Chasing the Light

Chapter 43: 43


After Xia Yuanhang went out, Liang Xincheng also lost his sleepiness. It had only been a couple of months, but he was no longer used to sleeping alone. He took out his phone and looked at the time, it was only half past two in the morning, so he simply turned on the light and leaned on the bed, scrolling Weibo in boredom.

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At this time of the year, the Internet was still very lively. The night owls who were still awake were passionately forwarding all kinds of funny memes about the Spring Festival Gala, but this year’s New Year’s Eve gossip news about Actor Xie and Ding Yao’s coming out was far more popular than the Spring Festival Gala, making countless people go crazy.

Liang Xincheng clicked on the comments under his own forwarded post and looked at them. There were some fans who implicitly expressed concern that he might become like Xie Qinfeng, and others who said that no matter what he did, as long as it was what he liked, they would support him unconditionally. Liang Xincheng looked at it and could not say what it was like. He knew that his and Xia Yuanhang’s matter would definitely disappoint some people, but he could only selfishly choose to stick to his own obsession for ten years because Xia Yuanhang was his original light.

Xia Yuanhang didn’t return until after dawn. Liang Xincheng, who was already drowsy and about to fall asleep, had barely opened his eyes when he heard footsteps. With a tired look on his face, Xia Yuanhang sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed his hair: “Why are you up so early? Haven’t you slept yet?”

“I couldn’t sleep without you,” Liang Xincheng replied honestly, “What did your father do?”

Xia Yuanhang smiled wryly and sighed: “On New Year’s Eve, he broke into a house and seriously injured someone. I called a lawyer I know to go with me, but we could get him out. The lawyer said it was estimated that he would have to be sentenced to at least ten years.”

Liang Xincheng was surprised, but did not know what to say. In his opinion, Xia Xiangzhou this kind of scum was not even worthy of sympathy in the slightest bit. However, no matter how scumbag the other party was, he was also Xia Yuanhang’s own father.

“Forget it… it’s fine. It’s better for him to go to prison and reform than to continue gambling or even committing crimes on the outside. I’m worried that one day I would wake up and hear that he had been hacked to death on the street by a debt collector. That is the best outcome. ”

“As long as you can figure it out…”

Xia Yuanhang saw Liang Xincheng’s small face tense; obviously Liang Xincheng was worried about him, but his mood relaxed a lot so he touched his face and said: “Go to sleep, I’m sleepy even if you’re not sleepy.”

Liang Xincheng reached out and hugged him: “Let’s sleep together.”

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This sleep lasted until the afternoon, when he was so hungry that he woke up. Xia Yuanhang went to the kitchen to heat up the leftovers from the previous night while thinking about whether their lifestyle was too unhealthy. But the good times were coming to an end. After the New Year, they would join the crew one after another so they would have to be separated for several months. Thinking about it, it was quite unpleasant.


On the afternoon of the first day of the new year, they sat down on the sofa and watched a movie together after eating and drinking; the day passed by like this. After dinner, Liang Xincheng made a rare suggestion to go out: “Let’s go to my friend’s bar for a drink. You’ve seen it before, that He Tianqi from last time.”

Xia Yuanhang knew that He Tianqi; he was one of Liang Xincheng’s few friends. When he was stabbed by Xia Xiangzhou before, it was thanks to his help that he got to be sent to the hospital.

The two of them had been together for a while, but not many people know about it. Xia Yuanhang had a lot of friends in his circle, especially his college classmates whom he had met before, but Liang Xincheng had no intention of joining his circle of friends, so he didn’t force it. Liang Xincheng took Xia Yuanhang to He Tianqi’s bar, not to introduce friends to Xia Yuanhang, but simply to have a drink, and wanted Xia Yuanhang to accompany him.

Because they were going to drink, they didn’t drive and took a taxi there instead. After getting into the car, Liang Xincheng sent a message to He Tianqi. Xia Yuanhang saw the familiar and natural tone when they exchanged messages and suddenly asked: “You said before that your bracelet was a gift from a friend, and it is kind of meaningful. Which friend is it? ”

“What bracelet?” Liang Xincheng realized after asking and was immediately amused. He bumped his elbow against Xia Yuanhang’s waist, pressed close to his ear and lowered his voice: “You even want to eat this kind of vinegar from eight hundred years ago?”

“I’m just asking…”

“It’s not a gift, it’s just an ordinary bracelet. If I didn’t tell you that, how could I find an excuse to go back with you to get it that night?”

Xia Yuanhang was silent, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, but at the same time feeling distressed, and more than anything, feeling grateful. If Liang Xincheng had not been so proactive and direct, they might never have had the chance to be together in this life.


He tilted his head and kissed Liang Xincheng’s face at an angle that couldn’t be seen through the driver’s rearview mirror: “You really…”

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“Really what?”

So cute, so cute that Xia Yuanhang couldn’t wait to put him in his arms and hold him at the tip of his heart every moment.

He Tianqi’s bar was as lively as ever. Liang Xincheng took Xia Yuanhang in with him and went straight to the bar and sat down. He Tianqi smiled, stretching out his fist to bump it with Liang Xincheng’s. “I haven’t seen you for a long time, haven’t you been busy lately?”

After he finished speaking, his gaze fell on Xia Yuanhang beside Liang Xincheng, smiling meaningfully as he greeted Xia Yuanhang as well: “What would you like to drink? It’s on me.”


Liang Xincheng smiled and pouted his lips: “Just drink the same as I drink every time.”


He Tianqi quickly handed them the wine and casually chatted with them. Seeing that Liang Xincheng and Xia Yuanhang were very intimate in their words and actions, he couldn’t help but ask, “If I’m right, you guys are…”

Liang Xincheng raised his glass at him: “It’s what you think.”


Xia Yuanhang turned his head to the side and looked at Liang Xincheng tenderly, with a doting smile on his face.

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He Tianqi said ‘damn’ before saying: “I can’t believe you’ve fallen in love without saying anything, and you’ve even brought it out to abuse single dogs. You are too much, ah.”

“You can keep your voice down. Anyway, we are both popular idols, pay attention to the influence.” Liang Xincheng scolded him with a smile, his expression was full of sweetness that could not be concealed, and there was no concern shown when he said that.

Xia Yuanhang smiled and helped him out: “I’ll treat you to a wedding wine when we get married.”

He Tianqi let out another ‘damn’: “How long have you been together? You’re getting married now?”

“No, he hasn’t proposed yet, so who says I’ll say yes.”

Liang Xincheng said this while looking at Xia Yuanhang. The corners of Xia Yuanhang’s lips rose and gently clinked his cup with him: “Well, then I have to behave better.”

He Tianqi, who was stuffed with dog food, couldn’t stand it and rolled his eyes: “Enough, you guys, I’ll really call the police if you show PDA again.”

After talking for a while, Liang Xincheng went to the washroom, leaving Xia Yuanhang alone to continue chatting with He Tianqi. They didn’t really know each other well and could only talk about some random things. He Tianqi couldn’t help but sigh: “It’s not easy for Xincheng, two years ago, I didn’t expect you two to be together.”

Xia Yuanhang frowned when he heard the words, and subconsciously asked him: “Two years ago?”

“Yeah, I used to be supporting actors with him when we weren’t popular, I saw your picture in his rented room. I didn’t know you at that time, but your name was written on the back of the photo. He said you were his high school classmate; he should have liked you for a long time. I didn’t think he would last so many years. The relationship between you two before…was not very good. I tried to talk him out of it, but he’s a stubborn guy. He was like that with his work and he was like that with you, so as you can see now that I’ve quitted the circle and he’s got the Golden Pine Award and he’s made it work with you as well…”

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He Tianqi chattered a lot, but Xia Yuanhang was completely frozen, not even noticing until Liang Xincheng came back.

“What’s with the daze?”

Liang Xincheng nudged his arm lightly and Xia Yuanhang came back to his senses, looking at Liang Xincheng with a complicated expression. Liang Xincheng said that he hadn’t liked him for long and only a little earlier than he had liked him, but in fact, this ‘a little earlier’ was far from what he had thought. If what He Tianqi said was true, then how many years had Liang Xincheng liked him? He couldn’t even bear to count.

“What’s wrong?”


Xia Yuanhang held his hand and tried to suppress the emotions that were tumbling in his heart, “Let’s go back, ba.”

“I haven’t finished drinking yet…”

“Go back, ba.”

As if sensing something wrong with Xia Yuanhang’s emotions, Liang Xincheng nodded and greeted He Tianqi. Xia Yuanhang held hands tightly and led him out of the bar.


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