Cain doesn't think about unexpected words and looks at Fault.

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"I don't know what you're saying ...? If you're a raid in the city, this time you're a criminal slave after stripping your guild card, and this time there's a client. It should be. "" Oh, that's the rule ... "

Fault nods in Cain's words.

"That's why I have come out. I am the deputy of this city. That alone will be your face."

Cain sighs to the confident Malf.

"What the heck ... what is it?"

When asked about Cain, Fault reluctantly began to tell the truth.

"The person who asked for the assault was Ralph Bandega, the son of Mr. Malf. The banza vomited immediately, so he contacted Mr. Malf." "I don't know the name first, but ...?" Tr an s la ted b y Jpm tl .com

Cain never heard of the client's name. Fault advises Cain who is suffering to recall.

"I must have met at the school today. It's a welcome party ..."

Cain remembers that word. A man trying to provoke the Terestiers. I remembered that I was shaken quickly and my face was crushed and retracted.

"Ah, it's someone who was shouted by the teles .... Oh, so ..."

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A line was connected in my head. He did not know why Cain was attacked in this city, but he was crushed by Cain there and asked an adventurer to revenge and attacked. Malf opened his mouth to Cain, who agreed and nodded.

Stupid son "It looks like we've asked him, but he's saying he's only threatening him," that's why I, the deputy of the city and the country's heavyweight, came to me. "

Cain sighs at the confident words of Malf and gazes at Fault. T ranslat ed b y jpm t m

"What happens in this case? I'm from the Kingdom of Esfort and I'm not familiar with the laws of this country." "Probably basically the same. Regardless of the outcome. I think there's room for the situation to just threaten ... "" Well ... by the way, how much do you know about me? "" About that, I registered an adventurer who attacked and returned I'm just a student of the Esfort Kingdom. "

Cain and Fort continued talking about Malf, and as he knew he couldn't stand the knight behind, he caught his mouth.

"Hey, what's the attitude of Malf?"

He stares at an angry knight and sighs.

"I'm from the Esfort Kingdom. I'm heading to Tambar tomorrow, so could you tell this story to a higher level?"

The knight went down, saying Mugugu.

"-I see. You're trying to withdraw money like this? How much do you want? Big silver or gold?"

Cain sighs several times to Malf, who begins to speak off.

"I don't think it's a matter of money. If you come here and apologize, there's still room for it, but I'm using the position of deputy to put pressure on threats. I apologize as a parent Then still ... "

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"Are you joking !?"

Perhaps she could not stand, the knight put his hand on the handle of the sword and killed Cain.

"Mr. Fault, what do you do if you pull out your sword to kill you at this moment? As a guild ..." "That's ... Can you pull Malf? Cain is in the S-Effort kingdom-S rank You know what you're saying, if Cain becomes serious, in a moment this place will be a pile of dead bodies. "


Malf, who had been breathing a while ago, looks surprised. Cain put her guild card on the table for proof.

"... I'm Cain, an S-rank adventurer." T r a nslated b y Jpmtl.c o m

At the same time, the murder of the knight who had been behind was scattered in an instant. Mercenaries differ from adventurer guilds, but they knew the power of their rank. What kind of thing is S rank? However, Malf can't afford to draw for children.

"I knew he was a high-ranked adventurer ... At that rank, gold coins would have been lost money, so ... delegate authority would have ruled out this matter."

Cain glances at the fault to Malf, who smiles at him.

"Such a law is in this country ...?" "Oh, yes, there are times when you can't use it ..."

Fault began explaining to Cain about the authority.

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If the deputy and relatives commit a simple crime, they can be revoked if the other party is a child of a noble or a commoner. However, when you do so, you need to make a donation to the city. The amount differs depending on the opponent's position. In the case of aristocrats, some fees are deducted from the city and paid to the aristocracy. In this case, the victim's Cain is intact and is often judged to be simple by repelling. At the end of the explanation, Fault looks apologetic.

"Even though it's an S-rank adventurer, this is ... Japanese law. I have to obey the law."

Malf is confident and speaks at best. However--.

"Then, this time-you can't apply it."

In front of them with an astonishing look, Cain puts a noble card with a gorgeous ornament. The expression of everyone who saw the aristocracy freezes.

"Cain von Silford Drintl, that's my official name."

Authority includes the children of the aristocracy, but does not include the aristocracy head. If you respond to the aristocrat before that, it is no wonder that you may be punished with respect. Even more, this time is the nobleman of another country. Moreover, they sent raiders to the Earl, a senior nobleman. Despite the fact that there is no harm, it is not unusual for death.

"... Such ..."

The bullish expression up to now has disappeared.

`` By the way, my son was my fiance, the Princess of the Esfort Kingdom, the Duke's daughter, and the Princess of the Vaisus Empire coming to study abroad. '' T r a n sla te d by Jpm t l .co m

The expression of Malhu turns blue in response to Cain's useless remarks. Sell wars to the Esfort Kingdom. I can't help saying that. There is even a princess of the great power, the Vaisus Empire. If this comes to light, it will be more than just the debate resignation. Poorly, they could even be charged with the worst offenses in the country, the execution of the family together, called the "capture of the state" for launching a war on two great powers. Malf shakes his body ... and shouts.

"Bring Ralf right now!"

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Leave the room as one of the knights runs.

"Sir Silford ... this time ..."

The bravery up to now is no longer in Malf today. He changed into a low profile after hitting, changing his attitude to sing about his boss. He knew the Guild Rank, but he was not known as the Earl, because he was registered as Cain. While waiting, he called Kaela and told him to re-brew the tea. Moreover, the newly brewed black tea had a good fragrance and was a luxury product.

In less than an hour, the door was knocked and Ralf came in with a knight. As he sees Cain's face, he wrinkles between his eyebrows.

"My father suddenly called me ..."

Vacheen! At the same time, Malf stood up and slapped Ralf's cheek.

"Ralph! You know who you are trying to reach!"

Malf slaps and falls, but rises with his cheeks suppressed. However, he did not know why he was slapped. When he got up he gazed at Cain.

"... I asked you to threaten me, but even if it was a problem, my father's power would do anything ..."

Vacheen! Again, he is slapped by Malf.

"You're ... trying to work on the Earl of the Esfort Kingdom! Do you know what it means!"

Explain to Ruff, who does not know at all, that Malf is the Earl of the Esfort Kingdom. Moreover, you may be an S-rank adventurer.

T ra nslat e d by jpmtl .co m Ralph, who knew the truth, was stunned and fell from his knees.

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