Climb To The Top

Chapter 10

In the video, the trainees of the girl group looked very anxious. Judging from their expressions, the audience suddenly realized that there was a problem with the song selection of the girl group.

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At this time, a new voice appeared, she broke the restless mood of the trainees. She was Jiang Ting. Her appearance made a huge change in the team. She began to tell the trainees in the girls group what to do in an orderly manner. First, she planned the direction of the team’s competition focus. Second, she clarified the direction of the team’s song selection. This wise girl instantly captured the hearts of the audience.

Due to editing problems, the program team put Jiang Ting’s selection as the captain in the mid-term. Next, let the audience realize her excellent leadership ability. Immediately afterwards, Jiang Ting and Meng Yu worked tirelessly to teach group members to practice group songs. It was a boring practice, but the members still couldn’t learn it. Meng Yu was a little anxious, and she spoke to Zheng Qian a little harder. Zheng Qian’s eyes were red when she saw this, and she ran out in a hurry.

The practice was forced to be interrupted, and Jiang Ting, who was the captain, quickly followed.

The camera turned and switched to the practice room where Jiang Ting was comforting Zheng Qian, who was deliberately adding drama to herself. She did not reveal it, and cooperated with her to give herself a ‘kind’ character, with a heartfelt consolation.

“…Qianqian, everyone is under a lot of pressure, and so is Meng Yu. She is strict with you, but also for you and for the sake of the group. I hope you can understand her and don’t be angry with her.”

Zheng Qian hurriedly shook her head, secretly scolding ‘her thighs’ for being nosy. Jiang Ting came, how could she be a ‘weak, innocent, pitiful and oppressed’ character. She can only follow the script created by Jiang Ting and use the character design of an “inspirational girl”.

She was coaxed and said: “I’m not angry with Meng Yu, I’m angry with myself for being so useless. I can’t do anything well, how can I blame her. Captain, don’t worry, I’m just under a lot of pressure, just take it easy for a while.”

The audience outside the video didn’t see the turmoil between the girls at all, only saw Zheng Qian’s sincerity in order to perform a good show and the captain’s kindness like a spring breeze. Some fans even quietly whispered the pair of CP1.

Afterwards, the two returned to the practice room, and Zheng Qian apologized to Meng Yu, saying that she had not been able to sing well, and she cried because she was under too much pressure. Meng Yu also said that what she did was wrong, and her tone should not be so serious. Then, the two staged a scene of “laughing and ignoring enmity” and reconciled. The members of the girl group also began to cheer together, saying that the winner of the team competition must be theirs.

The pre-match video time is not long, only two and a half minutes. But everything that should be explained was explained. Especially Jiang Ting, who performed extremely well as the captain. Since the program team discovered that Jiang Ting was a personal trainee, they are even more intentional to support her. Her personal image is extremely positive, and she is wise and kind. That is to say, starting from the second stage, Jiang Ting’s fans have increased exponentially.

After the pre-match video ended, the stage of “National Couple” became pitch black.

The accompaniment began to sound, facing the audience, the dark stage on the left played a beam of purple light, and a huge moon ship appeared. At the same time, a girl in a red dress also appeared in front of the moon. She held a microphone and opened her mouth to sing.

There are audiences who love her, know that her name is Lin Xinxiang, and keep swiping her name on the barrage.

“Similar women.. Chasing similar beauty..

Their similar desires.. Leading their noses in the same direction..”

Next, a red sofa appeared in the center of the stage, and a person was lying on the sofa. She was wearing a red tube top and a black trousers, and a pair of Martin boots on the sofa.

She is exactly Jiang Ting, who has become a hot topic in these two episodes.

Jiang Ting was lying on the sofa with a microphone in hand. Her beautiful face was reflected in the hearts of the audience, she began to sing with unruly eyebrows and eyes.

“I go back to a similar house, reclining on a similar sofa..

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Scrolling through similar Weibos, chatting on similar forums..”

After she sang four lines lazily on the red sofa, she suddenly got up from the sofa and walked towards the audience step by step. The extremely sharp lyrics directly hit the audience watching the show.

“Similarly breaking headlines, gossiping similar gossip..

Netizens’ similar mouths dirty with similar words..”

The sarcastic lyrics, the cold expression, coupled with clear articulation and the high rap level of the voice, beat the audience word by word.

Then, Ji Aijun, Zheng Qian, and Li Ling appeared one after another. Their lyrics were so straightforward and their expressions were so mocking, but there was a sense of indifference in their singing.

Especially the girls watching the show, when they saw Li Ling sing that sentence,”..Girls’ similar paths are similarly helpless..” Many people couldn’t hold back their eyes and turned red.

No one thought this was a very critical song. Ordinary life, but cared about extraordinary evaluations. Along the way, helpless and afraid, who would have thought of her grievances.

In her part, Xu Ya was wearing a black tight waistless T-shirt and a red A-line skirt, standing in the center, the treble opened again.

“Similar women.. Chasing similar beauty..

Their similar desires.. Leading their noses in the same direction..”

The camera was facing Xu Ya, she waved her hand. The next second, the camera turned to Meng Yu, who was sitting on the table handsomely, and the lyrics were powerful like bullets.

“All showing off similar waists.. Faking similar smiles..

Acting similarly coyly.. Relying similarly on relationships..”

After Meng Yu finished singing, Pan Yujia, Lei Yunyun and Hong Shiyu sang in turn. Especially Lei Yunyun, after the last episode of the show was broadcast, black fans exploded, and the audience scolded the instructor for being blind. This ability can make it into the top three in the ranking, and they all ridiculed “I can do it too.”

But in this issue, she didn’t hold back, and she sang well. Although she was a little nervous, she improved a lot compared to before. Such a huge contrast caused many audiences in the previous issue from black fans to turn to real fans.

Next, the progress bar advances little by little, and the song enters the chorus stage.

All ten people lined up, all dressed in red and black clothes, picked up microphones in unison, and sang together.

“Similar women.. Chasing similar beauty..

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Their similar desires.. Leading their noses in the same direction..”

Afterwards, the camera turned to Meng Yu. With the change of melody, Meng Yu’s lyrics became more and more profound.

“Chattering and whispering, all similarly foolish things..”

As if questioning the audience in front of the video word by word.

And then, Xu Ya’s fluttering but decadent lyrics, “…Most have been disappointed with themselves when they look in the mirror…” is even more thought-provoking.

After Xu Ya finished singing, the song went smoothly and gradually came to the end. At this moment, the scene continued to be silent for 1 second, but in the next second, the drum tune instantly became intense, and the lyrics exploded directly from here, and the strong emotion made people tremble all over.

“And now ladies I want to share..

Once I was like this.. with similar worries..”

Jiang Ting’s passionate and high-pitched voice instantly blew up the stage scene. She blushed and sang emotionally.

“Went almost two weeks without eating..

Almost lost my life..”

Her eyes began to become wet, and her tears were misty.

“Countless almost all are similar..”

Life really shouldn’t be lived this way..”

The more Jiang Ting sang, the more intense the atmosphere, and her voice like a storm filled the audience’s eardrums.

“Like this song I’m singing..

If you could see through the similar vanity..

It’s just a similar bubble..”

Until the last lyric, her bloody lyric, completely tore up those ugly masks, implying that vanity is just a bubble, just a passing cloud.

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After she finished singing, the melody continued, Jiang Ting stepped on the speaker with her right foot, and the loud high pitch ignited the whole scene again.


The bursting treble, the emotions progressed layer by layer, until the most heart-piercing voice burst out at the end, which made the audience get goosebumps. After the high pitch, the accompaniment gradually returned to stability.

It was still the girl from the beginning, Lin Xinxiang’s ethereal voice resounded through the sky again.

“Similar women.. Chasing similar beauty..

Their similar desires.. Leading their noses in the same direction..”

At the same time, nine other trainees also appeared beside her, ten people lined up one after another, very harmonious.

After a few seconds, the accompaniment disappeared, and ten people bowed for the curtain call. The audience also responded and applauded.

“Papapa…” After that, the applause was thunderous and lasted for a long time.

The video is played here, and Zhang Ning, the Chief Instructor, appeared again with a card in her hand.

“The team competition of the two groups of trainees has been completed. Do you think it’s exciting?”

The audience responded enthusiastically: “Wonderful.”

Zhang Ning’s smile became brighter, and she repeated the rules of the voting system again.

“The team competition has been completed. This program adopts a two-round voting system. The voting scores of 500 public judges on the spot and the voting scores of the online national producer.”

“The two votes each account for 50% of the total score. The group with the highest number of votes wins. Now the audience is invited to vote for the two groups of trainees.”

“Press ‘1’ if you like the boys’ group, and press ‘2’ if you like the girls’ group. Please choose from 500 public judges.”

After 10 seconds, among the 500 public judges, the girls group directly crushed the boys group who got 94 points with a super high score of 401 points, and 5 of them abstained from voting.

When the girls’ trainees saw the results, they were stunned. They were unexpectedly happy, it was a surprise to get so many votes.

At this time, the Chief Instructor smiled and called: “Jiang Ting, the girls group won, as the captain, you can say something to the audience.”

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Jiang Ting stood at the very edge. She thought it was normal when she saw the result, but a group of girls around her acted too much. They cried, laughed, and pretended to be unbelievable. She still watched it with relish.

Until she was suddenly called by the Chief Instructor to speak, she was stunned, she didn’t know what to say, this is not a basic exercise.

The next second the camera was facing her, and she instantly switched to an excited expression, talking nonsense in a serious manner.

“I still can’t believe that our team will win.”

Barrage: [My mother should win, because I have no idea of ​​losing.]

“After all, our rehearsal time is too tight, and our team rehearsal time is less than three days.”

[Trash, get rid of the trash.]

“We were also very apprehensive about the effect of the stage presentation. We never thought it would be so popular.”

[The effect presented on the stage is about to explode. Vote blindly. ]

“Thank you, I am very honored to be loved by everyone. We will continue to work hard in the future. I hope you will support me.”

[Wh*ring, it’s not easy to come out to ask for a living.]

Jiang Ting gave a textbook-style speech by Bai Lian2, pretending to be pretty, but no one could see her original thoughts.

After she finished speaking, Zhang Ning, the Chief Instructor, read an advertisement and began to announce.

“The team competition is over. I hope that the national producers will vote for your team within this week. The online voting time is until 8:00 pm every Friday.

“Not much to say, let’s enter the boys and girls double PK competition.”

Pa-.. The program group instantly switched to the next preview. Audiences and fans of the trainees scolded Tengfei Entertainment for not being human on the barrage, but none of them took their eyes off the trailer on the screen.

The trainees appeared one after another in the trailers, but Jiang Ting never appeared. The fans waited anxiously, for fear that they would miss her when she appeared.

Until, in the last three seconds of the ending, a very poisonous whistle sounded, Jiang Ting sang ‘Troublemaker’. The next second, the camera switched, a boy in a black shirt turned his back to her.

Then, the screen is blank.

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