Chapter 323 Pt.1 The Chaos

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After escaping from the chase, Shao Xuan found a place to check the wound of Zha Zha.  When he made sure that it was fine but only lost a few feathers, he took off again.

He did not immediately return to the station of the Leaves City but looked around the Beast Desert to find a place where there were few people and animals.

In most parts of this snowy desert, there were very few people and beasts. It was only lively when people from all over cities passed by. As the Coliseum was about to open, fewer people left home to go so far. For Shao Xuan, this was a good thing.

He needed a quiet, uninterrupted and unattended place to broke through the barrier.

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Yes, Shao Xuan had felt the barrier when he practiced the way to enslaving. When he unlocked the first lock on the beetle yesterday, the feeling was more obvious. The totem on his arm extended almost to the wrist, and it seemed that he would break through the barrier after a while.

In normal times, Shao Xuan would wait the well-grounded moment but now the situation was different. Especially after the meet with Dao Yu for a short time, his thought to break through the barrier as soon as possible was more and more firm.

After what happened just now, Shao Xuan had determined that the Dao Yu was going to kill them. He didn’t know if Lei and Tuo were safe now? If the Dao Yu just wanted to send them to the Coliseum, then they were not in danger of life.

Shaking his head, Shao Xuan knew that the most important thing now was to break through the barrier first. Even though he was more special than others, and had killed more than one senior totem warrior, the reason why he could win was because that he had used some skills and there was a coincidence rather than by his absolute suppression. An intermediate totem warrior was very common, especially in this place. He only had to break through the barrier, and then it’s more likely to save Lei and Tuo.

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Su Gu was relieved for that Shao Xuan returned to the station of the Leaves City safely.

“Do you want to go to the Beast City?” Shao Xuan asked.

“Yes! I heard that someone from the White Rock City just went to there with a beast. I just went to clean them up!” Su Gu commanded the slaves to bring the scorpion and ready to fight in the city.

Shao Xuan cleaned himself up and followed Su Gu into the Beast City again.

Dao Yu felt incredible when he received reports from his men. That guy was chased in the morning, how dare he go to the Beast City in the afternoon? Wasn’t he afraid to be caught like his two friends?

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“Would you like to send for teaching him a lesson?” said one person next to the Dao Yu. His hand slashed at the air when saying ‘lesson’.

Dao Yu adjusted the newly-dressed clothes with flowers, and said lightly: “As you like.” What he now thought was mainly how to pleased the king of the White Rock City, instead of spending more energy to pay attention to other people.

At the same time, Su Gu was fighting against a young master of the White Rock City in the Beast City.

Su Gu who was in high spirit was looking at the people from the White Rock City by a pair of angry eyes. I didn’t care about others. I just had to be against you guys from the White Rock City!

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The scorpion seemed to feel the anger of Su Gu. Although the scorpion had always let Su Gu lose face in the beast cote, but its behavior made Su Gu very satisfied in the battle pit now.

The other side’s beast had always been guarding against the tail of the scorpion. What surprised it was that the fighting style of the scorpion was completely different from those scorpions that it had defeated before. The scorpion rough waved its pliers at the beginning.

Maybe because the scorpion was stimulated by Shao Xuan when it was inside the beast cote, and then was enslaved by Su Gu, it was very angry. And now it finally could express its anger in this place so it burst. It waved its big pliers so fiercely and even did not need to use the stinger of its tail.

Shao Xuan did not stay in this battle pit. He walked around nearby, especially in places where people were enslaving beasts so as to learn the way to enslaving from the slave masters from different cities.

The blue flame in Shao Xuan’s mind burned very actively every time. The ways to enslaving used by the slave masters from different places were mostly the same, with only small differences. When Shao Xuan felt these small differences, he also did practice which kept the blue flame in his mind active and even more active. This was good for his breakthrough and was why he decided to enter the city.

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