Exploration Cain, who enjoyed the hot spring, confirmed that there was no maid in the dressing room using, and changed clothes quickly from the item box. Dry your wet hair with magic.

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"I was really comfortable ..."

In the past, this would have led to the act of drinking coffee milk, but it could not be in this world. Even coffee could be drunk at Yuya, but never before. When you come out of the dressing room, a maid who has changed from yukata to maid clothes is waiting.

"Cain, you have more time to eat, and we are looking forward to His Excellency in the reception room."

I'll be contacted as if nothing had happened earlier. With a sigh, I returned to the reception room with the guidance of the maid. The maid knocks on the door and opens the door after hearing a voice saying "You can enter."

"Cain-kun, how was the hot spring?

"It was really good. I want to go in again."

T ra n s lated b y Jp He sat down in front of Eric and conveyed his honest impressions. Eric nods with a happy face to Cain's words.

"Because I'll be my son-in-law, I can come anytime?

"I'll take care of you then"

The maid places the tea brewed at the end of the room in front of them.

"And Cain-kun, an adventurer who hit you during the day, decided to be a mine slave. This land has hot springs but is also famous for mines. It was just a matter of pulling out the sword in the city, but he attacked Cain.

Cain nods obediently. As expected, they attacked the city. Cain understands that there is no room for it.

"This is the price of the adventurers who sold as slaves. And a little extra, including this wabi."

T ranslated by Jp m tl.c o m Eric hands the sachet to Cain. When you look inside, there are several platinum and gold coins.

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"Is this too much? Selling it to a slaver won't go that far, right?"

"Yeah, that's why it's a wabi fee, five slaves sold five gold coins and five wabi fees are platinum coins. I'm sorry to receive this."

Cain thought he could not help being jailed due to his poor response. Moreover, the head of the duke has bowed down and has already apologized. Besides, it's awkward to get such a wabi fee.

"But this is too much-"

"Cain-kun, you're developing Dorintl. Did you hear that you built a bigger wall around the city in a day? A lot of money is needed to develop the city. "

Eric explains to stop Cain's words. There was no way I could do it even though I was so careful.

"I understand. I'll take it honestly."

Put the sachet in your pocket and bow to Eric.

"That's the end of the story, let's have dinner right now. The local food is also delicious."

Leaves the room and follows Eric. It seemed that everyone was already in the dining room. Of course, Noale and Delita are also sitting. There was another woman who seemed to be his wife. There are two seats in the upper seat, and Eric sits in one and beckons Cain to the other. As a nobleman, he decided to sit next to Eric. When everyone is seated, drinks are poured into a toasting glass. The mature Erics were wines, but Cain had cold tea.

"I've been waiting, Viscount Cain is here today. I'm afraid I'll be a silk husband in the future, though I'm sorry.


Each person raises a glass and then drinks it. After the toast, they introduced themselves. Noelle was the wife of Delita. It is said that Silk's older sister may be older and is already married. Moreover, she is married to the Prince and lives in the castle. The wife of the next king. Although I have been to the Royal Castle many times, I have only met royals other than Teres when I was an Ordination. There are always many other conversations that should not be leaked, so there is no help for it being held in a closed room. The maid takes the dishes from the platter a little at a time and places them in front of them. A delicious smell tickles Cain's nose.

"There's a lot of mountains here so you can get goats well."

Eric explains. Cain carries a knife and fork to the mouth. The mouth was mixed with the sauce and it was very delicious. I'm going to eat while tasting the things placed on the table little by little. The chat goes on while eating. Tran s l a ted by jpm m

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"Cain, did you arrive straight from the capital city to this town?"

Cain shakes her face to Eric's question.

"On the way, there was a connection and I stayed overnight at Viscount Santos's house."

Eric is surprised at Cain's answer.

"Is that Santos Lord? That stubborn grandfather often stayed at Cain-kun for the first time?"


On his way to Malvík territory, he reported that a chariot had been attacked by bandits, and he was helped and defeated. He had not confirmed to Sarah that he was still a grandfather, so he was silent.

"I see ... I understand. That's because it's a female lineage, so if Cain-kun is said to be" groomed! " Some of them are younger than Cain. "

"--- Certainly ... yes."

Cain laughs bitterly at exactly that.

"In the case of Cain, I'm worried that my wife is likely to grow more and more. I'm three now, including silk. There isn't a noble who has three fiancees that year."

Eric becomes talkative as the sake has advanced.

"No, I don't increase it myself."

"How about it really?-Speaking of which, you have to show up to the family of Knight Tijuana."

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The real plan was to arrive in Malvik territory in one day and head for Liberty the next day, but things are going wrong. T r a ns l ated b y jp m tl.c o m

"What is the leader of the knight's home ...?"

Delita comes into Eric's words.

"Did you not speak yet? Cain, Princess Teresia and Silk and Sir Tijuana are fiancee."

"That's like that ..."

Speaking of the commander of the Knights of the Guard, he is famous in this kingdom for his mock warfare. He also said that he would only marry someone stronger than himself.

"When I was five, I was already stronger than Sir Tijuana.

Eric didn't say that. Still, Delita swallowed her saliva. Because I could easily imagine my future.

"Speaking of which, you'll stay today, are you ready?"

You can go back to the royal capital with the transfer as it is, but since only Eric knows the transfer magic, he nodded obediently.

"I will go to the royal capital tomorrow, but I will take care of you today."

"Yeah, Cain-kun, I like hot springs and I'll keep it open at night."

Cain remembers the hot spring she had just entered and answers immediately.

"Hello! By all means"

"I really like hot springs"

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Tr ansl at ed by jp mt l .c om Eric smiles at Cain's answer.


Cain nodded, reddening her face as she responded vigorously.

The meal was finished and passed through the room. I was going to enter the hot spring again soon.

"Cain, the hot springs are ready."

The maid tells me that the hot spring is vacant.

"Yeah, I'll enter."

The maid guides me into the dressing room. As I tried to take my clothes off, I heard a rustling sound from behind and looked back. The guided maid was about to take off his maid clothes.

"So it's good!"

"--I'm sorry"

The maid with a really disappointing face retreats reluctantly.

"After all, it's back flow-"

"Get out !!"

It was Cain who closed the door.

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