Chasing the Light

Chapter 48: 48


In the first month of its release, ‘The Drunken Golden Tomb’ had grossed 1.5 billion yuan1$205,738,800 at the box office, exceeding the expectations of its investors. After receiving the award, Liang Xincheng finally had a beautiful box office performance. He was already the best among his peers and his net worth had multiplied over time.

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In mid-June, he went back to Beijing for a celebration party and at the same time, to sort out his next work schedule.

During this period of time, Liu Fan was so happy that he could not close his mouth that was grinning from ear to ear every day. All sorts of good scripts and resources came to him, and he was almost spoilt for choices but the one that finally reached Liang Xincheng was ‘Little Er Bao’s Miracle and Fantasy World’, which in Liu Fan’s opinion was an unpopular work and really had a little potential. This was the intention of the company’s boss. Liu Fan didn’t quite understand it at first, but when he found out about Xia Yuanhang’s role in it, he understood everything.

The relationship between Liang Xincheng and Xia Yuanhang was well known to Liu Fan, but since the big boss didn’t stop him, he wasn’t going to be the villain. Anyway Liang Xincheng was now popular and had all the awards in hand. Even if he really came out, the impact would not be too great, so he was not going to do anything to avoid getting into trouble with Liang Xincheng.

Not to mention, Xia Yuanhang was willing to gamble with Yu Mingxiu with his own future for the sake of Liang Xincheng. This made Liu Fan even very emotional and impressed.

Liang Xincheng, who had been buried in the drama set filming, knew nothing about this. It wasn’t until he came back this time and got the book ‘Little Er Bao’s Miracle and Fantasy World’ that he found out from Liu Fan what Xia Yuanhang had done during this period of time. There was a long silence before he smiled: “Since it’s Yuanhang’s wish, then I have to act well. I’ll be on the set next month, right? I got it, I’m all okay.”

Liang Xincheng returned to Beijing so Xia Yuanhang also asked for leave from the crew to go home.

They had been apart for nearly four months since February, and had only met twice in between, both times in a hurry. They had not been able to find time for the promised set visits

When Xia Yuanhang arrived home, Liang Xincheng had just come out of the shower. As soon as they opened the door, they embraced each other and exchanged a deep kiss. After the kiss, Liang Xincheng raised his hand to caress Xia Yuanhang’s thin face and murmured softly: “Why have you lost so much weight?”

“It’s nothing, I’ve been rushing to work for a while. The filming will be finished this week, so I’ll be fine when I’m free.”

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He had been working hard day and night during this period of time, and it was indeed very hard. Liang Xincheng looked a little heartbroken and hooked his neck to kiss him again.

It had taken so long to see each other and they both had a lot to say to each other. After having a lover’s prattle for half a day, Liang Xincheng brought up the matter of film investment: “How come you didn’t even discuss this with me beforehand and made the decision on your own?”


Xia Yuanhang smiled and touched his cheek: “I wanted to give you a surprise.”

“It’s almost like a shock. You bet 500 million against Yu Mingxiu? Are you out of your mind? Can this kind of film bring in 500 million at the box office? And that doesn’t even include the distribution and cinema share. Do you know how many billions you need to get get at the box office so you won’t lose?” Liang Xincheng was getting more and more anxious as he spoke. He could still laugh in front of Liu Fan, but with Xia Yuanhang he was really only full of worries.

“I know. Before going to Yu Mingxiu I have repeatedly calculated this account, there is still a chance. I have confidence in this project. You just have to play your role well, and leave the rest to me.”

“Why would I want you to do that? I’m the one who wants to do the film, why are you trying to steal it from me? Even if I have to sign a betting agreement with someone, can’t I sign it myself? Why do I need you to get involved? Why can’t we wait a few more years and invest ourselves when we have enough money? Why do we have to beg others in a hurry?”

Liang Xincheng’s eyes were red, and Xia Yuanhang took him into his arms, patting his back soothingly: “Don’t you still want to buy a big house? How long will you have to save up? …Maybe I’m like my father at heart, I always want to gamble when I have the chance, but I promise you, this is the only time I did it, okay?”

“What if you lose the bet?”

Xia Yuanhang smiled indifferently: “If I lose, I’ll just be selling my body for five years to pay off my debts, I’ll just have to work a little harder.”

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How could it be just ‘a little harder’. The result of selling oneself to pay off a debt was simply self-destructive. Liang Xincheng had never been in favor of doing desperate things, but when faced with Xia Yuanhang’s questioning, he couldn’t say anything else. He knew that Xia Yuanhang was doing this for his own sake and that it was redundant to say anything else after the wood was already made into a boat.2Chinese idiom: 木已成舟[mù yǐ chénɡ zhōu] (lit. the wood is already made into a boat) —what is done cannot be undone He could only do as Xia Yuanhang said, put his heart into the play and try not to let him lose.


Liang Xincheng’s heart was sore and soft. He closed his eyes and buried his head in Xia Yuanhang’s shoulder, not wanting to let the tears flow out.

Xia Yuanhang rubbed his hair and softly comforted him: “Don’t be so pessimistic. The day I went to see Yu Mingxiu, Du Shen was also there, and Shengxing was also involved in this matter. When the time comes, we’ll ask Ding Yao to play a role, and you can ask him to bring in Xie Qinfeng for a cameo as well. So, are you still worried that there is no publicity?”

In Xia Yuanhang’s opinion, apart from the main character, there were many other characters with distinctive personalities in the production of Little Er Bao, so it was possible to invite more guest celebrities who had a lot of buzz, depending on the contacts they have built up over the years.

Of course, the most important thing was the quality of the work itself, which he would personally check, and with Lan Fengqing around, she definitely wouldn’t want her hard work to be causally trashed.

Liang Xincheng sniffled: “You’ve done all this for me, I don’t even know how to repay you properly.”

“Then make a promise with your body?”3以身相许 can also mean pledge to marry someone

Xia Yuanhang fished out a dark blue velvet box from the drawer under the coffee table. Liang Xincheng immediately understood what it was and instantly tensed up as Xia Yuanhang slowly opened the box and explained in a low voice: “These two rings were custom-made by someone abroad. They are specially designed styles. I waited in line for more than half a year and only received them a few days ago. Take a look.”

Liang Xincheng bit his lip. Those were indeed two very beautiful diamond rings. The openwork design was unique, they could be clasped together with each other; there was me in you, and you in me.

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“Are you proposing to me?”

“En, I’m proposing to you, do you say yes?”


After a few seconds of silence Liang Xincheng held out his hand: “Then you can put it on for me, for the sake of the 500 million yuan dowry that you bet on.”

Xia Yuanhang smiled, took his left ring finger and solemnly helped him put the ring on.

The ring fit so well. Liang Xincheng raised his hand to take a closer look, his eyes seemed to redden a little more, and the curve of his lips rose even more: “It’s so pretty.”

He helped Xia Yuanhang put the other one on as well before taking a picture of the two of them holding hands together and sending it to Liu Fan: “Get ready to help me with public relations.”

Then he dropped the phone and smiled, burrowing into Xia Yuanhang’s arms, hugging his waist and kept giggling.

Xia Yuanhang was also happy: “When are we going to get our certificate?”


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“Then let’s wait until after you’ve finished this drama.”

To get the certificate, they had to go to the place of their household registration. Xia Yuanhang thought that when Liang Xincheng’s work was over, then they would go back to their hometown together and get the certificate. It was less than half a month away anyway.

Liang Xincheng lay softly on Xia Yuanhang’s body, unable to stop thinking about the future: “If Little Er Bao’s box office really blows up, won’t we be able to buy a house right away?”

“Well, weren’t you worried about the loss just now?”

Liang Xincheng laughed: “You said it, don’t be too pessimistic, there is a chance.”

He had already figured out that it was useless to worry about it now. He only needed to do his best and listen to God’s fate. Even if you really lost, the big deal was that he and Xia Yuanhang would have to pay the debt together. They were getting married, they should have one heart and one mind. It was no big deal.


Advertisement 1$205,738,8002Chinese idiom: 木已成舟[mù yǐ chénɡ zhōu] (lit. the wood is already made into a boat) —what is done cannot be undone3以身相许 can also mean pledge to marry someone

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