The upper totem of the Rain tribe was an arc, under which were rain-drop-like dots. Shao Xuan counted the dot, eight in all. Around the totem, some foggy matters were flowing.

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When the Drumming tribe’s totem emerged from the “eggshell”, Shao Xuan was very surprised, and now, the Rain tribe’s totem had also appeared in it.

Nice consistency. Shao Xuan thought.

Although the totem that emerged from the “eggshell” was neither big nor bright as the Flaming Horn tribe’s totem, it did exist there, and it was still flashing.

The totem of the Rain tribe that emerged was not the same as the Flaming Horn’s totem, but similar to the Drumming tribe’s. Flashing white and translucent light, it was just like the liquid’s brightness.

Shao Xuan kept observing the flashing Rain tribe’s totem. Maneuvering the power of inheritance, he wanted to take a closer look at the foreign tribe’s totem that emerged suddenly.

The blue flame separated from the bottom end of the flame around the Flaming Horn totem, reaching out to the much smaller totem of the Rain tribe.

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It stood to reason that there should be exclusion between the different tribes’ Power of Totem, but here, it was not. The separated blue flame easily got in touch with the totem of the Rain tribe.

At the time of their contact, Shao Xuan felt that the totem of the Rain tribe trembled, and the eight dots moved as well. Shao Xuan was curious why the eight dots looked more like drops of liquid.

A bright liquid-like dot, falling from the totem of the Feather tribe, Shao Xuan stared at the falling drop, intending to see where it would fall, but only found that drop just fell down a little. It turned into a mist when it fell out the Rain tribe totem, blending with the mist around the Rain tribe totem. Look at the totem again. In the place where it fell down, the gap has been filled and another same drop appeared.

Original translation from Wangmamaread.

This was just the beginning. As if that its start switch was pressed, the new dot on the Rain tribe totem began to fall down like the previous one. After the dot became fog, another dot was formed again. 

In the beginning, only one drop or two drops was formed. After a while, all the eight drops began to move and rotate. It looked like it was constantly raining.

Suddenly, Shao Xuan remembered what Yang Sui had told him about Inner Flame of the Rain tribe.

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Yang Sui said that there was something wrong with the Rain Tribe’s Inner Flame. Therefore, it was hard to wake it up except for the large-scale annual sacrificial ceremony at the beginning of each year, which was the reason why they always failed to pray for rain.

But now, Shao Xuan felt that this moving totem was like waking up from a deep sleep.

Shao Xuan felt a shock and he felt a powerful force from the outside world.

Out of the sea of consciousness, Shao Xuan looked to the side.

Although the room was dark due to the weather, Shao Xuan could still see the reaction of Lei and Tuo. The two who were resting stood up and looked in the direction of the Rain tribe.

“What happened?!”

“Why is there such a strong totem power?”

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Feeling the sudden rejection of the totem of a foreign tribe, Lei and Tuo opened the door and went out.

Outside, the wind and sand were all over the sky, which was even worse than the previous days. Lei’s hair was blown up, and his eyes squinted because of the dust. The sand could also be smelled clearly while breathing.

The sky and the surrounding were all yellowish dust. Because of extremely low visibility, even the wooden houses in front could not be seen clearly, let alone the Rain tribe further away.

They tried to see what happened there, but there was only turbid sand.

Shao Xuan covered his face slightly with his hands, and he shielded from the sand and dust that were blown straight towards him. Shao Xuan listened carefully to the riot of sound over there. There were lots of people over there, so it was too noisy to figure out what they were talking about. But he could clearly feel the increasing power of the totem in that direction.

Not only the three people, but also the rest of the traveling team came out. When they found nothing different – the weather was still too windy and dusty – they complained a few words and then went back to their houses.

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“You say, what’s going on over there? Could it make such sound when praying for rain?” Asked someone.

“I don’t know what it is like, but it certainly won’t rain.”

“Whatever it is, I just hope the weather gets better soon and we can leave.”

On the altar built above the fire pond of the Rain tribe, the dance and mantra to pray for rain had already finished. At last, all people knelt down, with their foreheads touching the sandy wooden board, and didn’t get up.

Like others around him, Yang Sui kept silent and waited for death. Since they stepped on the altar, they didn’t intend to leave alive.

The wooden nut bells tied on Yang Sui’s waist swayed in the wind and made a constant rattling sound that sounded like a shower. However, it was just alike, not a real rainfall.

The ceremony ended and the music and dance also stopped. Beneath the altar, all people who knelt down stood up, some of whom were disappointed. Although they had failed for many years, they still held the slightest hope for rain every time. Some people had been accustomed to the annual situation, with numbness on their faces. The rest were happy secretly, such as He Chao who once competed with Yang Sui for the position of the Shaman.

Looking at Chief Hang Mang in front of him, He Chao took two steps ahead and whispered, “All is ready.”

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