Cain moved to the reception and explained the situation to Seth and Lefane, sitting opposite. Reservation change of clothes is in a different room, and they will return to their room and change clothes before joining. Departure was changed from the afternoon and Dalmatia was preparing tea.

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"But even Cain-sama will do it. No way to reach your Highness." "So it's different ... I'll have you explain when the reserve comes ...."

Aside from Seto, who talks lightly, Lefane had a harsh expression.

The door was knocked, and the changed reserve entered the room. Sit beside Cain without saying anything. However, the sitting location was so close that Cain's shoulders could touch.

"Good morning, everyone. I was ashamed earlier ..."

Cain smiles bitterly at the reservation who greets her while dyeing her cheek.

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"Then, let's ask. Why are they sharing a bath ....? Your Highness also knows. What do the baths mean?"

Tr a n sl a t ed b y jp When all of them were up, the confident question popped out of Lefane.

"I was talking from the next day at night. So, Reservate told me I wanted to sleep together ... and so ..." You probably know ...? "" For that, there is a reserve .... For minors, there's no problem with the same bath ...? "

Cain turns to Reservate next door to ask for consent. However, Reservate looked up and looked at his tongue and smiled bitingly.

"Hey, I told you a lie."

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He was always quiet and calm, but answered with a slight dye on his cheeks. Although Cain dropped his shoulders sharply, Lefane's expression was still severe.

"So ... how are you going to take responsibility for being unmarried and sharing with your princess?"

Cain couldn't answer alone, and she glanced at Set, but she never spoke down, probably because she touched Lehane's anger. At that time, Dalmatia smiles and speaks out.

"Lefane and Cain couldn't answer immediately even if they suddenly said that, because they are nobles of the race. And the Princess is an important time now. Is it best to discuss it? " T r an sl at e d b y Jp mt l.c o m

Dalmatia knows that Lefane is not merciless when he gets angry. I was once hunted down by insects. So he advised to focus on issues in the Imperial City rather than on Cain. Despite the love affair, she is convinced that it is a big deal for the country. If war breaks out, Cain will stand as a human race and become an enemy. It has also been reported by Seth that if a war occurs with the human race, the demons will be destroyed. So you must never hostile with Cain. When Seto first explained it, I couldn't believe it. If such a cute boy gets serious, will the country die? It is impossible if you think normally.

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Lehane, who had made a full rotation in his brain, exhaled. Now I thought I couldn't help thinking more. As Dalmatia puts it, there are more problems now.

"I can't help it. It's a big deal for the demons right now. But when you're done, I'll give you the answer."

Cain did not disagree and nodded. Nevertheless, Reservate has always had a cool and cool image, but today he is charming and smiles forever. While wondering a little about which is the real reserve, Seth listened to the future.


"Then leave!"

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The carriage carrying the Caines left the city of Seto and set off for the Imperial City. Initially, a special carriage was prepared for the reserve, and Cain was scheduled to ride in Seth's carriage, but it was said that Reservate would be on board with Cain, and Cain reluctantly got on the reserve's carriage. The carriage is a luxurious specification, sometimes with a princess. I initially thought that I would not transfer or fly, but only transferable magic can be used by advanced demons, and guards cannot. In addition, the use of transfer magic is not allowed in the Imperial City. The rider carrying Cain and Reservate rides in Dalmatia, and the carriage slowly travels to the Imperial City. Demon kingdoms are referred to by each demon king as a country, but in reality only manage a few small towns based on large capital-class cities. The imperial capital was also called a country in only one city. The schedule was not too far away, and although he left in the afternoon, he arrived the next evening. Moreover, there seems to be a town about a day away, and there is no problem with accommodation.

On the way, I stayed overnight at a hotel in the city, but the room was very luxurious and different from the one I thought. He said that he stayed every time Seth passed, so some rooms were luxurious. After breakfast, leave the city. The road to the Imperial City is paved with cobblestones and relatively safe. There are forests where monsters infest, but they are regularly destroyed and no revolts occur. The carriage proceeded without incident, and the imperial city was visible before the evening.

"That's Imperial City."

When I saw Reservate's words through the small window of the carriage, I saw a white-colored imperial capital. Although it is not flashy, it is a beautiful cityscape thanks to the unifying colors.

"Because I mainly expect it."

The profile of Reservate who said it was Cain who felt it was more beautiful than usual.

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