"First of all, about the church, why is there a charge for praying? In general, there is no setting for the amount of money given to you, but it is your own feelings. Isn't that just too expensive for the average layman? ''

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From the very beginning, Cain approached Priest Stag for prayer and treatment fees. In Cain's words, Priest Stag did not look evil while looking up at his face with a fan.

"The Viscount Cain, about the price, there are few ordinary people praying too much, and most of them are the president of the company. So even if the standard fee is one silver coin, it is not a problem. Depending on the firm, we will put large coins on it, and about the cost of treatment, there are few sisters who can use treatment magic in this church, so we can not cope if it is flooded. Doing"

Priest Stag answered with his sweaty face with a fan.

"It's just a matter of adding more sisters. Priest Stag should be able to use healing magic. This is a city with lots of adventurers. Many people need to be treated. Ask a church in the Royal City. Isn't that good? "

"Even if you send one sister, you have to pay to the church of the royal city. This church can't afford it, or will it increase the subsidy from the Viscount? "

Priest Stag asked Cain's question, telling him to give more money, with a grinning face.

"I can't talk about this. The size of this church building, this luxurious facility, there's too much that the church doesn't need. We'll stop grants for the time being." Tra ns l a ted by Jp mtl .c om

Cain replied immediately. It is not subsidizing priests to have a luxurious life. Even better, I have no intention of putting a jewelry ring on both hands and giving it to this sagging priest.

"Hmm ... that's no use. I have to pray and raise the cost of the treatment. This will inconvenience the people more and more."

Priest Stag does not seem to worry at all, and answers while squirming. Cain was convinced that Priest Stag would not change at all.

"I understand the idea of the priest Stag." "Oh, did you understand the Viscount Cain. So the subsidies are the same as before." I will report it to the headquarters, drink in the daytime and pay illegally to the residents, and I don't need it in the town where I will rule now.

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Cain couldn't be too sympathetic to the stag priest's mindset, and completely stood up against him. On the other hand, Stag was upset when he heard that he had been charged with the royal capital. When inspected by the Royal Church, Stag knew what was wrong. Until now, it was enough to submit the books, so any deception was effective. Seeing the city directly reveals that you are cheating. Stag imagined that all the luxurious lifestyles he had built up would collapse.

"Visit Cain, please wait a moment"

T ran s l ated b y Jp mtl .c om Stag hurriedly stopped Cain, but Cain left the reception room. Stag, staring at Cain's back, biting his nails, whispering poorly and muttering.

"This is ... the brat feeling is on track. Hey, is there anyone?"

One of the church knights rushed to Stag's call.

"Would you call me a priest?" "Um. Tell Betty, the subguildmaster of the adventurer's guild, that I was saying," The moon tonight is black. " You should understand that. "

The church knight bowed to the priest and left the room.

Cain came out of the church and forgot that he was going to pray and meet the gods.

"I came out so fast that I couldn't go back again with prayer, and I was able to do business at the church of the royal city, and then I would go."

On his way back to his residence, Cain stopped by the adventurer's guild, gazing out over the city and looking into the shops and stalls. Now I wanted to know the status of the current treatment. The guild was nearby because I was passing by on the way to church, but it took longer than I had imagined due to extra detours. Open the door and Cain goes inside. The moment you enter, you feel your gaze, but soon you come off. Looking around, those who don't know about Cain immediately lose interest because they think it's just a child. Conversely, those who knew the other day were shaking to look down and not look. When I looked over the receptionist, it seemed that there were many beautiful women, and some were lined up, but they were all beautiful. There was no submass Betty, so he spoke to the vacant reception lady.

"I'm sorry, I'd like to meet the guildmaster Rikisetsu." "Do you have a promise? Basically, only the upper adventurers or those who have a promise will meet the guildmaster."

In response to Cain's question, the receptionist responded administratively.

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"I don't have a promise, but I think it's okay if you tell me my name. It's called Cain."

Golden Cain handed the shiny A-rank guild card to the receptionist.

"Well ... Rank A! I'm sorry. I'll check it soon."

The receptionist was surprised at the fact that the boy in front of me was ranked A, and immediately went to the guildmaster's room. In less than a minute, the guildmaster went to the reception directly, with the guild master making a rushed face.

"No, I'm sorry to keep you waiting, Cain-sama. I'll guide you here." "Thank you Rikisetsu last week. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. "

Tr ansla te d b y m Cain bows to Rixets and greets him. Cain walks behind, being guided by the terrifying Rixets. When Cain disappears, the receptionists begin to make noise.

"What's your child now?" "It's a cute girl, but the one that Gilmas cares about!" "A little aura! Explain it."

This is the receptionist that Cain spoke to earlier.

"Even though I was told to explain, I wanted to meet Gilmas, so I showed him a guild card, went to ask him, and jumped out of a hurry. "

"" "A rank !?" "

A child who seems to have just registered is already A-ranked. I can't be surprised.

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"I wonder if I like older ..." "This is again ..." "A class at that age ..." "" Maybe ... ""

The eyes of the receptionists were all shining like carnivores. It was Cain who was targeted by the receptionist where Cain did not know.

He is guided by Rikisetsu and sits down on the sofa in the reception room. Rikisetsu sits in a waiting position waiting for Cain's words. Immediately after the receptionist brought tea, she entered the room, but for some reason, she winked and left.

"So what is today's story ..."

Rixets asks Cain, worried.

"No, in fact, I was just having a hard time in the church. There was something I wanted to ask Rikisetsu for that matter." "Maybe, maybe ... the church was destroyed." "--I'm sorry"

He corrected Rixets' misunderstanding and asked him about the current situation.

"After all, there are a lot of adventurers in this city, so some adventurers can use it as much as heels. However, when it comes to high heels, only the priest class or higher sister can be cast. A regular adventurer can't pay you, and if you're injured and you can't cure it, you'll have to retire the adventurer ... I hope I can become a guild officer like me, but it's so easy I'm not going. Most of it goes to the slum ... "

Rixets regrets not having to retire an adventurer if he could receive more recovery magic.

"I talked to the priest Stag today about the extraordinary amount of the recovery magic ... I broke down and I was charged with the church of the royal city. Because it's too expensive compared to other cities. '' T ra n s lated b y jpmtl .com

Cain spoke to Rixets earlier.

"Oh, the orc priest! Luxurious alone."

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Rikisetsu also seemed to be on bad terms with the stag priest. He has negotiated a number of price cuts and has broken down.

"Speaking of which, I'll give you this."

Cain put out a small bag from her bosom. There are three platinum coins inside.

"It's not enough to repair the training ground, but it will be in the form of a subsidy from my private property. Please do the proper tax processing. Because a civil servant will be assigned to this city, , We'll do an audit once, so be prepared. "

"I'm sorry. Thank you.

Rikisetsu laughed, checked the contents of the sachet containing the platinum coins, and took care of it.

"Speaking of which, you can't see Betty today."

Cain wondered that there was no Betty who should always be next to him.

"Someone suddenly came and thought that he was talking and said," I have an urgent need. "

In response to Rixets, Cain flowed without particular concern.

And it was the beginning of the battle that began.

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