City of Slumber

Chapter 26

Bugs will occur…?

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Now then.
Once we descend from this floor we’ll reach the last boss dragon. It’s the battle at an underground lake.
However, the first fight invariably ends in defeat.
Receiving the dragon’s magma breath on the third turn, judging they have no chance of winning, the party decides to evacuate from the floor with the huge underground lake.
Without casualties, the boss fight event is over.

Then the party at loss of what to do wanders around to raise their levels, when they meet the old magician of Larice again, who gives them an advice.
If you obtain the Divine Sword someone’s secret ability will bloom, and the party will become stronger as a whole.

If Armand pulls it out, he’ll obtain the Magical Sword, if Henry, it will be the Holy Sword.
The one with the highest love gauge pulls out the sword. There are also some cases where it fails.
In addition, if Alice’s love gauge is the highest, Miriam herself pulls out the sword.
It’s the Hero’s Sword.

Armand obtains magical powers with the Magical Sword, allowing him to use attacks with increased power.
However, it can’t be used when his mana is at 0.

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Moreover, there’s a cheat magic in the Magical Sword.
If you use the magic that turns the opponent into a mouse, aside from the bosses, the combat ends. Naturally, you receive both the experience and coins.

In Henry’s case, the Holy Sword’s special attacks have nothing to do with mana.
They’re usable when the Divine Sword is equipped.
He can use special attacks like lowering enemy’s defenses or reducing their mana to 0.
Henry’s route is the most advantageous to defeating bosses and the dragon. Henry the balance breaker.

And then there’s Miriam’s Hero’s Sword.
It has the lowest merit simply due to Miriam’s capability as a warrior.
However, because Miriam’s has only few methods of attack, it has the advantage of giving her high attack power.
Moreover, maximum health etc. also increase. In addition, it grants her the ability to protect Alice, making it harder to get a bad end.

So, about this Hero’s Sword… I relied on the sketchbook and went to the last boss without acquiring it. You can draw out the sword any number of times, but if the prerequisites aren’t fulfilled you won’t succeed.
You can clear the game without it, so I ignored it.

Sketchbook is a skill in the beginner mode restricted to 50 uses, an enemy is vanquished in two steps, sketching and tearing it off.

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“Hey, Miriam. Can’t you draw pictures?”
“What’s up, Alice-chan?”
After breakfast I inquired Miriam.
The sketchbook is supposed to be Miriam’s initial equipment, but…
“I thought I’d like to see a picture Miriam painted”
“I thought they’d be a hindrance, so I didn’t take the tools with me”
What’s with that…?
It can’t be used on the dragon then…

I opened the grimoire to try to summon the sleazebag father.
“Miriam doesn’t have a sketchbook?”
“Yes. This time, I want you to clear it on normal mode. Sketchbook is only available to Miriam on beginner mode, right?”
“What’s with that!? I set it to beginner mode!!”
“You see. Isn’t beginner mode a bad choice for realistic experience? It’s unnecessary for it to be gentle. Normal mode is the ultimate realistic experience!! The game requires somebody who’ll reach the end at normal mode!!”
Extending his arms above his head, with a pose like on saints’ painting, father emphasized.

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“By the way, can I stay in this world forever?”
“No. If you clear the game you’ll return to your original word, and if you reach a bad end you’ll disappear. Of course, it’s unacceptable to not clear it”
To my original world…
That’s disappointing.
“Because she entered Alice route, Miriam will be opposed to you returning to your original world, bugs will occur even in your original world, but I just have to ignore them. Something like bugs? After half a year she’ll give up and they’ll stop. Even with that persistent personality, she just needs to be ignored for half a year, right? Don’t you feel this is the case as well? Once you clear the game, I’ll look for Miriam’s new plaything. Such a child will be easily humored!!”
Father made a vulgar smile.

Bugs will occur?
Ignore them?

I couldn’t make sense of what the father said.
But, this sleazebag father, is certainly a priest of Fraise’s women’s monastery, he should also be its director.
He’s Miriam’s superior.
Looking at older sisters kissing Miriam or doing her bust-up massage from the shadows, he must have been smirking.
… And what’s with the new plaything!?
Miriam who’s being manipulated by this guy feels somewhat pitiful.

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TL: I’ll be honest, I loathe this development. It’s a complete kick in the guts. Enough to kill most of the motivation to keep translating this novel and make me seriously consider dropping it. Even though I really like Alice, Miriam, and their relationship, I don’t think I can enjoy cute scenes between them anymore, with such a bitter parting looming over them.

Slight spoilers in the paragraph below


It was enough to actually make me check out the final chapter. Turns out, rather than actually finished, the novel has been put on an indefinite hiatus and only marked as complete, with the game seemingly not cleared yet. That alone wouldn’t be a problem, it’s the journey that counts. However, from a cursory search of several terms, I could find no sign of priest taking back his words about sending her back, and without this I can’t even imagine enjoying the journey. But perhaps I’ve missed something… Otherwise I could try deluding myself it’s meant to be a future development if the novel ever resumes, but such thinking doesn’t seem to be working.


So, I’m at a loss. I don’t know, maybe I’m just irrationally upset and overreacting. Perhaps I’m simply lacking outside perspective. I wish somebody who’s actually read the raws could spoil me whether this matter was at least brought up again, or better yet, resolved.

Right now, I’m thinking of just finishing the last two chapters of the current arc and then moving onto another novel – another cute otoge isekai that caught my eye, this time with a woman who loves villainesses too much reincarnated as a heroine.


So, how do you all feel? Both about the content of this chapter and about what I wrote in what turned out to be quite a rant.

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