A few days after the incident, Cain is kneeling with the girl next door at the audience at the Royal Castle.

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"Raise your face"

Called by the king, Cain and the girl next to her--Riltana turned up.

"This time, the kidnappings in the royal capital have been settled by the success of the two, and we are rewarded. Cain von Sylford Drintl and Princess Liltana van Weissus. They will be rewarded with twenty platinum coins, and I would like to thank Princess Rirutana for helping me in spite of other countries. "

"Thank you very much" "Thank you, His Majesty the King"

They bowed again.

"So this is it-" "Wait a minute!"

T ra ns l a ted by Jpm tl.c om A nobleman spoke over the words of Prime Minister Magna, who attempted to declare the audience end.

"What is ... Corsino. Do you have any opinion ...?"

The king sitting on the throne glares at Marquis Corsino. Marquis Corsino stepped forward and kneeled.

"Actually, it was a mansion given to me by the royal family, but before dawn yesterday ... it was cut in half ... this is not in the work of another country or demons!"

"" Buffo ""

The King and Magna, sitting on the throne, blew out at the same time. All the noblemen around me knew that they had passed in front of the House of Marquis Corsino. Cain, kneeling, is shaking his shoulders and looking down. The King glances at Cain and then again at Marquis Corsino.

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"I'm only rumored about the matter, but I've heard it already. "" Her Majesty ... that ... what kind of assistance ...? "" They would be marquis too. Of course, as a senior noble, I would cover it at my own expense. "" ... Such ... " ask"

T r a n slat ed b y jp m tl .c om In the words of the King, Prime Minister Magna declared the end of the audience.

After the King has left, the senior nobles will also leave. Cain also exited with Riltana and was immediately stopped.

"Sir Silford, His Majesty is calling you." "Well ... is that true?" "Well ... I'm waiting with Prime Minister Magna."

Cain drops his shoulders and follows his follower. And she was taken to the usual drawing room. When his servant knocked on the room and opened the door, the king and Magna were already waiting.

"Your Majesty, I've been waiting for you."

Cain sits down as directed.

"No, Cain. I know what I want to say ..." "No, what? ..." "---- Well, I'm asking Corsino to have a hard time. "Cain?" "I'm not sure what he's saying ... but your Majesty is also struggling." "Um ... especially because of the Lord." Do you think that both Corzino and the Lord aren't the same ...? Well ... I'm in a good mood today. You can go down. "" Yes.

Cain leaves the room after bowing.

"―――― I guess I did too much ..."

I left Ojo while muttering such a thing.


Time goes back after the incident.

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Marshal Corsino, who escaped from allegations, was approaching a mansion. It was the residence of a baron, a nobleman, and the keeper of Marquis Corsino.

"Marquis Corsino !? What happened at such a time?"

Breed, witnessing the harsh look of Marquis Corsino, immediately leads the mansion to the state-of-the-art drawing room. And they paid for them. After confirming that no one was there, Marquis Corsino opened his mouth in a bad mood.

T r ansl at ed by jpmt l .c o m "Bleed, I want you to arrange an" are "immediately. Immediately." "?! Are you an" are? "... I understand. Let's arrange it immediately."

When he flips his finger on the spot, a darkened man appears and kneels down.

"Would you like to call me?" "Mug, are you always waiting ..." "Of course, there's something to do." "Oh, actually-"

I will explain what happened today. And if found, there might be evidence that it would be safe to be deprived.

"Is it possible to handle everything?" "Leave it to you, but can you leave it here?" "Um. No problem if I don't have the sparks. Leave it to me." . "

The black man disappears on the spot.

"It's strange ... I don't make any mistakes."

The two laughed suspiciously.

And late at night. After completing a simple search of the mansion and starting another search the next day, Narnis Shokai repaired the broken door easily and several men were moving while no one was able to enter it. Was.

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"Build all the evidence. Don't leave anything."

A leader-like man gives instructions. Oil was sprayed from the basement of the firm to the top floor. The men who have finished oiling escape from the window. And a man fired a fire magic.

"This should be fine"

The fire spreads one after another with oil inside the losing popularity of Narnis. Although the firm was made of stone, the interior is basically wooden. The momentum would not stop if oil was spilled and set on fire. Guards rushed in and put out fire fighting, but by the time the fire had ceased, the interior had already been turned into charcoal.

The next day, after hearing the fire, Cain called on Dalmatia to come up with a solution.

"Is the connection between the Narnis firm and Marquis Corsino all ashes ..."

The demons don't basically move in the shadows. There is no such person, but basically they struggle head-on and compete for strength. It was inevitable that Dalmatia could not see through to the essence of man. Cain did not assume that much and did not blame Dalmatia. Tr ans l at e d b y jpmt l .c om

"I'll leave my insects in the house of Marquis Corsino today. But ... I can see and hear, but it's difficult to prove it." "I know. But I want information. Will you be there? "" I see. Then ... "

Dalmatia bowed to the shadows after bowing.

Information gathered immediately. I immediately knew that Corsino was making the arrangements. However, it is not evidence because it is information from familiars. At midnight, Cain and Dalmatia are alone above the residence of Marquis Corsino.

"Is there any good idea ..."

Dalmatia advises Cain in his arms.

"What about sneaking into a little fussed space? I sneak in, but ..."

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Cain nodded at the Dalmatian proposal.

"Then I cast the magic and ask for the vacant space. I just need to break the door."

When it comes to fire, it's a fuss. Cain chose wind magic and let go.

Vacuum blade ""

The magic released from Cain's right hand becomes a vacuum blade and heads for the door of the house. However, the blades grew progressively larger toward the house.

And ―――― The whole house was divided. The mansion gradually collapses from the divided part.

Cain lost his words after seeing the tragic situation.


Tr an s late d b y jp m tl .com "... Cain-sama ... I think it's overkill, but the doors have been destroyed, but it's going to be two in every mansion ..."

He intended to throw elementary magic, but became devastated by his magic without knowing his own weight. The larger the scale of destruction, the louder the sound. The sound resounds around the house

"--Dalmatia ... Let's return today ..." "--Yes ... I understand."

They disappeared from the spot due to transfer magic.

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