Chapter 317 Cutting Meat

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Deep underground, there were many caves, which were all dug by various insects.

These nine ants, in addition to their excavation, would also use these wormholes to go.

Young lord of the White Stone City took a cup of tea and sipped. He looked at the person sitting on the animal skin with his eyes closed and asked, “What have you seen?”

The person sitting on the animal skin was very impatient, complaining that this young lord was impatient. How long has this gone? Just ask four times! Answering was also distracting, the more distracting need the more energy.

Regardless of his thoughts, there was no disgusting on the faces of the people, but he was more respectful: “It is still ahead.”

He can sense something through those ants and then guide those ants to do things. To meet the requirements of this young lord, he did not hesitate to take out the sand ant which he raised for long time. He was not a slave, but he had always maintained a slave-like status. Because of his ability, he was in a good position in the slaves of White Stone City.

If Shao Xuan was here, seeing the totem pattern of the young man sitting on the animal skin, he would be very surprising, because the totem pattern of this person was very familiar with the totem warrior with such totem pattern, and was still a neighbor of Yanjiao tribe–Wanshi tribe!

Moreover, this young man was not a general warrior, but the next witch of the Wanshi tribe. He has only been in white stone city. When he returns, he is the time to succeed.

“How did he haven’t arrived yet!” the lord was not satisfied.

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The other two did not say anything, and all explanations were nonsense. The more they talked, the more temper the lord had.

For a long time, when the younger man was about to ask the eighth time, the person sitting on the skin of the animal finally said: “Come on!”

He had been perceived by those sand ants. They had entered the deciduous city station.

Around the coliseum City, there are a lot of beasts in any place. There are many insects in life, especially the kind of cold-resistant cockroaches that Shao Xuan has seen. Especially, they dig deep into the hole, even if they are cold-resistant, they will try to avoid the cold of the surface when they are resting. Therefore, there are many wormholes in the depths of every city.

The ants from the white stone city entered the deciduous city through the wormholes that were interlaced underground and proceeded for a while, then went out and explored, determined the direction of the smell, and moved on to the other side.

These sand ants are raised with herbs and are particularly sensitive to the smell of herbs. At the moment, what they are looking for is the kind of herbs that Su Gu won in the past few days. The victory of Su Gu that day were all planned.

The role of the herb is only used by people in White Stone City for positioning.

What those people didn’t expect was that Su Gu would give Shao Xuan what he won. Therefore, this team of sand ants, eventually, according to the smell, found Shao Xuan’s room, or entered the house from the hole of the “sapphire”.

They continued to follow the smell but did not perceive the fires mound stone.

In white stone city, the people sitting on the animal skin were confused.

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“What’s wrong?”the Lord asked.

“There is no fires mound stone.” That person said.

“How could it not?! Could it be that Su Gu went out with it? No, not necessarily, your ants may have found the wrong place. Give me the continuation!!” The lord shouted.

Regardless of how the heart is in the fire, he was still respectful. “Yes.”

It was in deciduous city resident, Shao Xuan’s house. After the nine sand ants turned around in the house, they planned to return to the original road, only to find that the hole they came in had been blocked. It was a beetle bigger than them.

There were tasks in the sand ants. The team of sand ants immediately showed their murder, wanted to face, but soon, they found that this opponent was too strong.

With an encounter, the head and torso of the first sand ant had been cut and separated.

In White Stone city, the people sitting on the hides were ugly-faced.

“What happened?” the young lord asked, seeing the other party not answering, standing up from the chair, going forward a few steps, and continued to ask: “You are going to say, what happened?”

“There is…Pu!” The words were still not spoken, and the person sitting on the skin of the animal spurted out.

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Now, even people who have never heard anything in the house can’t help but frown.

“Dao Yu, you said what happened to him? What happened?” The White Stone City Lord looked at the people who had never heard.

There was sarcasm in the eyes of Dao Yu for a moment. He took a herb from the wooden box next to him, grinding it into the mud, feeding it to the people on the animal skin.

After swallowing the herb, the people on the animal skin slowed down, and he couldn’t care more. The lord closed eyes, and continued the things that had just been done. Whether he can see the fire mound stone, his carefully fed sand ants must be withdrawn!

Immediately after the first one, the second, third sand ant had completely disconnected from his consciousness, which meant that the sand ants were all dead!

Can’t continue to drag on!

They must be allowed to escape! A team can’t escape and it can escape separately! Escape one is one!

He couldn’t see exactly what the sand ants had encountered. He could only perceive a vague image from consciousness, not a beetle, but a thing wrapped in flames that looked like a horn.

Seeing the lord with anger, Dao Yu hurriedly said: “Lord, the situation is different, do not worry, wait a moment.”

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“What’s different? Is there anything different? You don’t mean that you can make it?!” The lord lifted his legs and smashed the chair next to him, but now there is no other way to wait.

In the deciduous city station, the slaves responsible for cleaning up the beasts to take care of the beasts and the beasts found that the insects in the beasts were few, and it was rare to see the beetles. Is this a natural enemy?

However, the task of these slaves was to take care of the animals and the beasts, not the insects. Even if they found that the insects were getting smaller, they didn’t care, and continued their task of cleaning the beast.

In places that people didn’t know, there was a large-scale chase.

Nine sand ants, four in the Shaoxuan house were left, and the other five fled separately. Some entered the cave, some escaped from other places, and then climbed out from the window and the door, then , or escape from the ground, or find a hole to escape from the ground.

However, even if they escaped separately, they could not escape the encirclement of hundreds of beetles, especially those who were drilled into underground caves and were directly blocked there.


In the station of white stone city, the person sitting on the animal skin was spurting out of the blood. He looked weaker than before, and his face was gray. It was not only caused by the cut of the sand ant consciousness but mainly by the anger.

The sand ants that he spent a lot of effort to cultivate, a total of less than twenty, and now, suddenly, there are nine fewer!!

It’s just more painful than cutting his flesh!

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