7th May – “Cultural Exchange”

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“Okay, pay attention~”

The Golden Week ended safely too, then the next day.

I was dumbfounded by Omaezaki-sensei who was standing on the podium as usual.

No, to be more accurate it wasn’t by Sensei.

It was by the extremely unique person standing next to her.

“Starting from today everyone will have a new friend. That’s right, a late entrant~”


“Their name is Serephina Ruby Krasis-san.”


“Serephina-san just came to this world.”


“So everyone, please get along with her!”


A strange sound was interposed between the speech, but it wasn’t like it came from Omaezaki-sensei.

It came from the late entrant student introduced by Sensei… That is to say, from our new classmate that came to Itoku.

The student called Serephina-san was entirely wrapped in a strange outfit.

It was made from a thick fabric and looked very misshapen, and the face part was a round glass. At first glance it looked like a spacesuit, but it was a little different, and having seen it in movies in the past I knew the correct name.

Hazmat suit. Something made to protect from virus, poison gas, and generally speaking from touching things directly. The “Shugoー” sound certainly came from the oxygen mask when breathing.

“Someone amazing came…”

I muttered unintentionally. I’ve been in Itoku for around one month and met all sort of students, but I was dumbfounded by this one in a totally different way.

“By the way, Serephina-san?”

Being questioned by Omaezaki-sensei, Serephina-san turned towards her with a “Shugoー”.

“About your appearance…”

Oh. Of course you would ask, Sensei. Well, it’s obvious. Rather, it’s amazing she made that person enter the classroom as if it was normal. Normally you ask before that. It’s too curious, in various meanings.

Alright, Sensei, ask for an explanation. To be honest, I’ve been wanting to make a retort for a while and I can’t stand it anymore. So now, do it, Omaezaki-sensei!

“Aren’t you hot?”

“You’re asking about that!?”

I stood up, kicking my chair.

“Sensei! There is a more fundamental question you should ask!”

“Ah! Now that you mention it, that’s right. As you would expect from Mamoru-kun. How careless.”

After staring in wonder, Sensei clapped her hands and said to Serephina-san.

“Wearing something other than the school uniform to school is prohibited, you know?”

“That’s right, but that’s wrong!!”

Ah, it’s hopeless. We won’t make any progress like this.

“I will get angry if you remain like this, Serephina-san. Could you take it off?”

Demanded Omaezaki-sensei, going at her own pace, but Serephina-san greatly shook their head horizontally.

“Oh. Perhaps you’re not wearing anything under it?”

To deny it, Serephina-san shook their head once more.

“Then, there are no problems~. Okay, time to undress~”

Omaezaki-sensei drew her hand towards Serephina-san’s protective gear while smiling.

Serephina-san’s body froze because of the surprise, but then they began to struggle in resistance. However, Sensei wasn’t perturbed at all, and as if she knew the structure of the protective gear beforehand, she took it off swiftly.

“Okay, I will look after it~”

On top of that, she folded it skillfully and held it against her bosom.

For an instant I thought there might be a reason they wore it and it might be dangerous, but it’s Sensei after all. It’s not like she didn’t consider it, maybe, so it’s fine.


“W-what are you doing, you pleb!?”

I gasped seeing the person who appeared from under the protective gear, flaring up at Sensei.

There wasn’t any special reason.

The transfer student wearing a uniform was a girl.

To put it simply ー She was cute. Like, really cute.

She had long gorgeous hair similar to melted gold, and her skin looked smooth and white like the snow. The pupil inside her almond eyes made you think of the vivid blue sky, and under her gently bridged nose were lips with a beautiful hue of cherry blossom.

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Her figure had the proportions of a model, and from the top of her head to the tip of her feet, there wasn’t any useless part. She was too perfect, making you think of a doll. Impeccable, faultless, perfect, those words were surely for this person.

Just that… I was curious about a certain thing.

About the “ears” on both sides of her visage. They weren’t round like mine, but sharp and pointed.

“If something happened to my body by being touched by this world’s air, would you take responsibility!?”

“My my, you don’t need to be shy.”

“Do you listen when people talk?”

Serephina-san made a face as if she couldn’t believe it.

Sensei faced forward while smiling and started to explain.

“Serephina-san is from, based on how it’s called in her world, the ‘elf’ tribe, and the chief of the tribe decided to send her to Itoku. She’s a little older than everyone, but many of you are the same, so it’s not a problem.”

No, well, that’s true… I looked behind me.

Expressionless, Mao sat arrogantly atop three piled up chairs, and besides her was a huge coffin, as if it was normal. … Yep. No problem.

“Okay, then, please introduce yourself to your future friends.”

Being urged by Omaezaki-sensei, Serephina-san, who was breathing roughly, turned towards us. Noticing all the class had their attention on her, she quickly cleared her throat, flustered.

Then ー She said.

“I-I have nothing special to say! After all, I have no intention to befriend anyone in this ‘Itoku’, not at all!”

The classroom fell silent instantly.

“… Oh my. Why?”

“It’s simple. ー I don’t want to be defiled.”

Folding her arms, Serephina-san turned her sharp chin.

“When I was in the village, my Dear Mother always told me. Bad things are mixed in the air of this world, and the heart of the persons living in it is tainted by greed. Therefore, a pure elf like me will never associate with you.”

Furthermore, glaring this way, she said.

“The new chief thinks that there is no future for the Elf tribe if we continue to live a secluded life. I was selected by a lottery, became the representative unwillingly and was enrolled in this ‘Itoku’. However, whatever the chief thinks, I won’t change my way of thinking. You don’t need to mind me, or rather, I wish that you don’t approach me. ー That’s all.”

Serephina-san brought an end to her speech, building a splendid iron wall between her and us.

“… My my.”

Muttered softly Omaezaki-sensei, cocking her head with a finger on her cheek. As expected, even Sensei would be troubled about how to deal with such an obstinate behaviour.

“You’re a really shy person~. How cute.”

Or so I thought, but it wasn’t the case at all. The same as usual.

“Mamoru-kun, Serephina-san just came to this world and still isn’t used to it, so please teach her about various things.”

“Ah, yes. Of course.”

Omaezaki-sensei nodded, then still grinning.

“Thank you. Then, Serephina-san, please sit in any empty seat you want. I’m going to the staff room a little to drink tea~”

She left the classroom walking lightly.

Serephina-san looked at where Omaezaki-sensei left, unsatisfied, but eventually she snorted and began to walk towards the back of the classroom.

As if not minding being observed by everyone in the class, she threw her bag on a desk near the window side, then sat on the chair.

Then she glared this way.

“Please do not look at me with your dirty eyes!”

After saying those severe words, she closed her eyes.

“… She really is incredible, in various ways.”

Gai, sitting next to me, smiled wryly. I mostly agreed with him.

“Why is she acting with such hostility? You cannot build trust with your surroundings like that.”

Said Mao behind me, with a baffling sentiment.

I took out the smartphone in my pocket, and launched an app.

Before long, the words “Other Worlds Specialised Dictionary” appeared on the screen.

Just as its title says, it can give information gathered until now about other worlds about the things you search. I entered the words Omaezaki-sensei said earlier, “elf tribe”.

Results appeared right away. There were several, so I tapped on the first one.

『The Elf tribe. A race existing in several worlds. The race of the same name created in literary works in this world resemble closely to it. Their characteristics are their pointed ears and their longevity. They mainly live in deep mountains, love arts and philosophy, and they have the tendency to avoid contact with people other than the ones from where they live, or the persons from other races that they recognise as “corrupted”. Various reasons exist, but the main point is that they think themselves as sacred beings.』

… I see. Thinking about it, there is that kind of feeling in manga and games. And that why she acts like this.

“How will I deal with that…”

I groaned, scratching the tip of my nose.


A few hours later.

It was lunch break, but as though there was an invisible barrier around her, there wasn’t a single person near Serephina-san.

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Generally, when a late entrant or a transfer student arrives they become the centre of the attention for a while, but… well, I guess it’s normal considering how she acted.

“Hey, it’s time for someone to do something, no? The atmosphere of the classroom is pointlessly heavy.”

Next to me, Gai grimaced while chewing on a spare rib. … Yeah, he’s right.

A “don’t approach me aura” surged from the whole body of Serephina-san who was folding her arms in silence, pressuring us and making it difficult to breathe.

“But, who is someone?”

You’d need to be quite gutsy to cut through this atmosphere.

“You… Well, that.”

That? Somehow I can feel Gai’s gaze. N-no, it’s not only Gai.

“A suitable person is here.”

Mao chewed a cream-filled roll while looking this way from the seat in front of me.

“… Err…”

I looked behind me.

“Don’t do something so cliché. We’re talking about you, Mamoru.”

“Hey, where are you Mamoru, they’re calling for you!”

“You. You. It is you.”

Mao poked me relentlessly.

“O-ouch! It hurts! W-why me!?”

“Because you’re the class representative of this class.” “Aye.”

“Don’t think I can do everything because I’m the class president! I don’t have the emotional strength to do a suicide attack against this perfect wall! Someone else suitable… What about Kisshi!?”

“She just left. Must have gone to buy her lunch. And so, we beg you, class rep!”

“Class president. We can only rely on you.”

Gai and Mao clapped their hands, then the other classmates called “Class rep” too.

“Do your best, you can do it class rep!” “Do it class rep!” “Whoo, Class rep!”


What it this unified power!?

“Okay, got it, I got it! I’ll do it! I just need to it, right!”

If I could refuse, then I would have taken the initiative long ago.

I stood up with a sigh, readied myself, then I went towards the seat in the corner of the classroom.

Serephina-san was still gazing outside the window, not looking this way.

Uhh. I’m nervous. It’s as if my heart is going to explode. But I already said I’d do it. I can’t run away.

Here I come! First, let’s try to discuss. Alrightー.

“He… hello, Serephina-san. Can I take a little of your time?”

It was the instant I called out to her resolutely.


Serephina-san disappeared with a loud sound.


I was surprised, but I immediately understood what happened.

Serephina-san hid herself behind her seat with an incredible speed.

“W-w-what do you want?”

“Er, well…”

I approached with one step.


Then Serephina-san stepped back toward the window.

“So, what do you want!?”

“Well, I just wanted to talk a little…”

I took another step forward.


With a thick sound, this time Serephina-san really disappeared.


“Please, do not approach me!”

I heard a voice from above my head. I looked up.

Serephina-san was clinging to the ceiling using her legs to hold onto the wall.

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“Wow, you’re amazing!”

“I told you not to approach! If you get closer than this, I will jump out the window!”

Serephina-san looks quite frantic. She’s serious.

“N-no no. I only approached a little…”

“I heard it from my Dear Motherー”

Serephina-san suddenly opened her eyes wide, then shouted.

“If an elf is touched by a man of this world, she will become pregnant!”


Must be hard to live for you, elves!

“No, it’s not possible. At least, it’s not written in the dictionary.”

Gai gave me an advice from the back. P-phew, thank goodness.

“Seems like it’s a lie.”

“That’s not true! My Dear Mother said she heard it from the person living in the house three away from ours that her neighbour’s acquaintance’s acquaintance’s wife’s relative’s little brother’s uncle’s wife used to live in!”

“That’s an absurdly distant source of information!”

It’s far past the level of unreliable.

“A-anyway, you’re misunderstanding. I want to talk. I just want to talk!”


Serephina-san made a long groan. That’s scary.

But ー Perhaps she thought that I won’t leave no matter what, she descended reluctantly after a short while.

“… So, what do you want?”

Nevertheless, she still maintained a fixed distance between us. … Oh well, I guess it can’t be helped.

“Err, well. Ah, I know. First, let me introduce myself. I’m Yakuma Mamoru. I’m kinda the class president of this class. Do you know what’s a class president? It’s someone who assemble people. No, actually it’s not really that important. An advisor… is a little different too. Hmm…”

Now that I think about it, what’s the role of the class president? I mean, I don’t have the caliber of a leader. A mediator… No, I feel like that’s slightly off too.

“… Oh well, whatever. Anyway, I don’t mind if you think about me as the guy who gives advices to otherworlders who are still unfamiliar with this world. So? Do you have something you don’t understand about this world?”

“There isn’t. If you have finished talking, then please leave.”

“Wait wait, give me another chance, please! One more! One more chance!”

“… Just one.”

Serephina-san’s expression was like she was reluctant from the bottom of her heart. Th-that hurts…

“Umm, well, Serephina-san, you said that you don’t want to befriend us, but I don’t think it’ll be possible in the future. You were dispatched here because the chief of your tribe thought that you should interact with the others, right? I’m not telling you to forcibly become friend with everyone, but could you at least try to talk a little? Perhaps you’ll change your mind.”


“Omaezaki-sensei said it, but there are various kind of people in this class, and even though they look different, they’re all good guys. I think they are easier to get on with than what you think, and even if I’m not good you can just talk with someone else. Anyway, rather than not knowing about each other until the end, how about trying at least?”


“U-umm… Why haven’t you said anything for a while?”

I asked, unable to endure the tension, but Serephina-san said, with half-closed eyes.

“Not really. I was just observing how you could talk so tediously.”

“… Eh?”

“However, no matter what you say, I only have one answer. I do not intend to befriend you at all. In other words, what you are doing right now is totally useless!”


As expected, even I would become irritated when something like that is said to me so bluntly.

“Hey, don’t speak like that. I just wanted to make a compromise!”

“Who asked for such a thing? When? What time? What second? How many times had the sun risen?”

“Don’t answer like an elementary school kid! No matter how much you don’t want to be concerned with this world, from the moment you came there is no way for you to be taciturn like that forever!”

“Ta-taciturn!? How impolite!”

“It’s your attitude that’s really rude!”

“Hey, stop now.”

Gai forced his way between me and Serephina-san who were disputing.

“If your objective is peace, then disputes are needless. Compose yourself.”

Mao looked up at me too and slightly shook her head.

“B-but, when I’m told something like this…”

Then, the moment I was going to say my feelings to those two.

“That’s right. Mamoru did nothing wrong!”

Suddenly, someone passed beside me, approached Serephina-san and strongly struck her desk.

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Long silver hair, a gallant expression, and a longsword sheathed in the scabbard attached to her waist. It was Kisshi.

She had a sandwich in her hand, so I guess she really had gone to buy her lunch.

“The problem is this woman. Even though Mamoru especially tried to deepen the interaction between us, why, of all things did you harshly shook it off? I do not care if you are an elf or whatever, from the moment you came to this world, you too have to adapt yourself to this class!”

Serephina-san snarled at Kisshi who raised her voice.

“I-I only came to this world because it was the chief’s order, not because I wanted to! That’s why, I have no reason to get along with you!”

She faced Kisshi with burning eyes,

“And why do I have to get along with tainted people like you? Just being with you gives me goose bumps, even though I do my best to endure it!”

“… What?”

The tone of Kisshi’s voice instantly lowered. Thereupon, I suddenly regained my composure from my excited state. Ah, that’s bad. Just now, she said something that she shouldn’t have.

“What did you sayー!?”

Just as I thought, Kisshi became enraged and attacked Serephina-san with her sword.

“Daaaaaa! Okay, stop! It will only widen the distance between us! It will only widen it to an unreachable level!”

I hurriedly binded Kisshi’s arms from her back. However, I couldn’t stop her completely as she struggled with so much strength.

“Uhh. Class rep, leave it, to me.”

Then, a huge figure passed by me making the ground rumble.

Its head reached the ceiling of the classroom, and its body was made of stone.

It was a golem, a “doll with a will”, and it seems it was made in the past by a magician from another world. In our class, everyone called him “Golesuke”. (TL: Suke is usually used for boy names, but I think it might be a pun too, as the kanji is the one used for help and assistance, and Golesuke is gentle and helps people.)

“Kisshi, stop. Class rep, is troubled.”

Golesuke stretched his long palm, then he skillfully seized Kisshi’s arms with only his fingertips.

“H-hey, stop Golesuke! This is for your sake too!”

“Violence, is wrong. I, was taught. Stop, violence.”

Golesuke dragged Kisshi along to the back of the classroom.

We’re saved… Thanks, Golesuke.

“… Well, Kisshi did too much. But even then, your attitude isn’t really good, you know? Serephina.”

Said Gai while scratching his black hair tinged with grey. It seems that he thought that it would be futile with only me.

“It’s as she said, no matter how it was in your world, from the moment you came here it’s inevitable. I think it would be better if you softened your attitude a little.”

“… H-humph. I do not care.”

Serephina-san turned away, as she didn’t want to listen.

Damn. She plans to stick to her way no matter what. I’m angry, but it’s changing to obstinacy. No matter what it takes, I’ll make her blend with everyone in Itoku!

But, what should I do to make it happens…

“You. You.”

Then, sensing the hem of my trousers being pulled, I looked down. Mao was throwing out her chest with her arms folded.

“I have prospects of victory. Lend me your ear, I will tell you the only method to change the status quo.”

“Oh, you have a nice idea?”

I crouched down to make eye contact, and Mao nodded with her usual expressionless visage.

“In my world, I was a king with many subordinates. A reasoned mind, a method to seize victory, this shall not be achieved half-heartedly.”

“Err… Because you had many subordinates, it was difficult to earn their trust?”

Mao nodded. It seems I was right.

“Therefore, I first observed the desires of my subordinates, but did not realise it. Creating an environment in which their desires would be realised without demanding would have them realise the self-evident truth that working underneath me would be to their advantage.”

“… Hmm?”

This time I didn’t understand everything.

“In other words, if you wish someone to understand something, or to reach a compromise, rather than going straight for it, wouldn’t showing that you have what they want and are interested in be the most effective?”

Mao, still expressionless, raised her thumb to Gai explanation.

“Ah, I got it. But, hmm… Even if you say that…”

I don’t have the slightest idea about what Serephina-san wants.

“If you don’t know, then just prepare a lot of things. There is the saying ‘Repetition is the key to success’ in this world, right?”

… I see. Gai has a point.

The first priority is to show Serephina-san that this world isn’t that bad by showing her many things.

Alright ー It’s interesting. If it’s like this, as the class president I’ll do it thoroughly!

“… Just wait and see, I’ll absolutely make Serephina-san a member of this class!”

Suddenly all fired up, I pointed at Serephina-san.

The person herself, though, was only looking at me with a suspicious look.

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