Chasing the Light

Chapter 35: 35


In the month after that, the entire crew of ‘The Drunken Golden Tomb’ discovered that after Liang Xincheng recovered from his high fever, his shooting condition had improved. The last month was full of top-priority climax scenes, so Director Peng was still a little worried at first but Liang Xincheng’s performance undoubtedly gave him a reassuring feeling. Even the emotional drama between the male and female protagonists that had been unable to get in the early stage could be filmed smoothly.

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For this reason, Peng Lai privately teased Liang Xincheng if he had exchanged anything with Gu Rong, because he suddenly became enlightened.

Liang Xincheng laughed and said that Teacher Gu did give him a lot of advice, but Gu Rong didn’t dare to take credit and guessed with a smile: “I’m afraid Xiao Liang is in a relationship, ba.”

It was a joke, but it almost told the truth. Although Liang Xincheng and Xia Yuanhang’s current relationship, in fact, was not yet considered to be in a relationship.

Ding Yao of course also found that Liang Xincheng seemed to be very happy lately. Other people might not know why, but he knew. Liang Xincheng’s change all started on that night after Xia Yuanhang came to visit the crew.

He could not hold back his curiosity. So on a certain night when there was no night filming and work was over early, he knocked on Liang Xincheng’s door with a bunch of snacks in his hands.

Liang Xincheng casually tore open a packet of beef jerky, sitting cross-legged on the bed while playing a game and eating. Ding Yao came to his side and asked him with a smile. “Are you in a good mood lately, Xincheng-ge?”

Liang Xincheng squinted at him: “What do you want to say?”

“A lot of people guess you are in a relationship; you held your phone and giggled as soon as the filming finished. I want to remind you to pay attention to the impact. Be careful, if the rumors spread out, it won’t be good.”

Liang Xincheng reached out and knocked him on the head: “You can just say that you want to gossip. Why are you still beating around the bushes?”

“Okay, ba, I’m here just for gossip. Then, Xincheng-ge, you’re really in a relationship aren’t you? With that…hmm, Yuanhang-ge?”

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Ding Yao carefully observed Liang Xincheng’s expression, who smiled and casually answered him: “Not yet.”


It was not ‘not’, it was ‘not yet’. It was only one word difference, but the meaning could be very different.

“Then it’s true, ah? You guys are really that…When did it start ah?”

“Kid, don’t ask so many questions, don’t say anything.”

“How am I a child? You’re only two years older than me. I won’t tell anyone. Tell me, how did you get together? How did you get together so quickly? What method did you use?”

Liang Xincheng was helpless: “Why do you ask so many questions?”

If it weren’t for Ding Yao’s innocence, he would suspect that this kid was deliberately lying, and then turned around and prepared to sell him and break the news to the outside world.

Ding Yao dropped his head and muttered in a low voice: “I want to learn from experience …I’ve liked Xie-ge for so long, but he’s just as unenlightened as a piece of wood, always treating me as a little brother. How can there be such a thing.”

Liang Xincheng, who was drinking water, choked and snorted out a laugh: “Do you really think he just treats you as a little brother?”


“I’m sure it is, ba. His ideal type are all sexy goddesses, not even close to me. I’m trying hard, but I doubt he’ll be able to bend at all.”

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Liang Xincheng’s words that were on the tip of his tongue were turned around and swallowed back. It was really hard to take out the photo he took before in front of the parties concerned, so he could only try to remind him: “The ideal type and so on is to deal with the media’s and fan’s rhetoric, there is nothing to take seriously. I think he is very interested in you, maybe he also likes you, ah. You should ask him directly instead of guessing here. Wouldn’t it be better to tell him face to face?”

“That won’t work. If he really doesn’t feel anything for me, I’ll say that our friendship since we were young will be completely ruined. No, no. Xincheng-ge, you don’t understand. It’s really uncomfortable to have a crush on someone…”

Liang Xincheng said in his heart that no one understood it better than him. Even now, neither he nor Xia Yuanhang completely broke the layer of paper. They sent WeChat messages and called each other every day, which made it more ambiguous day by day. He enjoyed this state very much, but he didn’t want to be the one who took the initiative to make it clear anymore.

That time in Xia Yuanhang’s house, he almost threw away his self-esteem, but he didn’t get a response when he said it. That still made him feel afraid until now. Even if he knew in his heart that Xia Yuanhang might indeed be moved by him, he didn’t dare to say those words again. He was afraid that in the end it would still be his wishful thinking, and he was even more afraid of receiving the cold word ‘sorry’ again.

“The taste of secret love is really hard, but if he can like you in the end, no matter how uncomfortable it is, it’s worth it, you won’t regret it.”

Liang Xincheng comforted Ding Yao in this way. This was his truest thought. Even if he couldn’t get together with Xia Yuanhang in the end, he wouldn’t regret it.

After Ding Yao went back to his room, Xia Yuanhang called him: “How is your day?”

Liang Xincheng smiled and fell into the bed: “It’s still the same non-stop filming as every day.”

“Take care of your health, don’t get tired.”


“Got it, you are so long-winded.” Xia Yuanhang reminded him of this sentence every day. Liang Xincheng thought he was long-winded, but he was actually very happy in his heart.

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Xia Yuanhang smiled helplessly: “If you think I’m long-winded, just pay more attention to yourself, don’t let people worry about you so much.”

“Xia Yuanhang, do you have such a motherly heart for anyone?”

“Depends. How can I have so much free time.”

The corners of Liang Xincheng’s mouth were slightly curled but the phrase ‘What kind of person am I to you?’ didn’t come out: “Ding Yao came to my room to play just now and complained to me that Teacher Xie didn’t understand his mind. He also said I didn’t know what it was like to have a crush on someone. Xia Yuanhang, have you ever had a crush on someone?”

The person on the other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds, and when he spoke again, his breathing seemed to be a little heavier: “I’ve never even had a relationship, where did the crush come from…What about you?”

“So you’ve never been in a relationship,” Liang Xincheng said with a ‘tsk’. “Not many people will believe you if you tell me.”

“Do you believe it?”

“If you say no, then it’s a no. Whether I believe it or not, it doesn’t change the objective facts.”

“Have you ever had a crush on someone?”

“I won’t tell you.” I have a crush on a fool, and I have always liked and loved him until now, but I don’t want to say it if he doesn’t say it.

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Liang Xincheng’s voice was sticky and sounded like he was being coquettish. The corners of Xia Yuanhang’s mouth rose unconsciously; he knew that Liang Xincheng liked him. Although it was not clear when it started, he would not forget that night in Macau. He was drunk but Liang Xiangcheng was not drunk. It was Liang Xincheng who took the initiative to kiss him. Later, Liang Xincheng also said those words that were close to a confession. He had always remembered in his heart.

Before, he was hesitant and even wanted to run away, but now he was very glad that Liang Xincheng took the initiative. If not, he would not have found out how good Liang Xincheng really was, let alone know that he could also like Liang Xincheng so much like this.

He also owed Liang Xincheng a formal confession. The night he went to Hengdian was too hasty, and he also did not want to say it on the phone and WeChat. Fortunately, Liang Xincheng would be back soon, and he would say all the words Liang Xincheng wanted to hear to him.

“Forget about it,” Xia Yuanhang laughed lightly, “I can guess anyway.”


“Guess what, ah? Don’t guess blindly, you might be wrong!” Liang Xincheng’s voice was raised, probably a little annoyed.

“En,“ Xia Yuanhang smiled as he comforted him, “Then I won’t guess, we’ll talk slowly when you come back.”

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