City of Slumber

Chapter 20


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Miriam muttered from bed.
“My head hurts…”
It’s already certain.
“Want to drink the headache medicine? Sorry. It synced with mine…”
“Ah, Alice-chan, sorry. Water…”
I went to the kitchen to pour water, where Henry and Armand fearfully stared at me.
“What’s syncing?”
“Will we sync too…?”
Syncing, huh!!
I won’t even retort.
“Miriam, I brought water. Here, the medicine”
“T, thanks…”
After a while, I heard Miriam breathe in her sleep.
I covered Miriam with a towel blanket.
“Um… We…”
Armand and Henry were fidgety.
“What if my stomach hurts?”

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“Here, a painkiller”
I casually passed a painkiller.
What savagery!!
Well, I can say this much to Henry and Armand.
“It’s curry tomorrow”
Are you little children!!

Henry and Armand went out to obtain coins.
Seeing that I said yesterday we’d be having curry, we can’t not make it.
I went to the town market carrying silver coins.
Miriam declared she’d follow me, but I had her stay.
Around now she should be washing rice in preparation for cooking it with our mess kit.
After washing she’ll soak the rice in water, it sounds like it’ll be delicious.
I bought curry powder, lard, wheat flour, cumin, and also garam masala which I’ve found.
As for vegetables, because there are leftover onions, bell peppers, and zucchini from what Miriam bought, I only bought eggplants.

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… You are supposed to have never cooked!?
Is what you’d probably tell me.
That’s right. I’ve never made curry that doesn’t use a typical Japanese roux, I’m shopping after listening to Miriam’s recipe.
Honestly, I fear what curry it will be…

Because Miriam said she doesn’t know if the curry won’t sit heavy on her stomach, I also purchased a pan loaf, eggs, bacon and cheese. As for seasonings, I got salt and pepper.
Bacon and egg toast is a dish I used to sloppily make when my mother wasn’t there.
I don’t know whether Miriam will be able to eat it.
Just in case I bought vegetable juice.

When I came back from shopping, Miriam was in bed waiting for the rice to absorb water.
“I’ll cook lunch”
“Can you cook like this…?”
“I can’t…”
Because she said so, I took out a frying pan, poured oil, put in eggs, chopped bacon and cheese then threw them in. Lastly, I placed bread on top and waited for the mix to set.
I put the bread on the plate turning the pan over and poured the vegetable juice in a glass.
Miriam got up and sat on a chair.
She stared fixedly at it for a moment, smelled it, then began eating.

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She drank vegetable juice while eating…
“Thanks for the meal…”
“How was it?”
“… Hm… D, delicious…”
I feel that’s impossible.
Yesterday’s soup is what can be called delicious. Her skill would put professionals to shame.
Well, whatever. She ate it. She’ll be lively soon.
There’s no way the results of my cooking would be tasty.
She seems dissatisfied, so she should recover and cook from tomorrow on!!
Having spent the day with Miriam uneventfully, the sun set.
The curry was also finished, even if it got burnt.

Besides Armand who was eating the curry greedily, Henry was eating it bitterly.
Prince seems to have eaten nothing but delicious food, burnt curry doesn’t seem to fit his tastes.
“What’s wrong, aren’t you eating?”
“Yes… Second helping of rice please”
“That’s, what Miriam made…”

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“Eh? Ah, aah. The roux is also delicious…”
That’s totally impossible, Henry.
“These are today’s coins. Do you want to go to a restaurant tomorrow morning?”
Armand’s question saved me!! I even thought so myself…

“Speaking of which, won’t Miriam’s arts be unusable today…”
Being covered in cuts, tears gathered in Henry’s covered.
“I found a cream for scratches in town”
I handed the tube with medicine to Henry.
“Oh, it’s a popular item of the Church of Larice…!!”
I know. It’s a medicine magically compounded from herbs that grow in Larice, one use recovers 100 HP.
Henry spread it at once, ah, that’s it!! He’s satisfied.
“Where do they sell it!?”
“I caught sight of it on the flew market. It was sold here and there”
“Can we take it when we go out the next time!!”
Armand also took a tube.

The love gauge raises according to the amount of times Miriam uses recovery arts on a person.
For the sake of bee el I’ll be a hindrance!!

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