Chasing the Light

Chapter 28: 28


Liang Xincheng didn’t think it was appropriate when he sent the WeChat message. After all, this matter involved Xia Yuanhang’s family affairs, so he actually had no position to intervene. Xia Yuanhang once said that they were not even ordinary friends. Even if the relationship was much better now, it was not good enough for him to intervene in the affairs between Xia Yuanhang and his father.

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He originally wanted to withdraw this message, but the status on the dialog box quickly changed to ‘the other party is typing’. Liang Xincheng knew that Xia Yuanhang had already seen it, and there was no need to withdraw, so he could only forget it.

After two minutes, Xia Yuanhang might have felt that typing was too troublesome, so he sent a long voice message. Liang Xincheng clicked on it directly. Xia Yuanhang’s voice was a little tired. He thanked him first, and then briefly told him what happened. When Xia Xiangzhou went to find him that day, he felt something was wrong, but he didn’t expect Xia Xiangzhou to go as far as to cooperate with the paparazzi to dig a hole for him, deliberately selling misery in front of him for the paparazzi to take pictures.

Now that Xia Xiangzhou had turned things upside down, confusing the public with the right and wrong and poured dirty water on him, he was sure that no matter what he explained, the public may not fully believe it. The public would only feel that their father and son were really at odds, accusing each other of having problems on both sides.

In addition, letting people know that his father was a bad gambler would not do any good to Xia Yuanhang’s own image. Xia Yuanhang also had no evidence to prove that the money he had earned over the years had been squandered by Xia Xiangzhou. Every time Xia Xiangzhou went outside to have fun, he directly took Xia Yuanhang’s bank card to transfer money. Xia Yuanhang couldn’t even get a transfer record.

“Then what should we do? Are you going to let him pour dirty water on you like this? Since he doesn’t care about father and son at all, do you still want to be soft-hearted to him?”

Liang Xincheng also replied with a voice message. Xia Yuanhang couldn’t help laughing when he heard his slightly anxious voice. He didn’t even realize that he had been in a low mood all afternoon, and he was magically calmed down by Liang Xincheng’s worries and concerns.

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So he simply made a voice call and explained it to Liang Xincheng seriously: “I have no sympathy, I have given up on him since the moment he took out the knife. Don’t worry, although there are no bank transfer records, I have other evidence. What happened in the parking lot that day was recorded by surveillance. I was afraid that if people knew about it, the impact wouldn’t be good, so I went to the property management the next day to delete the surveillance, but I kept a copy. I never thought it would really come in handy.”

Xia Yuanhang said with a wry smile. If it weren’t for this kind of thing, he really didn’t want to reveal his bloody scars and show it to the world. He didn’t need the sympathy and compassion of others, but he had to prove his innocence in this way.

Liang Xincheng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this: “That’s great…but how do you post the video? Will you post it yourself? Or ask the media?”

“Just post it myself, just explain it clearly.”

“That’s not good,” Liang Xincheng reminded him, “Even if he’s nothing, but he’s your father after all. You’re going to give people something to talk about if you directly confront him like this.”


“It’s okay, I don’t care about that anymore. You’re also in the video, I have asked someone to deal with it again, to mosaic you out and then post it. It will take some time.”

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Liang Xincheng listened to Xia Yuanhang pretending to say ‘don’t care’ easily, and felt uncomfortable in his heart, so he didn’t care about whether it was appropriate or not, only impulsively suggested: “Let me help you, I’ll post the video. Don’t censor it, just post it directly. You don’t need to respond, just play a silent victim.”

“No, I don’t want to implicate you. After all, this matter has a bad impact…”

“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Liang Xincheng took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down so as not to lose his composure too much: “Xia Yuanhang, are we friends?”

“Yes.” Xia Yuanhang answered almost immediately, and after it came out of his mouth, his heart actually felt a sense of relief, and a subtle unspeakable joy.

After a few seconds of silence, Liang Xincheng smiled: “Okay, then let me help you.”

Twenty minutes later, Xia Yuanhang sent the surveillance video to Liang Xincheng’s mailbox. Liang Xincheng clicked on it and took a look. Although there was no sound, the picture quality was very good, and it was taken from the angle of Xia Xiangzhou, making all the hideousness and rascality on his face clear. Especially the scene where he held a dagger and stabbed Xia Yuanhang frantically, even the resentment in his eyes was not missed, as well as the madness at the end after snatching the check from him. These were enough.

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Liang Xincheng opened Weibo, uploaded the video, deleted and edited a large paragraph before finally clicking Send.


“Mr. Xia Xiangzhou, I don’t know where you got the courage to fabricate facts and lie to the public, and even unite with shameless media reporters to make a play to slander your own son. You have a clear idea of how much money you have taken from Xia Yuanhang over the years, and you can’t just pretend that it never happened because it was all put on the gambling table. Your two fingers were clearly cut off by loan sharks, how can you have the guts to show off your misery? Xia Yuanhang worked hard to make money to fill the huge bottomless hole you owed, but in the end, he couldn’t even pay his own rent, and you accused him of being unfilial in public. Ask your conscience, why do you think he owes you? Even if he was born to you, he has already received a knife from you, is it not considered to pay you back? You said you would never owe each other again, but what are you doing now? Before blaming your son, can you pay back the two million dollars you took from me?”

If it was Xia Yuanhang himself who stood up and accused his own father like this, it might be unconvincing, but with him as a bystander to prove it, coupled with the surveillance video, Liang Xincheng knew that Xia Xiangzhou, a scumbag, couldn’t afford to make more waves. He was not interested in seeing what kind of bloody storm would set off on the Internet after this Weibo was posted, and quitted Weibo directly after it was posted.

Xia Yuanhang sent WeChat to thank him again, and Liang Xincheng replied to him in a relaxed tone: “It’s a small matter, just invite me to dinner next time.”

Soon, there were calls and messages coming in asking him what was going on, but Liang Xincheng ignored them all and only answered Liu Fan’s call. Liu Fan was almost going crazy, roaring as soon as he got connected: “Are you bewitched? What the hell did you just post? Why are you messing around with Xia Yuanhang and his father? What’s the matter with you?”

Liang Xincheng fell back on the bed again as he smiled nonchalantly: “Don’t you like hype the most, you used to say that it doesn’t matter whether it’s black or red, it’s all about heat anyway, isn’t it this, right”

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“Good for you, ah. You’re looking for trouble for nothing, you’re making a mess of yourself for no reason!”

“What’s wrong with that?I can’t even help my friend?”

Liu Fan’s more unspoken curses were all choked in his throat: “That Xia Yuanhang… he has really bewitched you, right?”

“If you say so. I seem to have told you before, the matter between me and Xia Yuanhang will be my personal matter in the future, you don’t need to ask.”

Liu Fan didn’t get angry, but he didn’t really have anything to say anymore. He could only let the public relations try to guide public opinion on the good side. Before hanging up the phone, Liu Fan still didn’t hold back and asked Liang Xincheng: “You’re not really interested in him, are you?”


Liang Xincheng closed his eyes and said nothing before ending the call.

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