Episode 11

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In a meeting room inside the castle, Reservate and four Demon Kings surrounded the table, centered on the Crown Prince Logsia.

Ignis governs the eastern country Agus governs the western country Dennis governs the northern country and Seth governs the southern country

The Imperial Family and the Four Demon Kings led the way, and decided on policies for important matters.

"The Majesty is as usual ...?"

Agus, one of the Demon Kings, asks Logsia a question, and Logsia shakes her head.

"Oh, His Majesty hasn't seen any improvement after healing his magic. He's asleep right now."

The supreme power was the father of the emperors Logsia and Reservate, but had been sick a while ago and remained in a coma. As a result, the Crown Prince Logsia was in control of the country instead. Even if he casts a recovery magic, it does not improve at all and keeps a lull in a state where nothing can be done. Logsia is also gathering information, but no solution has yet been seen. T r a n slat e d by jpm t l .c o m

"Rather than this, I was gathered-about the war decree against the race. So Liza is back, so this time---" What !? "

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Dennis hit the table and got up. Originally, Dennis was of a militant nature and did not like this environment, which had few conflicts and was peacefully governed by the Demon King. Originally he became a Demon King, but in fact, fighting less when he becomes a Demon King. He promoted monster hunting, but he still liked fighting.

"I disagree with the war. No matter what, I will not send any soldiers."

Seth grumpyly armed and expressed his opposition.

"I'm either. I won't gain from attacking other continents." "I agree with you. You've returned Reservate in this way. If you say that Crown Prince will attack ...

Ignis and Agus expressed neutrality. And Reservate who listened silently opens his mouth.

"First of all, I apologize for the inconvenience to everyone. I'm sorry. There were various things in the people's town, but I have no resentment as a concubine. If this is the cause of the war, please stop it. Even if you set up-well, you will lose. '' T r ans l a t e d by jp mtl .co m

However, Dennis was angry at what he said was "losing" even though he was not fighting. The pride who became a demon king by his ability may not be allowed.

"What do you think of the Crown Prince? He heard that Reservate was captured by a race and was in danger even to his life. Will he still be told not to retaliate against the race?"

"... I thought at the outset that I needed retaliation, but this time there is a messenger of the race with Liza. I talked to him who protected Liza, I'm thinking about not doing that. ''

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Logsia calmly answered with his arms folded. However, Dennis did not seem convinced even if it was the Crown Prince's words.

"It's saying that the race will win if we fight with us! So, even Reservate, let me see the race. I will decide the answer."

Logsia once glances with the reserve, and she shakes her head silently.

"... Okay, let's meet. Liza, can you call me Cain?" "Okay, I'll call you soon."

Reservate leaves and leaves the meeting room. The room where the reserve was gone was a quiet room without anyone talking. But the silence was soon broken.

"His Highness, depending on his race, I'll be in favor of war."

Ignis, who had been neutral until now, muttered so.

"Ignis, why now?" "It is possible that both the Crown Prince and Reservate may have been deceived by the race. Of course, it is Seth who is opposed to him." "Oh, I think so too. Then, even if that tribe is eliminated ...?!? "

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At the same time as Dennis's words, the inside of the conference room is engulfed in murder. It emanates from Seth and remains sitting, but his gaze pierces sharply into Dennis.

"―― Dennis, what are you doing now ...? Did you say you want to remove Cain ...?"

However, Dennis is also one of the demon kings of the same rank as Set. Just because you're killed doesn't mean you're going out. The two were glaring, but Seto's killing spread as the door was knocked. When Logsia gives permission to enter the room, the door is slowly opened and Cain taken by the reserve enters the room. Cain also felt that Seto had been killed earlier, and felt that he was in an unusual state. However, he does not appear and sits in a seat recommended by the reserve.

Tra n sla t ed b y jp m t "I'll introduce you first. Cain, who came as an messenger from the people this time."

Introducing Logsia, Cain once sat down and bowed lightly to begin greetings.

"I'm Cain von Silford Drintl from the Esfort Kingdom, a land of races. I'm blessed with a frontier in the kingdom.

After Cain greets Cain and sits down, the rest of the Demon Kings are amazed. It was only natural that a child who had not yet reached adulthood appeared, despite being a representative of the race. He knows that he is noble because he has some knowledge of the people and has the role of Hakuraku Haku, but doubts remain as to whether such a child is a good representative. The three received it, recognizing that their parents died prematurely and inherited their parenthood at a young age. In fact, Cain became a remote frontier at a young age due to his ability and the thoughts of the upper ranks of the country, including the king, but none of them knew his ability.

"--I would like to resume talking about the war with the people again. I am still divided between warring and opposition. I have no choice. Is there any opinion from Cain?"

In the words of Logsia, Cain stands.

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"First of all, on behalf of the people, I apologize for the wrong response to His Highness."

It was not the Esfort Kingdom that enslaved Reservate, but Cain was a representative of the Esfort Kingdom, but also a representative of the race. Cain thought that an apology was necessary as he spoke on behalf of the people. Cain continues talking.

"However, we do not believe that demons and races should fight. If a war breaks out, each other will be dead and burden the people. "I don't even want to see Reservate." "Um, I don't want my concubine to be at war. I just want him to relax at Cain's castle. "

Reservate adds his words to Cain's words. Seto shakes his head gently to indicate where his sharp face has gone before, indicating his consent. However, the devils are not so sweet that they can convince with such words. Despite his ability, he keeps one country.

"That's why we have pride. It's easy to say yes. It wouldn't be easy to justify it." "Is it a statement that our country could be destroyed ...?"

Argues that Seth could cover Dennis's words. The nobility of Seto's governing nation have witnessed Cain's ability and have unanimously decided to oppose it. However, only Seto and Reservate know Cain's abilities here. It wasn't easy for Dennis, a warring party, to pull out easily.

"Why our country will be destroyed? Seto, I will not refuse to set up with your country, depending on the word." "Because ... it was already decided to lose when you were against Cain. "

Seto answers, smiling at her grin. However, Dennis stood up vigorously, disliked the attitude.

"This is humiliation, isn't this country losing? If you are a representative of a race, show your ability! I also won the Demon King's position with my ability. It depends on your ability Then I will think about it. "

Tra ns l a t ed b y Jpmt l.c o m In Dennis's words, Cain, Seth, and Reservate relaxed as soon as they did.

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