The disaster had brought massive destruction to all the tribes. Some were exterminated entirely, though many others continued to live on the shores beside the river. So, when the Flaming Horn tribe set up signs marking the river as “Flaming River,” many people saw it.

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When they first saw this happening, there had been cases where other tribes had started naming their parts of the river.

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Perhaps some were unhappy about the Flaming Horn’s impulsive decision, but the Flaming Horn tribe was not afraid. If they found out about anyone who tried to change the name of the river again, they would undoubtedly have a friendly little discussion with them.

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Explanations? No. They did not even need to provide any explanations. At this point, whoever with more power had the authority to speak. If they were weak, they shouldn’t even bother voicing out their opinion. Besides, in this area, no one wanted to risk starting a war with the Flaming Horn tribe.

When the shamans found out that the name of the Flaming River was starting to spread like across both shorelines, they smiled cheerfully, deep wrinkles visible on their faces. They even became addicted to giving names to different things, like the man-made lake, the mountains, the boats. Because of their disagreements, the two shamans often had arguments about naming different things.

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