In the wooden houses where the Rain tribe arranged for visitors to rest, the people of the travelling team put up for a night. As for how they slept, it could be known the next morning when looking at their worn out expression.

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When Shao Xuan opened his eyes, the house was very dark, but with the biological clock formed over the years, he knew that the sun had already risen now.

The wooden houses here were poorly built, and there were many gaps in the roof and surrounding wooden walls. So if there was sunlight outside, it could penetrate through these gaps.

However, the atmosphere in the house was just like the night before the dawn. Even though there was a little bit of light, it was still mostly dark.

“What happened?” Tuo rolled over and got up from a wooden hay bed which was slightly high above the ground. He also felt that the sun should be hanging in the sky at this time, but he did not see any light. Instead, he felt the atmosphere was a little gloomy and depressing.

“Huh?” Tuo said in confusion.

Shao Xuan also rolled over and felt a layer of soft sand on the ground in the house as he landed.


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Shao Xuan opened the door.

The dusty wind suddenly blew in, which almost choked the people inside.

The door was opened and there was a bit of dim light shining into the house. By the light, the three saw the situation inside the house.

Except for the place where they slept, a thick layer of dust covered the whole house, and a lot of dust was falling from the roof.

The people of the Rain tribe were thoughtful enough. On the top of the wooden bed, near the roof, they covered it with a straw mat, and the dust falling from the roof fell onto the mat.

“No wonder I I kept hearing a rustling sound last night, which made me sleep badly.” Said Lei with a yawn, while looking at the situation in the house.

People who often hunt in the mountains would certainly not sleep soundly. A little bit of noise would alert them. With extraordinary hearing ability, they could even hear the sound when the sand and dust fell very clearly in the quiet night.

“The weather is so bad, would we go?” Asked Tuo.

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“We wouldn’t go today.” Shao Xuan heard the footsteps near the house.

Soon, Huang Ye appeared at the door of their house.

“The team would stay here for two days and wait for the weather to get better.” Huang Ye said to the three people.

“OK.” Answered Shao Xuan.

“Be careful. Every time this kind of dusty weather appears, some creatures would come out. Be on guard against it.” Huang Ye intended to warn these young warriors who came to this place for the first time and by the way mention that these creatures were horrible so that these young warriors who were prone to take things lightly would be careful.

However, as he spoke, Huang Ye found that the atmosphere became weird. Raising his head, he saw the three pairs of bright eyes and couldn’t continue to say more words.

Thinking about it, Huang Ye suddenly realized something.

The people of the Flaming Horn tribe were different from those of other tribes. These Flaming Horn people lived next to the beasts. How could they be afraid of those creatures that suddenly appear? Maybe they were thinking about how to catch those creatures as food.

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What Huang Ye thought was right. Shao Xuan and the other two were exactly thinking about catching a few such beasts as food. People of the Flaming Horn tribe still liked meat, and those hard cakes couldn’t provide them with enough energy.

Huang Ye sighed. Anyway, he had brought them the information. Then he turned to another wooden house to inform other people.

Shao Xuan looked at the sky outside. In the distance where the Rain tribe located, there was a tinkling sound. Due to too much dust, he couldn’t see the situation there. Yang Sui said the Rain tribe was building an altar for praying for rain.

Thinking about praying for rain, Shao Xuan gave out a sigh. When he was about to close the door, his hands suddenly stopped. Lei and Tuo behind him also stopped their work and darted their eyes to the place near the wooden table in the cabin.

A thick layer of sand had gathered around the legs of the table, but now its surface bulged slightly and moved. Obviously, there was something beneath the blanket of sand.

Lei and Tuo looked at each other and took action nearly simultaneously.

“It’s mine!”

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“It belongs to the person who gets it first!”

When that creature beneath the sand noticed the danger approaching, it suddenly accelerated and rushed out of the cabin.

Shao Xuan saw a slender and earthy figure flashing through the door and rushing into the ground outside.

“It’s a snake!” Shao Xuan reminded them to be careful. In such a place, snakes always had the ability to defend themselves, which may be very poisonous.

In the house, Lei and Tuo had to restrain their action, for fear of destroying their dwelling place. Seeing that the snake ran out, they were delighted and rushed outside.

The snake buried itself deeply under the sand, but as Lei and Tuo approached closely at a fast speed, it ejected out like a spring. It was a snake, around one meter long and as thick as one’s thumb. With its upper body upright, the snake opened its mouth, exposed two fangs and squirted the poison.

Though Shao Xuan stood in the doorway, he could also hear the sound of poison corroding the sand.

Tuo chopped off the snake’s head, one step ahead of Lei, and then he crushed the head of the snake with a sword. When they hunted in the forests, they always disposed of the snake in this way because some snakes could also bite people even though their heads had been cut off. After learning the lesson, they would act in this way to avoid potential danger every time they encountered snakes, no matter which kind of snake it was.

“Ha, it’s mine!” Tuo held the snake’s headless body and swung it towards Lei.

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