"I don't wear unfamiliar clothes .... I'm from a different country.

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They appear and look at the faces of the fallen assailants.

"These guys ... Isn't that a C-rank guy?" "I've seen it. Well, you can take it to the guild, do you know?"

They started talking Cain elsewhere.

"... Um, these guys? Do you know?"

One person nodded to Cain asking.

"I haven't seen it. I don't know directly .. But, you won't be able to win the C-rank opponents in small increments, you. Um ..." "Oh, that's Cain." I'm going to help you that much. I didn't ask for a decent request today. You couldn't carry five people ... instead, give me a bar? "

Tr an s la te d b y jp mt l.c o m The man smiled as if his grumpy lie was a lie.

"Um ... even if you ask her name?" "Oh, sure. Yes, I'm a nail.

Nod when everyone is introduced.

"Okay, if you bring them to the guild, it's the bar just as it is! Cain, can you bring one too? It's fine if you win against the guys," "Oh, yes. Sure ..."

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A swordsman-the nails carry one unconscious, and then all carry one by one on their shoulders. Cain had one leg of a man who was a leader, and dragged it. For Cain who did not intend to forgive, he felt it was no problem.

"Well ... it looks painful."

The nail looks painful when he sees the assailant being dragged, but Cain walks without concern. The adventurers, Cain, and the inhabitants on the shoulders gaze at the inhabitants, but then look further at the man Cain drags. While taking such a gaze, he walked around the city and arrived at the guild. The nails did not seem particularly concerned and went inside with Zukazuka, rolling the assailant in the empty space. Looking at the rolled men, the receptionist of the guild immediately comes out of the counter.

Tr ansl ated by Jpm t l.c o m "Nail-san! Is this one ?! ... And these guys, aren't they Banza-san !?" "For more information, ask the shavenman-Cain."

Cain glanced at Nail's words. The receptionist sent Cain an alleged gaze.

"Is it you? Did you tell me a little bit? I'd like Nail to hear the explanation together if possible ..." "It's troublesome, but I don't know how to ... "Keep a seat at the bar." "Oh, I see. I'm doing it first." "That's how. I'll do it soon. Let's do it soon.

The receptionist tells the staff at the back, and several people come out and carry the rolling men. For the time being, I decided to keep it once in a cell underground. Cain was taken by the receptionist and guided to a private room. Cain and Nail sit next to each other, and a reception lady and a thirty-something man sit in front of each other.

"First, let me introduce myself. I'm the subguild master of this city, I say Fault. Kaela sits next to me." "Kaera. Thank you."

Cain nods and introduces himself.

"I'm Cain. I'm a student from the kingdom of Esfort and I'm coming to this country for training this time."

When everyone has introduced themselves, the fault opens.

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"So, can you explain it from the beginning?" "Yes, actually ----"

After leaving the adventurer's guild, being attacked when she was turned on and entered an alley. When he returned, he explained that a nail appeared and helped him to carry him to the guild.

"--Okay, nail, isn't it wrong?" "Oh, I'm right with what Cain said. I was saying ... "

The expression of the two is solidified in the words of Cain.

"I see, Kaera. Can you find out who they are connected to?" "I see. I'll look into it soon." "Um, please. Banzas are still C rank. I don't see anyone who has enough abilities to be able to go back alone ... but he said he was registered as an adventurer. Could you show me a card? "

Cain's expression was solidified by the words. Surely, if you play a guild card, you will immediately understand that there is no problem in your ability. But there are nails next to it. Cain didn't want to be too open.

"... Is it okay to be in this room only ...?"

In Cain's words, Fort and Kaela wonder. T ra ns l a te d b y Jp m tl .com

"Essentially, they impose a duty of confidentiality. There should be no problem. Nail, can you do that?" "Oh, I understand."

Cain sighed and laid her guild card on the table. Looking at the guild card, everyone except Cain opened his eyes wide.

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"Well, S rank !? Is this true?"

Fault managed to squeeze the words, but Kaela and Nail were utterly uttered.

"... Cain, really !? S rank !?" "I saw an S rank adventurer in front of me for the first time ..."

Fault checks the guild card and returns it to the table.

"It's definitely in the S rank. It's no wonder that we've returned five people, but the banzas did stupid things. "I have heard that the S rank is the same as" natural disaster ". It looks so cute ..." "Ahhhhh. Banza is also ridiculous. Should I just have? "

The guild was then responsible for investigating future actions and letting the banzas vomit who requested them. Cain left and left the private room with the nail.

"Cain, let's keep it quiet for the other guys. It's going to be troublesome." "It's helpful. There are so many things ..."

When they headed for the bar, the rigs were already drinking.

"I'm doing it first because they're both late."

Cain remains in uniform and cannot be drunk. I ordered fruit juice and sat down. When all the drinks have been served, the nail stands.

"Well, there are various but toasts for an interesting encounter!" "" "" Cheers! "" "

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Raise the mug and pour it into it. Cain starts talking while tasting the fruit juice.

"Yes, nails. How was the guild?" "Hmm? Ah, that was going to be checked by the guild. We seem to have already used it." "Hmm, that kind of thing" "Ah That's it. " Tra n sla t ed b y jpm tl .co m

The nail lifts the mug. Rather than talking badly and being interested, if you say that you did not talk and talked to the guild, the other members would be convinced. Five people, including Cain, were talking around the table, but suddenly heard a call from behind.

"Huh? Cain, can you be here?"

Turning around, a smiling Claude stood. Next to him was Lina, followed by Millie and Nina.

"Oh, Mr. Claude. Hello"

Cain feels free to say words, but the expression of the nails he was with is nervous. The four stood up and bowed vigorously when they thought they were standing.

"Claude's big brother! You're out of luck! Do you know Cain anyway?" I ’ll bring the table now. ”

As if the curse had been a lie, all four moved Tekkipaki and the next table so that everyone could sit down.

Instead, Cain was surprised.

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