watch him get killed by loan sharks and debt collectors?”

“That was too easy to him. You have to teach him some lessons to make him remember for a long time. At least let him know that your money is not from the wind that he can squander it on the gambling table as he pleases.”

Xia Yuanhang knew the truth, but it was not so easy to really harden his heart. He drank one glass at a time, wondering if his father would regret it and stop gambling if he died here drunk.

Liang Xincheng didn’t persuade him anymore. He knew that Xia Yuanhang was uncomfortable and it was useless to say anything at this time, so he might as well let him vent.

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At eleven o’clock, Liang Xincheng carried Xia Yuanhang, who was already drunk and unconscious, upstairs to his room and threw him into the bed. Liang Xincheng stood by the bed and looked at him for a while, unable to tell what it was like.

In the end, he shook his head helplessly and went to the bathroom to get a hot towel. He wiped Xia Yuanhang’s face, but when he got up, Xia Yuanhang suddenly grabbed his wrist.

Drunk people seem to have great strength. The unsuspecting Liang Xincheng was pulled unsteadily by Xia Yuanhang, and his whole body fell into his arms. When he wanted to get up again, Xia Yuanhang’s hands were unconsciously wrapped around him.

Liang Xincheng sighed in his heart. He was not Liu Xiahui.1Liu Xiahui is a metaphor for some people who are not disturbed and it also describes someone’s behavior. Liu Xiahui is a name in ancient times, but the story of his calmness has been passed down from generation to generation They were so close together that the place where they rubbed together reacted almost instantly. He turned his head to look at Xia Yuanhang’s face. The drunk didn’t have much consciousness. He just followed his instinct and hugged him tightly, trying to absorb the temperature on his body.

Liang Xincheng’s lips slowly pressed against each other, and a light kiss was printed on Xia Yuanhang’s chin, then slowly moved up to the corner of his mouth, and finally fell on his lips. The lips were close to each other and rubbed together intimately.

After a long time, Xia Yuanhang, who had been unresponsive, suddenly raised his hand and clasped the back of Liang Xincheng’s head. He pressed him to turn over, and the tip of his tongue dominantly squeezed his lips and teeth and began to kiss deeply without rules.

1Liu Xiahui is a metaphor for some people who are not disturbed and it also describes someone’s behavior. Liu Xiahui is a name in ancient times, but the story of his calmness has been passed down from generation to generation

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