Hinata, a saint, is puzzled by the pure white world. You should have been praying in church, but it would be inevitable if you suddenly came to the world of the gods. Cain did not expect Hinata to come to this world at the same time and was surprised to see his eyes wide.

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"Hinata, you won't sit here either."

Lyme, the god of life, spoke to Hinata in a gentle voice.

"Oh, that voice ... maybe ..."

Hinata also has a familiar voice and turns her eyes to the Lord of the voice. He prayed daily at the altar and rarely heard the voice of an oracle from a god. Hinata took the prostrate on the spot when he realized that those in front of him were gods.

"Hinata, Lime says this and let's sit down."

Cain yells at Hinata's side. Hinata raises her face to her voice, confirms that it is Cain, and relaxes her cheeks.

"--understood" Tra nsl at e d b y m

She sat next to Cain as she was encouraged.

"Your religion has reached our gods. I was with Cain this time so I was guided to this world."

"Yes ... Lime, thank you for taking this opportunity."

Hinata, who bows deeply, is still nervous and listens carefully to the words from Lime. Cain has been to the world of the gods several times, but listens to Lime's words, wondering if there is something in the gods who looked tighter than before.

"Ah, yeah, thank you, Cain. Thanks for your pleasure."

Grimm, a skill god, caught his mouth as if breaking such an atmosphere. There was a reversi made with the prototype at hand. It may have disappeared during the dedication.

"Yes, I'm always having fun with Grimm. It's pretty deep ... I've won 2140 games at the moment." Panam says with a smile, but Grimm puts his mouth in his voice. T r a ns la t e d by Jp mt l .com

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"No! Thailand must have 1139 wins!"

Cain can't hide his surprise from counting so many times.

"A little quiet?"

Zenom, who had no presence until now, calls out.

"The weakest guy is uttering!"

Regardless of the dignity of the creator, he is abused by Grimm. Cain was surprised that Reversi was the weakest creator.

"What the eagle is just out of hand for you!"

Lime talks to Hinata as the three gods fight.

"Leave these people alone. You may be targeted for life many times during this visit. Then have Cain help you next time. Well ... let's talk a little together. "

Lime stands and beckons Hinata a little further away. As he was told, Hinata headed for Lime.

"I can't help it at all ... Cain, how about magic?

The magic god Reno talked to them sideways.

"Yes! It's fun. I can't do large-scale magic because of various problems ..."

"It's okay if you don't do anything that breaks the stars. There's a lot to do with your power ..."

Before giving Kago Lv.10, I was watching Cain carefully. It was out of tolerance for humans, but it was within the range that Reno would have enjoyed. Tran sl a te d by jpmt l .co m

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"Even so, there aren't many books about the types of magic, so I saw Yuya's imperial book, but there's no other ..."

He had read all the imperial spellbooks from the king and had already used them. However, I felt unsatisfactory because I was greedy about magic by taking care of Ranobe who was born in this world before life.

"--I can't help. I'll give you this."

Leno put out a book from between the black robes and placed it on the table. Is it a black cover and about 10 cm thick? It's a thick book with nothing on the cover.

"this is……"

"--As you might imagine, it's magic that God uses. It's called a deity magic in your world. But depending on what's on it, it's a catastrophe. I suppose Cain would be fine ... "

Cain makes her eyes shine in the first-time spellbook. No wonder. In front of you is something that can be called the pinnacle of spellbooks in this world.

Creative magic "You might be able to do the same thing because you have it, but be careful."

"Hello! Thank you. I will take care of you."

She holds a magic book placed in front of her in her chest and smiles wide. After all, the quest for new things was unbearable for boys. The three gods are still in an abusive battle and can't talk, and while chatting with Reno, Lime and Hinata return. Hinata's face seemed to be red, but Cain kept talking. Hinata also sits next to Cain. Lime warns him that the abusive battle has finally ended. Zenom spoke to Cain with an uncomfortable face.

"I showed you a bad guy ... Cain, your strength has already stepped into the realm of God, but it's still not enough. What? "

"Still say! This little fish!"

"That's right! There's no trial that won you!"

Zenom's word seemed to have also stimulated the two gods.

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"Cain, don't worry about these guys. Protect Hinata. It's about time, soon ..." Tr a n s la t e d b y jp mt

After Lime's words, his vision becomes pure white. By the time I noticed, I had already returned to the church altar. Hinata is back, and they meet each other.

"Cain always met the gods like that ..."

"Yeah ... I'm always more decent ..."

He grinned and nodded that the gods were rubbing for the reversi sent by Cain. After leaving the altar, I decided to rent a church drawing room. Hinata called out to Sister. Sister was also uplifted at the request of Hinata, who was worshiped as a saint, and began to guide with eagerness. He seemed to follow behind, but walk with a light step that he was skipping. Cain and Hinata sat face to face, and Sister prepared tea, placed it in front of them, bowed and bowed out. Cain opens after confirming that the sister has left using exploration.

"But I was really surprised. Hinata would be going to the world of the gods together."

"I was my first experience. I was always praying and I heard the voice of Lime. I'm happy to actually meet him. Thanks. "

Hinata responds with exaltation to the fact that she could actually meet Lime who was always entrusted to the oracle.

"And ... I wanted to ask you, but can you see the apostles even if you're not Hinata?"

Only a few know that Cain is God's apostle. If anyone looked at Cain and knew he was an apostle, he thought it would be a big deal.

"I don't know .... I saw Cain in a godly aura, so I knew it very soon. Did you realize that even the bishops of this country didn't even know that they were not Pope? I don't know if the Pope will notice it. "

After hearing Hinata's words, Cain exhaled. Meeting the Pope is impossible without going to Malinford. You may need to go in the future, but there is no plan at this time. They talked in the reception room for about 30 minutes, and then left the church.

The guard of the religion, who was escorting outside the church, looked grumpy and greeted them.

"It took a lot of time. I would like you to refrain from having a secret meeting together ...."

The escort guard complains while watching for some information to flow from Hinata.

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T ra n sl ated b y jpmtl.c om "I was praying to the gods. There is no reason to say that to you."

Hinata with a grim expression accuses the guard of the escort.

"This is the Saint ... I'm sorry."

Hinata accused the guard of escort to apologize in a bad mood.

"Not to me, to Lord Silford."

"that is……"

The guards frown at Hinata's words.

"Saint, don't worry about me. The captain is also worried about her ..."

Cain decides that he can't help escaping here any more and tells the escort commander that there is no problem. The guard, who did not have to apologize to Cain's words, was relieved, but Hinata continued to express her harsh expression.

"You're a knight that can be used for God. I'm embarrassing as a saint to be a church knight with such a feeling."

Hinata's harsh words warrant his guard.

"... I'm sorry Lord Sirford ..."

Despite his disgusting look, the escort bows down to Cain.

"Captain, I don't care ..."

Cain spoke to the escort commander before boarding Hinata and the carriage. After the two rode in the carriage, the captain's expression, which looked up, was so hating that she had never seen before.

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