Chasing the Light

Chapter 50: 50


The news that Liang Xincheng and Xia Yuanhang had received their marriage certificate in their hometown hit the headlines half an hour after they left the marriage registry office. The two photos taken by passers-by also were frantically posted by various media outlets.

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In the first picture, Liang Xincheng filled out the form carefully with a pen in his hand. Although only his profile was visible, the upturned corner of his mouth could not conceal his good mood, while Xia Yuanhang turned sideways, looking at him with a gentle smile in his eyes. In the second picture, they were laughing like no one was watching and the picture was frozen at the moment when Liang Xincheng raised his hand to flick Xia Yuanhang’s forehead.

When Liang Xincheng received a call from Liu Fan, he realized that the news of their marriage had been revealed right after they got their license. The speed was faster than they expected, but it was not unexpected. And at this point, it would be unreasonable for them to not respond to it.

Luckily, both their teams were prepared and didn’t have their hands full, having started their public relations at the first opportunity.

“Let me post a Weibo about it and you forwarded it?”

Xia Yuanhang naturally had no problem with Liang Xincheng’s proposal. Since it had already been photographed, it would be better to admit it quickly to avoid further speculation.

Liang Xincheng simply typed a Weibo post and clicked send: “We are indeed married, thank you all for your concern [laughs].”

Xia Yuanhang quickly forwarded it, with only the same Weibo emoji.

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There was no need to say more, that was enough.

Liang Xincheng refreshed Weibo after a while to look at the comments. Perhaps it was because Xie Qinfeng and Ding Yao’s incident had made coming out in public no longer interesting to the public, or perhaps it was because the two of them had paved the way long enough before, that not many people were surprised, and even the fans were calm. Those who could accept it gave their blessing, while those who couldn’t left in silence. This was the best way, anyway.

“Look at the first hot comment, it says we are both married, but why don’t we follow each other. Why is everyone’s attention so strange?”

Liang Xincheng said while laughing and Xia Yuanhang, who was driving, said helplessly: “Gotta have some fun, whatever.”


“That’s enough to satisfy them.”

After following each other, they stopped paying attention to online public opinion. Liang Xincheng quit Weibo, and new text messages kept popping up, all of them asking for confirmation and blessings. He replied one by one, no matter if they were familiar or not. Every polite word wishing him and Xia Yuanhang a hundred years of happiness was very pleasing to him.

“I didn’t expect you to get the certificate so soon. Fortunately, I had the good sense to back out of it early. Congratulations, remember to invite me to the wedding, I’ll be there.”

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While waiting for the traffic light, Xia Yuanhang glanced at Liang Xincheng’s mobile phone screen and saw this message from Wei Xishuang. He chuckled: “This kid is quite thick-skinned.”

Liang Xincheng smiled and asked him: “Are we having a wedding? Quite a few people are asking.”

“Whatever you want. If you want to do it, we will do it.”

Liang Xincheng tapped on his chin and thought about it for a while: “Forget it, there’s no point. Let’s take some time off after the next filming and go out together?”

Instead of wasting money on a big event to add to the gossip, the two of them should go away and enjoy the world as a couple. Anyway, marriage had always been just a matter of two people.



For Xia Yuanhang, anything would be fine with him, as long as Liang Xincheng was happy.

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Liang Xincheng was indeed very happy. He didn’t expect that even his boss Yu Mingxiu had sent him his blessing, and even gave him a big seven-digit red packet. This made Liang Xincheng, a financial fan, extremely satisfied.

After only a week of rest in Beijing, Liang Xincheng went back to the set to shoot ‘Little Er Bao’s Miracle and Fantasy World’. The filming cycle for this movie was half a year, with several locations at home and abroad, and Xia Yuanhang was with the team throughout. Although he only had a small role in which he appeared for an estimated five minutes.

This matter was the result of their discussion. They had just gotten married, so they really didn’t want to live apart for a long time. Not to mention the fact that Xia Yuanhang had put up 500 million in debt for this movie, so he really didn’t feel comfortable not being with the team to supervise the whole shooting production. Moreover, Xia Yuanhang had some other ideas about his career plan. If he could make the first bucket of money this time, he might be able to be his own boss and make investments in the future. Not only would his acting career not be interrupted, he could also try something else.

The project of Xiao Er Bao had been progressing smoothly from the very beginning. The director was an old friend invited by Lan Fengqing. Although he was not well-known, he had his own personal style of filming, which was quite fantastical and romantic. Perhaps this was why he and Lan Fengqing became friends. After watching some of his previous works, Xia Yuanhang also felt very satisfied and let go of most of his heart.

In addition to the main actor Liang Xincheng, Ding Yao, who had already worked with him once, also joined. He even asked for it on his own initiative. After hearing about Xia Yuanhang’s great achievement of betting 500 million yuan with his aunt and uncle1Yu Mingxiu is probably his ‘aunt’ to help Liang Xincheng with the film, he stayed up late to read the original novel. The next day, he came to Liang Xincheng and said that he didn’t want to be paid a penny for the film, but only wanted to be given a role. This was exactly what Xia Yuanhang wanted. Without saying a word, he recruited him, and with a few words of persuasion, Ding Yao went back to Xie Qinfeng and blew on his pillow, and as they had hoped, Xie Qinfeng nodded and agreed to come and make a guest appearance.

On top of that, there was also Wei Xishuang, who came to visit the set one day on a whim, and after watching the shooting for a while, he jumped at the chance to play a part as a 3,800-line actor and volunteered to make a cameo. With the friendship of these people, at least they got enough buzz for the early stage of production.

Liang Xincheng was very dedicated; he didn’t want to disappoint his favorite works and roles, let alone Xia Yuanhang’s 500 million yuan. He took out a two hundred percent serious work attitude, meticulously treating every scene and every subplot, flipping through the script book over and over again until it was worn out. Every night before going to bed, he had to drag Xia Yuanhang to help him go through the scenes he was going to shoot tomorrow to the point he even read the lines in his sleep talk.

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Xia Yuanhang was often worried that he was working too hard, so he constantly gave him personal advice and took care of him in every way. Sometimes Liang Xincheng would have the misconception that he had married a wife or that he had found himself a mother. Of course, Xia Yuanhang’s constant care and concern was actually very much appreciated by him.


In the past, Liang Xincheng always felt that good luck was never willing to favor him, but now he finally knew that he had always been the luckiest one.

Although he still had many more thoughts; wanting to buy a big house, and wanting to win the Best Actor Award, but all these things that once seemed out of reach were no longer complete extravagant hopes. As long as he worked hard, he would have them all one day.

At the worst possible time he met Xia Yuanhang and there was light in his life, and everything had been there ever since.


T/N: And this is the end of the main story! But worry not, there are another four extras coming up. Daily update as usual!


1Yu Mingxiu is probably his ‘aunt’

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