Let the half-crying Seto sit on the sofa. He knew of the demons, but was surprised to see Alex for the first time. I was even more surprised to see the demons cling to Cain while half-crying. After seeing Cain calm down, he knew that it was a complicated situation, and after being introduced and greeted Seth, Alex left the office, saying he would work in the Daikan.

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"So what happened suddenly?"

I had no idea what happened, so I let Seto explain it.

"--My wife found me cheating and was kicked out of Demon Castle ..."

"" ... ""

Cain cried out. Dalmatia sighs behind her.

"Don't you say that I couldn't do that when I was serving? ... Lefane said that he was tough on cheating, over, over, over and over again I guess. "

Dalmatia knew Seth's wife. In addition, it seems to be quite grilled, and it is said that cheating is severe. Tr an s la t ed by jpmt

"When I was in Dalmatia, the Lord would have stopped me. I don't want to preach to me now.

While Seto's wife was traveling to another city, all the familiars attached to Seto reported to her wife, Lefane, that she had reached out to her daughter. After Lefane returned to the castle, Seto was questioned and confessed, and was kicked off the royal castle terrace. He ran away because he was terrifying, and he had been summoned in this city before, and he knew that he had relocated.

"Seto ... I'm self-sufficient"

After sighing, Cain threw himself cold.

"Such ..."

Seto drops her shoulder on the sofa without force. Dalmatia explained that demonic nations were based on polygamy and not polygamy, as in the Esfort Kingdom. In addition, Seth's wife, Lefane, was a powerful aristocratic daughter in a demonic country.

"Don't say such a cold thing! There's probably three fiancees, too! I sometimes want to relax!" Tr ansl at e d by Jp mt

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Certainly, Cain had three fiancees, albeit legal in the country and forced by the King's policy. Cain couldn't say strongly when he took that out.

"--Okay, you can stay in this mansion for a short while, but don't go outside? It will be a fuss if you know that the demons were walking in this city."

In light of Cain's words, Seth shines his eyes and wraps Cain's hand in both hands to thank him.

"Thank you Cain! Thank you for letting me stay in this mansion for a short while. With the magic of mystery, I can do the same as a human race.

Seth rises and casts some spell, and the body is enveloped in light. When the light went out, there stood a man who looked like Seto but had no corners and looked like a red-haired race. After confirming her appearance, Cain continues talking.

"I wouldn't be surprised if anyone looked at that figure. Please be dressed while you are in this mansion. Even so, there was such magic. And maybe Dalmatia?"

Dalmatia nods silently.

"Yes, I'm always in this form with fantasy magic. Let's solve the magic?"

In the words of Dalmatia, Cain imagined an "insect servant" in his head. He shakes his head and shakes the image of the brain that emerged in an instant, and begs for Dalmatia to stay as it is.

"I understand. Unfortunately, let's stay this way."

"Still, Seto, it's okay if it's just a few days, but you have to return to your castle properly."

Seto nodds in Cain's words, reluctantly.

"That's why I will go to the demonic country and explain it. If I am, I can go to the Royal Castle as it is, so I can also meet Lefane."

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Tra nsl a t e d by Jp mt l .com Cain nodded to Dalmatia's proposal.

"That's true, it's hard if the king suddenly goes missing. Can you tell me that Dalmatia and Seth are here?"

Dalmatia straightened and bowed to Cain's words, disappearing into a black whirlpool that gushed out of the ground. Since I was alone with Seto, I heard a lot about Seto. It is said that the demonic nation lives on an island one week away from the Grunnew continent where the Esfort Kingdom is located, and crosses the sea for a week. It is said that there are about 2 million people now, but they all have strong magical properties and have the protection of the magic god. Cain listens while talking about the face of the magical god Reno. Although it is an island, fishing is thriving, but agriculture is inland, and civilization is prospering to a certain extent. Listening to him, he says that he lives a life almost the same as this country. The demons also had an aristocratic system, and among the demons roughly divided into upper, intermediate, and lower classes, the higher demons managed the country as nobles. Intermediate demons have many bureaucrats, and lower demons support the country as citizens. Seth's wife, Refine, is a daughter of a high-ranking demon county, and she is said to have married Seto, who was so beautiful and fell in love at first sight. However, he did not know his personality until he got married, and after marriage, he knew he was lying on his hips.

"Cain, please come and play.

"Yeah, let me go."

Cain nodded at Seto's words. After that, we talked with Seto about the demonic country. As I continued, suddenly a black swirl formed in the room. It was the same as the vortex when Dalmatia disappeared earlier, so I thought I was back. From there came Dalmatia, full of injuries, her left arm missing from her shoulders, and already breathing insects. Cain is surprised and quickly approaches Dalmatia.

"Extra heel"

When Cain casts magic, Dalmatia is shrouded in light. When the light went out, the butler's uniform was tattered, but there was Dalmatia whose body had returned to its original state. As he lifts his body, Dalmatia begins to speak with a stunned consciousness.

"I'm sorry, Cain, thank you. I'm sorry, Seto ... I couldn't be convinced by my explanation."

Leaving that word alone, Dalmatia lost consciousness.


Seeing Dalmatia, Seth is trembling. At that moment, a new black swirl is created. And a beautiful woman in a red dress appeared. Her hair is red and her waist is extended, and her face is as beautiful as she is. Although two horns grew from the forehead. The red dress that the beauty wears has an open chest and the style is beautiful enough to keep an eye on. Seeing such a figure, Seto's face was turned blue. And the beauty starts talking.

"Oh, you. You've been here. Dalmatia came to explain, but I don't know if you're bothering others."

The beauty looks down at Seto with cold eyes from above.

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"No, no, no ... Cain-sama is such annoying ..."

T ran s l a te d b y Jp m m Seto answers, turning his face pale blue and sweating cold.

"Oh, I haven't heard you yet. My name is Seth's wife, Lefane van Dalstein. My husband is always taking care of me."

Gracefully grab both ends of the dress and give a polite greeting. Cain also rises up and greets the referee. I felt I shouldn't go against the aura from this woman.

"Nice to meet you, Cain von Silford Drintl. Seto told me a lot about the demonic land. Please sit down first."

Recommend the next seat where Set is sitting.

"Thank you Cain, I'm sorry."

Lefane gracefully sits on the sofa. And Dalmatia, who notices herself, turns behind Cain.

"Cain, I will prepare tea. I'm sorry once I want to change clothes."

Dalmatia leaves the room, looking a little nervous. Cain, Seto, and Lefane remain in the office.

"Cain, I think I heard from my husband. What do you think as a man?"

Lefane looked straight at Cain with bright red eyes. However, I felt intuitively that I should never go against it. Seth stared at Cain with an angry eye, but immediately condemned him.

"I heard that the demonic nation is monogamous. In addition, there is such a wonderful wife as a beautiful woman, but it is outrageous to be aware of other women."


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At that moment, Seto looks crying and Lefane looks happy.

"Oh, Cain, I agree with you, but you're good at words, you're a beautiful woman."

Lefane answers while hiding her mouth with a fan from her chest. After all the woman seemed happy to be praised. The door is knocked and a wagon carrying tea and a cup prepared by Dalmatia is pulled into the room. I changed into a new butler's suit and prepared tea. Tra ns l a t ed b y jp m t l .com

"Sorry to keep you waiting"

Dalmatia says, putting tea in front of them. And refrained behind Cain. Lefane drinks a tea and smiles.

"After all, the tea brewed by Dalmatia is delicious. I'm still sorry that I've retired."

"I'm serving Cain-sama right now."

Dalmatia bows. After a short chat, Seto and Lefane returned. As expected, Seto felt sorry, so he told him he could come and play anytime. Lefane agrees with Cain's words, and Seth looks happy.

"Then, good luck, Cain. Let's go to Seto."

"Cain will come again!"

Lefane, both holding Seto's one ear, disappeared into a black swirl. Cain sits on the sofa with a break.

"Dalmatia, some people have to go against it ..."

"Cain, you're right ..."

The woman was Cain who thought she was scared.

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