Cinnamon Candy

Chapter 5

Kim Soo-chan’s words made Han Seon-joo’s eyes widen. He wondered what he had heard. When Han Seon-joo looked at him with surprised eyes, unable to guess the meaning of what that man was planning to do, Kim Soo-chan stretched his lips into a frog-like grin and gently rubbed his hand over Han Seon-joo’s thigh.

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Seon-joo nervously put his legs together. However, Kim Soo-chan’s hand wandered in the air and touched his thigh again.

“I will suck you, Ji-ho-ya.”

“Oh, fuck.”

A curse came out of Kwon Hee-seong’s mouth. His face twisted as if he was genuinely disgusted. The canines peeking out from between his twisted lips were white and large as if they were attached to his mouth.

Seon-joo too, wanted to swear just like Kwon Hee-seong. However, he reassured himself that he should stay as calm as possible. He didn’t want to put his stuff in the man’s mouth even if he was in the receiving position. Especially into Kim Soo-chan’s mouth. Just thinking about it sent chills down his spine.

Of course, Kim Soo-chan had something else in mind. Ignoring the look on Han Seon-joo’s face, Soo-chan slid off the sofa. Sometimes, when dealing with impatient guests, Han Seon-joo has been known to take care of business in the room instead of going to another property, but that was when he was with a woman. Seon-joo grabbed Kim Soo-chan’s shoulder, telling him “This is not right”.

“I’m fine, really. Can’t we just drink, hyung? Things like this are hard. I don’t want to see you struggle, either.”

As if this was all for the good of the other party, Han Seon-joo cleared his throat. Kwon Hee-seong couldn’t help but shake his head, clutching his drink. He was an unhelpful man.

“I do it because I want to.”

“We are not alone…”

He glanced at Kwon Hee-seong and tried to make an excuse. Kwon Hee-seong shrugged his shoulders and spoke up.

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“​​Just give it to him. I think he is going to stay like this the whole night. It’s not like he’s asking you to do it, he’s just giving it to you instead.”

That was none of his business. Han Seon-joo quickly hid his disgusted expression and looked away in embarrassment.

It backfired. Kim Soo-chan snorted, grabbing Seon-joo’s knees and tearing them apart. He slammed his face into the groin, but the pain rather than the excitement, caused Han Seon-joo to jerk his shoulders. A gasp escaped his lips.

Kim Soo-chan pulled down Han Seon-joo’s pants. This was the first time he’d ever had a man lunge at him, and he panicked, unable to push his head away. In his mind, he wanted to kick Soo-chan’s ass and get out of here, but the reality was something else entirely.

Kim Soo-chan’s eyes rolled up and he nibbled at Han Seon-joo’s groin like a baby. Seon-joo swallowed hard. Kim Soo-chan glanced up and flicked his tongue at the pillar. Han Seon-joo grabbed Kim Soo-chan’s hair and almost pulled it out like a weed. But he resisted the urge by scratching the sofa with his fingernails.


It was just as he imagined. His lower part just shrunk in response to unwanted action. Kim Soo-chan made wet noises as he sucked and poked and licked the shaft with his tongue, determined to make it stand up somehow. But like an eunuch, Han Seon-joo didn’t respond. It is natural to get erected at direct stimulation, but this situation was beyond Han Seon-joo’s tolerance. It was like being the first person in a horror movie to be eaten by an unknown creature.

It was disgusting. He wanted to escape, but he couldn’t because Soo-chan was clenching his ass tightly. Could he hit a customer’s head with a bottle of liquor, maybe?…

“Tongue, wait, hyung…Stop…”

Kim Soo-chan persistently put Seon-joo’s genitals in his mouth and harassed it. Even if Han Seon-joo twisted his waist away, Soo-chan didn’t let go. He feels like he’s fallen into the mud, but his stimulated body is slowly getting aroused, and his cheeky cock pokes its head out. As Han Seon-joo shakes his head in disbelief, his eyes suddenly lock with Kwon Hee-seong.

Han Seon-joo didn’t know how long it’s been, but Kwon Hee-seong was watching two of them with his head high in his drink. He didn’t have the shiny eyes of a spectator as if he would find more interest in seeing insects mating in a documentary. There was not the slightest interest in his eyes.

Until he made eye contact with Han Seon-joo. 

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The corners of Hee-seong’s mouth twitched upwards as Han Seon-joo looked at him as if desperately pleading for help. After that, he just leaned back leisurely on the sofa and watched the two of them doing their thing. Even when Han Seon-joo begged him silently to remove that head, Kwon Hee-seong didn’t budge. Instead, slowly wetting his lips with alcohol, he kept staring at Han Seon-joo.

Kwon Hee-seong’s gaze travelled over his hair-draped forehead, across his furrowed brow and down the bridge of his nose to his lips and briefly stopped on his cheek. It gradually slid down, scanning the straight jawline and neckline.

Han Seon-joo turned his head quickly. It felt hot wherever Kwon Hee-seong looked, in particular, Seon-joo lips were burning as well as dimples that were revealed on his cheek from tightly gritted teeth. His gaze roamed over Seon-joo’s earlobe, licking his neckline, then slipped down and into his shirt.

His gaze is like a snake, that warmed up in the sun, rattling its scales, slithering down his spine and below. His nipples, which had never been touched by anyone, stood up firmly, and his lower body tensed.

Kim Soo-chan chuckled. Seon-joo couldn’t tell if the tongue wrapped around his genitals was Kim Soo-chan’s or someone else’s. His head gradually went blank. The corners of his tightly clenched lips parted, letting a sweet gasp escape.

Seon-joo grabbed the table and struggled to endure that torture. Han Seon-joo hates this situation. “It’s terrible, it’s torture”, even though he keeps repeating those negative words to suppress his senses. However, the gaze that slipped into his clothes and the way Kwon Hee-seong’s eyes reached his chest and followed down below, made the nape of his neck tingle and his hair stand on end.


He is going crazy, his genitals become stiff. But he doesn’t want to see Kim Soo-chan’s head moving up and down, nor the reaction of his own body, so Seon-joo squeezes his eyes shut. And yet, he feels that burning gaze.

What is he looking at? My reaction, or my body?

His cheeks are burning hot. He thought he was experienced enough to the point of being worn out, but there was still shame left in him.


That burning gaze was too much for him to bear, so he turned his head away from Kwon Hee-seong. That gaze that reached from the side was so intense, Han Seon-joo didn’t know how to break away from it. As if the sunlight has gone through the magnifying glass, the heat on the nape of his neck run through his veins and heated his whole body. Heat also gathered below his navel.

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As if it wasn’t enough. As if in need of more stimulation, his tightly gripped waist sways and bounced. Han Seon-joon didn’t want to ejaculate into Kim Soo-chan’s mouth, even if he dies. So he bent and begged.

“Please stop! Please.”

He wasn’t worried he would make a huge mistake by doing this. But begging didn’t work with Kim Soo-chan. He bit and sucked even harder. The pain was stronger than the pleasure, and Han Seon-joo squeezed his eyes shut. Tears dangled from the tips of his eyes.


He opened his tightly closed eyes. His eyes drifted to the other side of the room. Back to the source of the burning gaze.

The gaze was still there. His brown eyes as dark colour as liquor in his hand,  were darker than they had been at first.


As if his body had been pierced by an arrow, Han Seon-joo’s shoulders jerked violently. For a moment, a jolt of electricity ran from the top of his head to his toes, escaping between his legs. When Kim Soo-chan removed his head, the white liquid burst out once more and scattered on the floor.

The drowsy feeling of exhaustion was short-lived, and Seon-joo hurriedly pulled his pants up. Kim Soo-chan wiped his mouth with his sleeve and stood up. There was a noticeable bulge between his legs.

“Do you know how it works, right? Now it’s my turn.”

In an instant, the blood drained from Seon-joo’s face. Soo-chan’s sucking was terrible, and now that alpha was telling him to put it into his mouth. Han Seon-joo felt he would rather be sentenced to death by cutting his own throat. He shook his head, forgetting the etiquette he has to keep in front of customers, trying to deny the inevitable to happen. But he was so flustered, he has become speechless.

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Kim Soo-chan gasped and unbuckled his belt, saying he would like it. Seon-joo leaned back as if he was trying to become one with the sofa, and looked alternately at Kim Soo-chan and Kwon Hee-seong.

Kim Soo-chan excitedly stretched out his arms in the direction Han Seon-joo’s face. The hand cast a shadow over Seon-joo’s head. Just as his hair was about to stand on end, there was a loud bang and something hit the wall. The glass shattered and fell to the floor in a huddle, its contents splashing everywhere, leaving a dark pattern on the wallpaper.

With his hands in the air, Kim Soo-chan paused. His head turned towards the wall and then slowly turned away, in the direction where the glass came flying between the two of them.

“Hey! You crazy…”

Kim Soo-chan clenched his teeth. Kwon Hee-seong was the culprit. He looked down and for some reason threw the glass in his hand, and was about to pull another empty glass in front of him. The smiling face was still there. It was an innocent expression that made it hard to believe that Kwon Hee-seong had thrown it, had it not been for the glass fragments at Seon-joo’s feet.

Kwon Hee-seong’s expression did not change when he spoke up.

“That’s enough.”

The implication was that he’d let him off the hook once, but not twice. Kim Soo-chan gritted his teeth and pumped his fists.

“You bastard.”

Kwon Hee-seong calmly poured alcohol into a new glass, regardless of the fact his opponent was trying to intimidate him. The glass was emptied in a flash.

“You just sucked him, what more do you want? Don’t be a dick Soo-chan, let him go.”

“Fuck it,  it’s natural to want one too. It’s not fair to let him go.”

Kim Soo-chan grabbed Seon-joo’s head. Seon-joo gripped alpha’s wrist and looked at Kwon Hee-seong. He was in a situation where he would stay on his knees for a long time, if Seon-joo turned away from this chance. Han Seon-joo swallowed hard and looked up Kwon Hee-seong desperately. He was the only one he could trust right now.

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