The team of Fallen Leaves City were walking along the desert towards their destination.

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This team of more than two thousand people were actually equal to the entire Flaming Horns tribe.

In the middle of the team, a huge beast was walking like a tortoise, and Shao Xuan could clearly hear the sound of its huge claws rubbing against the yellow sand.

There were also some beasts around which were led by slaves. Sometimes the desert beasts became excited and made noises but would be violently suppressed by the slaves. Su Gu also had to suppress and appease the beast he was riding. In contrast, the quietest and calmest beasts in the team were probably the camels that Shao Xuan and the other two rode. But maybe the camels were just slow to react rather than them being quiet.

The air was not as hot as the previous days. Though it was noon, the weather was even somewhat cooler.

This was the tenth day they left Fallen Leaves City.

Some of the slaves in the team who were on foot were worn out and failed to continue on for various reasons. In most cases, they were not able to get up after falling down. There were fixed rules in the Slave Master’s team. Anyone who fell down and couldn’t get up in a short time would be fed to the beasts.

The tribes had never been so cruel. Shao Xuan and the other two were not able to adapt to the environment at first, but they got used to it as time went by. This was the rule of the slave world, but those slaves may regret their original choices before closing their eyes.

“We’re arriving soon!” Su Gu whispered to Shao Xuan and the other two.

Climbing over a tall old sand dune, they stood on the sand ridge, looking at the yellow undulating sand. The people could see plenty of white areas, which were actually snow.

The wind blowing in their faces also carried the cold snow.

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“It… it’s snowing here?!” Lei looked at the place in front of him in surprise. He thought that it would never snow this season in the desert even though the temperature was not high. After all, as he had known, the desert was hot and dry during the day, but this belief was overthrown.

“Where is the city? I can only see the desert.” Tuo looked into the distance. Except for the desert with snow, he could see nothing.

“Beast Battle City is a bit far from here, but we’re already in the territory of the Beast Battle Desert.” Su Gu told the three people what he knew.

Although most areas were covered with snow, the air here was still dry. The air was too cold and dry to allow the snow on the ground to melt, so the snow directly evaporate.

However, snow was the only source of water in the Beast Battle Desert, and the walking beasts occasionally ate snow to quench their thirst. They could drink water as much as they wanted, but they couldn’t eat snow as freely since eating too much of the snow would make them sick or even kill them. Therefore, the people and beasts in the team ate some snow after walking for a while.

Some birds were flying in the sky. Those birds were not wild, but domesticated by other cities, which were probably looking around to see which teams had arrived.

As Su Gu was talking about the desert, Shao Xuan heard an eagle screaming in the sky.

“Someone is coming,” said Shao Xuan.

Su Gu believed in Chacha’s judgment. When Shao Xuan said “someone is coming”, there must be a big group of people nearby.

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“Which city are they from?” wondered Su Gu.

Wu Shi thought of something, then took a few steps towards the other side, facing the team there.

“Third young master, be careful, maybe they are from White Stone City.” said Wu Shi.

The routes and destinations of White Stone City and Fallen Leaves City were different. However, when one compared the routes of the two parties, one could find an intersection between the two routes. At the moment, they were just at that intersection.

The road was really narrow for enemies!

The team was still moving at its original speed. The people of Fallen Leaves City would not evade just because they encountered their enemy, in which case they would be considered cowards. The Lord would never show a weakness.

Above a far away ridge, there was a team.


A thunder-like screaming sound of a beast came from there. Even though they were still far away, the people could feel the impact of its howling.

“It’s the Mount of the White Stone Lord,” said Su Gu, who still had some impressions of that scream.

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The huge figure which was as strong as the mount of the Fallen Leaves Lord finally appeared in the people’s vision. Similar to the team of Fallen Leaves City, there were also many other beasts of different sizes around the Lord’s mount. Some were held by slaves and they were used for battling in Beast Battle City, while the others were the mounts of the Slave Masters.

“Ah-Xuan.” Tuo and Lei looked at Shao Xuan.

“Wait and see first.”

Shao Xuan knew what they were going to say – the traitor of the Flaming Horns tribe was probably in the team.

The routes of the two teams almost formed an “X” pattern, and the other party seemed to speed up as if they did not want to miss meeting with this team.

As the two parties got closer, the beasts of both parties got more excited. No matter how many slaves pulled them, the beasts screamed towards the other team, as if they were going to tear at the beasts of the other team.

As they got closer, both teams began to put their guards up. Shao Xuan saw that the slaves of Fallen Leaves City had picked up their wooden and stone shields and the archers were also preparing.

Well… are they going to fight before entering the city?

Shao Xuan told Lei and Tuo to be on guard. The slaves of Fallen Leaves City would protect their Slave Masters, but would not care for them.


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Another beast’s scream sounded. As the beast was closer, the impact was stronger.


The Fallen Leaves Lord’s mount also screamed.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

At almost the same time, hundreds of arrows were shot from both teams, among which there were also spears with greater impact.

The senior slaves all protected the Slave Masters on their side, while the slaves of each Slave Master also seized the opportunity to show their loyalty. The more dangerous the situation was, the more the slaves wanted to seize the opportunity. The slaves that Su Gu recently enslaved were among them. They all gathered around Su Gu and tried to block all the arrows. They may be afraid that Su Gu would think they were not doing their best if there was no arrow on their wooden shield.

Since all the slaves gathered around the Slave Masters, there were no other people around Shao Xuan and the other two.

With one hand on the camel’s back, Shao Xuan rolled over the camel’s back, while his other hand waved a stone knife and blocked the arrows that were shot towards him.

After that, Shao Xuan did not stay on the camel’s back and continued to block the shots after landing on the ground. He didn’t like to use shields, and in such a situation, he thought shields were not that useful, which was also the habit of the Flaming Horns tribe.

As Shao Xuan held the knife, his eyes were sharp. The stone knife which was moving fast seemed to blast a ball of gray light, which instantly enveloped everything around and didn’t allow any arrow to shoot in. However, if another person was involved in the area, he would undoubtedly be killed by the bloody storm-like blade.

The camel behind Shao Xuan still held its neck high, looking at its surroundings calmly. Sometimes it would even lower its head and eat the snow.

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