Climb To The Top

Chapter 15

After the end of the second episode of “National Couple”, fans waited for the stars and the moon for seven days. Finally, until 8 o’clock on Saturday night, the day they waited came.

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Fans eagerly opened Tengfei Entertainment, only to see the big cover of “National Couple” hanging high on the homepage. They could see the third video when they opened it and directly clicked on it.

As the current president of Jiang Ting’s support club, Liu Yu naturally wants to fully support the “National Couple” program. Especially when the trailer of the previous episode appeared, Jiang Ting’s fans found that the teaser video of their family was only 3 seconds long, and the whole Chaohua exploded. Later, the fans collectively ran to the official Weibo of “National Couple” to swipe the screen, hoping to eat the show group.

And the management of fans like Liu Yu is well versed in the routine of cooking for their family injustice and selling misery to seek justice. They point their swords and slash Jiang Ting’s explosion-proofs at the program group. They are afraid that their female goose will come out from the first place because some of the trainees with sponsors behind them will open the way. This caused some other fans in the fan circle to feel that Jiang Ting’s family is a bit miserable.

That’s right, Jiang Ting’s fans are almost as many as Lei Yunyun and unilaterally announced a war.

Who made the trailer of Lei Yunyun the longest, plus the cooking’s business ability was a waste, have a small number of fans but most of them are studio navy, who doesn’t bully her?

It can be said that in the fan circle, Jiang Ting’s fans almost became famous in the first battle, suppressing Lei Yunyun’s fans. Other fans also laughed at Lei Yunyun’s fans for their cooking’s business ability is such a waste. Moreover, the fans’ tearing ability is also a waste. At the same time, they couldn’t help but be surprised by Jiang Ting’s fans’ fighting power.

Even fans of many other idols envy Jiang Ting’s fans for having a good cook. First of all, the business ability of cooking has exploded, the fans’ ability to cast and vote is strong, and the personal data in the show is even more amazing. The most surprising thing is that even the passers-by have a very high favorability.

Every passerby who has watched the show said that compared to Zheng Qian’s ‘inspirational girl’ character, Jiang Ting’s powerful and considerate captain character is more popular. They also like such positive idols.

Many people also said that it is better to let these girls form a group to make their debut. This comment is still posted on the Weibo of “Miss Similar” at the beginning, and the number of likes has exceeded 100,000.

Jiang Ting’s fans are even more proud. Looking at the traffic idols who debuted in China, either they have the strong professional ability but few fans; or they have many fans and high infamy. There is almost no such idol traffic with high appearance, strong ability, many fans, and passers-by’s goodwill. So Jiang Ting’s fans are even happier, they only feel that they are fans of the right idol.

Especially Liu Yu, who now scolds herself almost every day for being blind, wasting good times on the white-eyed wolf, and missing the growth experience of the beautiful female goose.

So much so that she has to take exams and review recently, and she doesn’t have time to pay attention to her female goose and record data for the female goose. She can only temporarily hand over matters in the supporters club to other people.

That’s right, Liu Yu, the president of the support club who keeps shouting ‘Female goose, Mom loves you’, is just a college student, the age… the same age as Jiang Ting.

Liu Yu, who finished a day of review, opened the third video of the “National Couple” with all her heart.

The first person to appear is Zhang Ning, the Chief Instructor. Liu Yu did not plan to directly pull the progress to her own cooking this time. She plans to watch the show from beginning to end, and by the way, find the black spots cooked by other fans. Lest some fans do not know the height of the sky, want to pull their goose to rub the heat, and can’t find the topic to go back to black.

The video started with Zhang Ning announcing the rules of the double PK competition, talking a lot. Liu Yu didn’t listen carefully, but she heard it. The next step is to draw a lottery.

Liu Yu thought that when it was time for the lottery, her daughter should appear, but… she didn’t even show a shadow.

There are nine boys in a row plus Lin Xinxiang, who knows who is her daughter’s partner.

In the previous trailer, Jiang Ting showed her face, and a man with his back to her appeared behind her. But only the back of the boy was seen, not even his head, which almost made Jiang Ting’s fans go crazy.

In Jiang Ting’s Chaohua, fans discussed for a whole week, guessing who became Jiang Ting’s partner, and even other male trainee fans came to join in the fun and cook cakes for themselves.

After Jiang Ting came up with two classic songs, fans of various male trainees gave Jiang Ting the nickname ‘Treasure Girl’, implying that the other party is like a treasure and can come up with good songs.

That’s why fans from all over the world came to Jiang Ting Chaohua to chat and draw cakes everywhere. Some people said that the body looks like Xu Jiayin, some people say that the arms look like Xu Zhengxuan, and some even say that the back looks like Chen Yi.

When seeing the cakes painted by Chen Yi’s family, Liu Yu smiled, secretly laughing at Chen Yi’s fans. Toads want to eat swan meat1 and dare to dream of anything.

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Due to Jiang Ting’s popularity, she has too many new Chaohua fans. But a lot of ghosts and snakes also come in an instant, and some of the poisonous fans watch the ‘Side to Side” video every day, advocating that Jiang Ting should make her debut and be beautiful alone.

Liu Yu didn’t care, at least the poisonous fans were much better than the blood-sucking CP fans.

Don’t know where the evil wind came from, but since Jiang Ting comforted Zheng Qian with a few words on the pre-match video, someone formed some kind of “pre-match CP”. The CP fans were called Ting-Qian fans which were taken from the words Jiang ‘Ting’ and Zheng ‘Qian’. Because of this, it sucked a lot of blood for Zheng Qian and made Jiang Ting fans sick, and resolutely prevented CP fans from sucking blood.

Thinking of this, Liu Yu wanted to sigh again. This show is positioned to attract CP fans, and she doesn’t know how many more CP fans will come out after this show is broadcast. Why didn’t the female goose think so much back then, why didn’t she participate in the “Girls 101” girl group audition next door?

It’s all right now, the official CP selected by the show has made fans slam CP openly, and there is no way to scold CP fans from now on.

Liu Yu, who has always been a fan and even a little poisonous, feels a little uncomfortable.

She was silent for a while, and found that the Chief Instructor Zhang Ning announced that she had officially entered the performance of the ‘Double PK Competition’.

She remembered Xu Jiayin who was the first to draw the lottery just now. He was lucky enough to be the first to appear in the lottery. Maybe their female goose formed a couple with the other party? She looked excited, suddenly became interested, and continued to look down.

“Next, we will invite Trainees Xu Jiayin and Xu Ya to bring us the song ‘Sweet’..”

Countless fans waiting to see Xu Jiayin and Jiang Ting’s performance: “…”

The camera was switched, and the video showed the pre-match of the two before the stage. In the practice room, Xu Jiayin had a gentle voice, but he was stubborn in the selection of songs. Xu Ya couldn’t beat him and finally agreed to his selection.

Then, when the pre-match video ended, Xu Jiayin and Xu Ya appeared on the stage. The music played and the two of them sang in tacit understanding. Their movements were even more uniform and they performed vigorous songs and dances together.

Over time, the stage of the two came to an end, and their performance was very successful. The dance song ‘Sweet’ is very suitable for the competition. Coupled with the explosive hip-hop dance, it even activates the atmosphere of the audience. The audience is also very enthusiastic, cheering and shouting for them.

When the stage ended, fans shouted the names of Xu Jiayin and Xu Ya.

The Chief Instructor Zhang Ning came to the two and asked them what they wanted to say.

Xu Ya took the initiative to give up the limelight to Xu Jiayin, and it seemed that she was very satisfied with her partner Xu Jiayin.

Xu Jiayin calmed down his panting and said softly.

“Thank you very much to my partner. She is excellent. She helped me a lot during the cooperation process. I am very grateful to her.”

After he finished speaking, he didn’t say much and handed the microphone directly to Xu Ya.

Xu Ya was different and started to praise Xu Jiayin crazily.

“Jiayin is really great. Even though he is one year younger than me, he takes care of me like a big brother and makes me feel very secure. In addition, he is also very capable. He is very attentive in choreography, costumes, and even on stage. He is very caring about the props we are going to use and strives for perfection. So it is my honor and I am very happy to cooperate with him. If there is a next time, I hope we can continue to cooperate.”

The first half of Xu Ya’s words imply that the two have a close relationship. In the middle, she frantically blows Xu Jiayin’s rainbow fart and gives sugar to CP fans, followed by a bright hint that fans will vote for their group. Because they don’t vote, how could the two cooperate again next time?

In the final scoring session, the 500 public judges gave the two a good start for the first time. The high vote of ‘425’ was enough to satisfy the two.

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When the two of them boarded the gorgeous black-gold throne, Xu Ya was still excited, and she didn’t know whether she was intentionally or unconsciously holding Xu Jiayin’s arm.

Xu Jiayin’s face darkened, then with a little effort, he pulled out his arms and sat beside her. Suddenly, Xu Ya was silent.

The episode between the two on the throne was captured by the camera, and the program team did not know whether they wanted to fire the two CPs, or what was going on, so they didn’t delete this episode.

When Xu Jiayin’s fans saw that Xu Ya took the initiative to hold Xu Jiayin’s arm, but was rejected by Xu Jiayin, they immediately scolded Xu Ya for being shameless and posted them upside down; and Xu Ya’s fans were also disgusted by Xu Jiayin pretending. He deliberately blackened his face and didn’t give face to his partner, who knows what it looks like in private.

The scolding battle between the two fans will not be shown for the time being.

Continue down to see Jiang Ting’s fans still waiting patiently for the appearance of their cooking.

However, it is very tragic, the next combination is still not their female goose.

It was their temporary opponent, Lei Yunyun, whose partner was Shi Yi, who ranked 9th in the boys’ group, and made a mistake in the team competition last week, which delayed the boys’ group causing the boys’ group to be directly crushed by the girls’ group by a large margin.

Some Jiang Ting fans who have been torn apart by Lei Yunyun fans, laughed when they saw this combination, and laughed at a piece of trash to match the trash. Is this a double waste combo? Is this going to go the black-and-red route completely?

As expected, the stage of the two was especially disastrous.

Before the stage, the pre-match video showed the boy named Shi Yi arranging everything clearly, and the words in his mouth were even more set. What kind of stupid brainwashing method like “I don’t want you to think, I want me to think”? Lei Yunyun, who was bluffing, was stunned for a while. She was so stupid and obediently listened to the other party’s orders.

As a result, when singing love songs, the other party’s car accident-like male duck voice is even more fun. It seems that Lei Yunyun’s performance on the stage is a little better than the other party’s. Jiang Ting’s fans can’t bear to black Lei Yunyun.

After the game, the two entered the ‘normal zone’ with a total score of 247 and sat on white seats. This time, Lei Yunyun was very self-aware and directly sat on the white seat sequence ’10’. Shi Yi, who had a darker face, had no choice but to follow.

Seeing Lei Yunyun’s actions, Lei Yunyun’s fans yelled at Shi Yi like crazy. Finally, Lei Yunyun performed a little better in the last episode and gained a lot of new fans, but she was dragged down by Shi Yi’s trash. It was all over.

Yunyun’s performance on stage today, if they are paired with Xu Jiayin or Sheng Kai, might be on the black gold throne.

Lei Yunyun’s fan brains are too beautiful, causing other fans to laugh wildly and criticize their trash.

Next, the video continued to play. The couple Xu Zhengxuan and Lin Xinxiang appeared on the stage. They sang the classic love song ‘For You” by the Queen and won a lot of applause. The score of the audience vote was 417.

Immediately afterward, Lin Yu and Ji Aijun’s rock stage also made many fans in front of the screen shine. Unfortunately, the scores were not high, not surpassing the scores of Xu Zhengxuan and Lin Xinxiang, and the number of votes was 409.

Then, Meng Yu and Xin Jiu’s rap set off a frenetic atmosphere on the scene, but some people on the scene didn’t like this rap. The two scored less than 400, and the total number of votes: 376, is currently the second lowest in the audience.

Afterward, Li Ling and Luo Tianning’s classic male and female love song duet won a high score of 413. Pan Yujia and Yin Ziyu’s dance style was defeated by Yin Ziyu’s too-rigid limbs and again scored less than 400 points, with only 380 votes.

Jiang Ting fans watched the outstanding male trainees appearing one after another in the front of the video, and gradually became anxious. There are only three male trainees who have not appeared yet: Sheng Kai, who ranked second in the qualification round, Liu Zhongming, who was seventh in qualification, and Chen Yi, who was last in qualification.

Especially when Jiang Ting’s fans saw Hong Shiyu and Liu Zhongming being the next couple to appear, they gradually breathed a sigh of relief, and secretly thought that Jiang Ting’s partner was Sheng Kai, so they felt relieved.

Sheng Kai, who ranked second in the qualification round, is also very strong. With Jiang Ting, they join forces to defeat Xu Jiayin and Xu Ya, who are still occupying the black and gold throne. Isn’t it a piece of cake?

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After all, no matter how good they are, hasn’t she scored full marks in qualification?

Based on this performance alone, fans of Jiang Ting’s family can hang on to trainees from other families, and don’t want to stick to it.

Three minutes later, Hong Shiyu and Liu Zhongming finished their performance, a cheerful little sweet song with 416 votes, currently ranked third in the couple group. They seemed very excited, they just felt that these days of hard practice were not in vain.

At this time, it was finally time for the No. 9 performance that Sheng Kai had drawn. The fans of Jiang Ting who were watching the show were looking forward to it. They were almost certain that Jiang Ting would appear next.

Three seconds later, the pre-match video gave countless Jiang Ting fans a heavy hammer before the game.

The two bright people, Sheng Kai and Zheng Qian, are simply blinding the eyes of many people.

Some people’s hearts are bleeding, and their hearts are crazily shouting that it is impossible.

How could Jiang Ting cooperate with Chen Yi, who was last in the qualification round, and the other party’s voice had become that virtue? With her strength, how could she choose a “discarded” player?

Jiang Ting’s fans began to create conspiracy theories and began to think about whether the program team was explosive and forced Jiang Ting to choose Chen Yi. Some people even kept swiping the words “Jiang Ting, if you are kidnapped by the program team, just wink” on the barrage.

Compared to the despair of Jiang Ting’s fans, Chen Yi’s few but extremely loyal fans are overjoyed. This is really a big cake, an unexpected joy.

Even if the two classic songs Jiang Ting put forward to the fans were not written by her, everyone knows that she has a lot of “good friends”, so naturally there is no shortage of good songs for the competition.

That’s why fans of various male trainees began to think about drawing cakes, praying for their own cooking to cooperate with Jiang Ting, the “Treasure Girl”.

However, no one expected that the big cake that had been cooked for a week would finally fall on Chen Yi, a small cookie that almost no one was optimistic about, which was almost a thunderbolt for fans who were looking forward to Sheng Kai and Jiang Ting’s cooperation, which was unbearable.

After all, no matter who compares them, Jiang Ting and Zheng Qian, said that the latter was a thousand miles behind the former.

Especially when Sheng Kai and Zheng Qian had a car accident on stage, which made it even worse. The two voted 354. Sheng Kai’s fans hated Zheng Qian even more. They only thought that the other party was a disaster. It dragged Sheng Kai down.

In the pre-match video before, Sheng Kai reluctantly chose her as his partner because of her pitiful face. The performance on the stage couldn’t keep up with Sheng Kai’s rhythm, and it was a mess. In addition, the failure to draw Jiang Ting’s cake made it even worse. The hatred added to the hatred. Sheng Kai’s fans ripped directly into the barrage.

The grievances of the two fans are clear for the time being.

Liu Yu waited for two hours, recorded a lot of black spots of other idols in the small notebook, and waited to tear it apart after the stage. After confirming that the next one to appear is indeed her own female goose, she quickly threw away the small notebooks, her eyes were bright, and she stared at the screen seriously.

On the screen, Zhang Ning, the Chief Instructor, appeared again.

She said to the camera.

“The last couple to appear is…” Zhang Ning showed a meaningful smile and stretched out her hand: “Let them tell everyone, now they are invited to appear.”

The camera turned, and the pre-match video made a strange crackling sound before the game.

“Come on, Chen Yi, raise the camera a little higher, OK, just this angle.”

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Then an overly beautiful face appeared in the camera, smiled at the camera, waved her hand in greeting, and said.

“Hello, everyone. I’m Jiang Ting.”


The author has something to say:

Attached (excluding the heroine and Chen Yi’s post-match rankings)

Xu Ya, Xu Jiayin: 425

Lin Xinxiang, Xu Zhengxuan: 417

Hong Shiyu, Liu Zhongming: 416

Li Ling, Luo Tianning: 413

Ji Aijun, Lin Yu: 409

Pan Yujia, Yin Ziyu: 380

Meng Yu, Xin Jiu: 376

Zheng Qian, Sheng Kai: 354

Lei Yunyun, Shi Yi: 247


Translator’s Comment:

“Hello, everyone. I’m Jiang Ting.”

Hello, mom’s baby! (。Ő▽Ő。)ノ゙

I want to explain again to all of you about the term used, lest you get confused.

1. As I noted before, the term “cooked” is a term used in fan circles, it roughly describes the favorite stars who are chased by the girls. This term will often appear in the future. So, for example, it’s written “the cooking’s ability was a waste”. It means the ability of the idol that the fans chased is very bad.

2. The terms like “our family”, “female goose”, etc are used to express fans’ love to their idol.

3. There are two kinds of fans that are mentioned in the novel, the real fans and CP fans. The real fans is to describe the fans of one idol, example: Jiang Ting’s fans. While, the CP fans are a pair/couple of idols whom fans imagine to be in relationships. In this chapter, Ting-Qiang CP fans, these are the fans who like to imagine that Jiang Ting and Zheng Qian are in a relationship.

Okay, I think it’s enough for now. If you are still confused, please comment and I will try to explain it.

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