Climb To The Top

Chapter 25

At 7:50 pm on Saturday, the fourth episode of “National Couple” is about to be launched. Many fans are holding their mobile phones and waiting for the show to start.

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However, at 7:52 pm, Tengfei Entertainment suddenly promoted the fourth episode of “National Couple” on the main page, and many fans clicked it one after another.

At the beginning of this episode, the Chief Instructor Zhang Ning and Dance Instructor Lin Ershu appeared together and announced.

“Welcome to the episode of “National Couple”, I am the Chief Instructor Zhang Ning.”

“I’m the Dance Instructor Lin Ershu.”

Then, the two greeted the trainees, and the atmosphere gradually heated up. At this time, the Chief Instructor Zhang Ning dropped a bomb, announcing the official start of the knockout round.

The elimination results are put in the envelopes in the hands of the two, and now they will be announced one by one.

After that, Zhang Ning said that the male trainees were announced by her, and the female trainees were announced by Dance Instructor Lin Ershu.

Soon, the results of the male trainees came out.

According to the votes of the national judges and the votes of the on-site public judges, Xu Jiayin, Chen Yi, Xu Zhengxuan, Liu Zhongming, Sheng Kai, Xin Jiu, Lin Yu, and Luo Tianning were successfully promoted. Yin Ziyu and Shi Yi, who ranked 9th and 10th, were eliminated respectively.

But when it was the girls’ group’s turn, many thoughtful people realized that something was wrong.

Didn’t you say that Dance Instructor Lin Ershu announced the results of the girls’ group? Especially the fans of the top-rated Lin Ershu from the boy’s team are eagerly waiting for the appearance of their idols, but what do they wait for from the beginning of the appearance?

When it was the girls’ group’s turn to announce the results, it was…

“Next, I will announce the results of the knockout round for the girls’ group.” He Xi, the Vocal Instructor, stood on the stage and held a light pink envelope.

And not only He Xi announced the results of the female trainees, but even Zhang Ning and Lin Ershu disappeared.

Such a bizarre picture made fans of Lin Ershu stunned.

Especially when Lin Ershu fans saw He Xi fans confessing their idols on the barrage, while spreading rumors that Lin Ershu skipped work and recorded, and He Xi took over the recording. They were extremely angry and they all scolded He Xi on the screen.

“Lin Ershu’s “National Couple” itinerary recording on 6.11, can you not see it?”

“He Xi fans spread rumors too much, who knows what trick you used to make the program group replace Brother Ershu.”

After seeing it, He Xi fans also scolded back: “Fart, He Xi’s “National Couple” itinerary on 6.13. It is clear that your family Lin Ershu played a big name and He Xi replaced it.”

“Lowly fans of Lin maybe did not know it. Do you want my family to post a picture of Lin Ershu’s flight ticket to leave City S in a hurry after less than two hours of recording “National Couple” in the morning?”

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When the two fans scolded each other, neither of them felt that they were at fault, and they all blamed each other. Lin fans scold He Xi for stealing the recording part of Lin Ershu by tricks, and Xi fans scold Lin Ershu for playing a big name, abandoning the program and He Xi temporarily replaces it. The two have torn apart.

But no one thought that the program team would suspend the recording for a day. When the second recording was performed, Lin Ershu already had a schedule and could not rush back to the record, so the program team could only ask He Xi to replace him.

At this time, He Xi made an announcement.

“The total vote pool of national judges is 12,874,512 votes. The sixth trainee won 432,169 votes cast by national judges, taking 3.6% of the total vote pool; from 500 on-site public judges at the double PK competition, get 409 votes in total, taking 10.4% of the total score. The total score is 14%. She is…”

“Trainee Ji Aijun, congratulations. You have successfully been promoted.”

After Ji Aijun came to the stage, she quickly made her promotion speech.

After that, Meng Yu ranked fifth, with 92w votes from national judges, taking 7.1% of the total vote pool; 500 public judges voted 376, taking 9.5% of the total score. The total score is 16.6 % of good data to get fifth place.

Meng Yu has indeed achieved that her strength can beat eight Lei Yunyun, but she can’t resist her partner Xin Jiu who collapses in a live performance. Especially the votes of 500 public judges, which is a grade lower than Ji Aijun, who is in sixth place, which shows that they don’t give them a face at all.

After Meng Yu came on stage, she only felt very ashamed in her heart. She quickly thanked the fans, said that she would give back to the fans on the next stage, and then hurriedly stepped down.

Next, He Xi announced fourth place.

“…The national judges vote 836,538 votes, taking 6.4% of the total vote pool. The on-site public judges vote 416, taking 10.6% of the total score. The total score is 17%. Congratulations, Trainee Hong Shiyu, successfully promoted.”

After Hong Shiyu came on stage, her eyes were red. It was not easy for her. She was higher than Meng Yu in the qualification competition and she had higher scores on the live stage than Meng Yu, but the vote of the national judges was not as good as the fifth place Meng Yu. She felt uncomfortable, and said a lot of words to thank the fans, hoping that the fans would give her strength and vote for her.

Her fans were moved and they said on the barrage that they would not let her be wronged next time. Obviously, Liu Zhongming’s previous speech that he did not want Hong Shiyu to feel wronged to cooperate with his partner caught the eyes of fans.

Some fans still said on the barrage, “Don’t be afraid Shiyu. Next week your partner will become Chen Yi, who matches your style very well.”

Because Jiang Ting’s cooperation stage attracted many new fans, plus this time Chen Yi won second place on the stage, some fans began to swell. They thought that their idol could punch Xu Jiayin and kick Xu Zhengxuan. But last night, they could not compete with Xu Jiayin to grab someone. Seeing what Hong Shiyu’s fans said, they immediately attacked.

“What match? Don’t even look at the face of the fourth place to suck blood from the second place? Don’t post it backward.”

Jiang Ting fans and Xu Jiayin fans who watched the show later were about to laugh.

“I laughed so hard. Trash fans scold other people’s families for sucking blood. Your family has sucked from last place to second place by relying on Jiang Ting. Who can suck blood better than your family?”

“I dare not compare, I dare not compare, a group of blood-sucking. Do Chen Yi fans still have the face to scold others? The face is as big as a pot.”

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Compared to Chen Yi’s words on Chaohua Weibo, there are old fans who rationally persuade their new fans. The barrage issued by some Chen Yi fans on the show did not know whether it was deliberately blackened by other families, or it was indeed their own real fans, but it greatly ruined Chen Yi’s reputation and passers-by’s favorability.

The tearing on the barrage did not affect the broadcast of the program group, followed by the announcement of the third place, which was also beyond everyone’s expectations. It was actually Xu Ya.

With 107w votes from national judges, taking 8% of the total vote pool and the on-site public judges votes 425, taking 10.8% of the total score. The total score is 18%. Xu Ya took third place which caused an uproar on the barrage.

It’s not that the grades are higher but lower.

Because in the eyes of many people, Xu Ya is like Jiang Ting. One should take first place and the other one should take second place, which is stable. However, Xu Ya took third place, which is unbelievable.

But soon, an even more incredible picture was ushered in.

“The data of the second trainee is now announced. She has won 1,905,324 votes from the national judges, taking 15% of the total vote pool…” The instructor He Xi’s words immediately aroused the attention of the female trainees at the scene.

Because in the national judges’ vote, the second place won the third place with too many votes. A full 800,000 votes, which is unbelievable.

The names of Zheng Qian and Li Ling, who have not yet been mentioned so far, lit up one after another. They had a premonition that they might be in second place.

First of all, it goes without saying that Jiang Ting was recognized in the first place. Lei Yunyun and Lin Xinxiang… Heh, it’s not that they look down on them, but they do not have the qualifications to make them look up to them. As for Pan Yujia, last week’s live performance pulled a stride, and her partner Yin Ziyu was eliminated, not to mention her. She certainly won’t be able to escape.

Especially, Zheng Qian, she thinks it must be her. Before coming to the show, she discussed with the team that she would slap people in the show and ask them to help her buy hot searches.

Now it seems that it should be a wave of ‘inspirational girl’ character design during the team competition, and it worked, allowing her to come back against the wind by relying on the votes of the national judges.

She looked at He Xi with her big watery eyes, hoping to read the words “354 votes from the public judges” from his mouth.

However, things backfired,

“…Received a total of 417 votes from the on-site public judges, taking 10.63% of the total score. The total score is 25.63%. Congratulations, Trainee Lin Xinxiang, you have successfully been promoted.”

In an instant, the whole process was dumbfounded.

With a ‘swipe’ by Lin Xinxiang, the bottom of her eyes gathered into a vast ocean, and tears gushed out uncontrollably.

Her legs were weak and she fell to the ground, crying.


God knows how much pressure she has when she is last in the qualification round and is the only player who has scored more than ten points.

Every day and night, she could not sleep well. As soon as she closed her eyes, the shameful score appeared in her mind, tormenting her unable to sleep.

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But at this moment, she finally ushered in the moment to wash away all her shame.

Under the admiration or jealousy of the trainees nearby, Lin Xinxiang stood up. She ran towards Jiang Ting, hugged Jiang Ting, and continued to lie and cry on her shoulders.

“Woo… Thank you… Thank you… ” Her words could vaguely be heard with gratitude mixed with them.

Everyone did not know why Lin Xinxiang went to hug Jiang Ting like crazy after winning second place. They also did not know when the relationship between the two of them was so good. Don’t forget to add drama to the other party at such an important moment? Someone thought sourly.

Seeing that she had been crying for a long time, He Xi began to urge Lin Xinxiang to come on stage.

Jiang Ting patted her on the back and comforted a few words: “Okay, don’t cry. Get your promotion card first and then come back and cry enough.”

Lin Xinxiang got up from Jiang Ting, wiped tears from her sleeves, ran onto the stage, and bowed to her mentor, He Xi.

He Xi did not mind and handed the microphone to her.

“Tell us your promotion speech.”

Lin Xinxiang burst into tears, and the hand holding the microphone was still shaking. But when she saw Jiang Ting’s moving eyes with a smile, she tried to calm down and said in a trembling voice.

“First of all, I’m very grateful to the national judges for voting for me. I didn’t expect so many people to vote for me.” Her voice sounded as if trembling and some viewers could not help feeling distressed when they saw her choked up.

“I am grateful to my partner Xu Zhengxuan. He is a good partner and has helped me a lot. Secondly, I would like to thank one person. She is my noble person and the person who helped me cheer up.”

Lin Xinxiang did not say the name. She turned her head and started talking about the past. But the fans had already guessed who it was and they swiped Jiang Ting’s name on the barrage.

“Everyone knows that I scored 13 points in the qualification round, the worst in the game. At that moment, all my pride and self-confidence were annihilated. I felt ashamed of how I became like that and I was confused about whether I should come to this show or not.” Her voice was full of bewilderment about the journey, which moved the audience.

“During the team competition, everyone was discussing which song to choose. When they expressed their opinions, I did not even dare to speak. Until the captain appeared, she was very, very, very good. She took control of the whole situation, and everyone was impressed by her, including me. In the end, she gave me the most important part of the song “Miss Similar”, the beginning and the end, which made me feel strength and courage. Let me know that I’m not that useless.” The girl’s words were full of admiration for the other person and how the other person helped her.

“Later, when I was hesitating about who to choose in the double PK competition, the captain recommended three male trainees, Xu Jiayin, Xu Zhengxuan, and Shi Yi. But because there were too many girls who wanted to work with Trainee Xu, I gave up. Looking for Trainee Shi Yi, the other party may have other plans and reject me. In the end, thinking of the captain’s words, it is best to choose a suitable partner. I gathered up the courage to find my partner, Xu Zhengxuan. After that, I performed on the stage of the double PK competition, which seemed to work well, and won third place in the on-site voting.” Lin Xinxiang was open and honest and also solved the mystery of Shi Yi’s apology to Lin Xinxiang.

Lin Xinxiang’s fans scolded Shi Yi for his lack of vision on the barrage, but they were fortunate that Lin Xinxiang did not partner with Shi Yi. Otherwise, it might not be possible to have second place right now.

Next, Lin Xinxiang continued.

“Thank you, Captain. I actually have nothing to say. I just want to tell you in front of everyone. Thank you, you have saved my life.” She smiled with tears in her eyes.

The camera is zoomed out. Jiang Ting’s mouth is slightly curved and she applauds for her. The picture of the two smiling at each other is very moving.

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The frantic program group is no longer satisfied with male and female CP fans. It even wants to be a shameless female and female CP fan. Since then, ‘Lily CP’, which appeared in the second issue, ushered in the fans’ explosion.

After Lin Xinxiang delivered her promotion speech, she quickly stepped down from the stage.

When passing by Jiang Ting, she stands in front of Jiang Ting and lets her see the second-place promotion card she got. She doesn’t even want to leave.

Jiang Ting touched her hair and persuaded her: “Hurry back to your seat. Don’t cry, the show is still being recorded. The recorded scenes will not look good if you cry again.” Actually, she bb in her heart. Hey, if she doesn’t leave, she will delay the shot that she won first place below.

Thinking about this, Jiang Ting felt that she was a ‘scumbag’ and spurned herself for a second.

Whether it was choosing Chen Yi as a partner or giving advice to Lin Xinxiang, she did it casually and only did it when she felt it would be beneficial to her, but she never expected it.

However, if you can praise, you should praise more. She doesn’t dislike it, the more the better.

Moreover, she was a little touched by the “confession of love” these two people showed her. Even decided that she would never forget these two people if any good things happened in the future. It can also be regarded as a celebration of her gaining two precious friendships in this strange world where she has no sense of belonging.

Immediately afterward, He Xi began to announce the data of the first place among female trainees.

He did not procrastinate like Zhang Ning, and he just opened his mouth.

“The total votes of the national producers are 12,874,512, and the first trainee won 5,597,636 votes cast by the national judges, taking 45% of the total vote pool…” He Xi has not finished speaking, there was an uproar from the trainees below.

“So many votes?”

“559w votes? Oh my god! Did the instructor see it wrong?”

“Taking 45% of the total vote pool? I heard it right? Taking nearly half of the voting pool, I should not have any problems with my ears!”



Translator’s Comment:

Fufufufu… Which route will you take?

a. Normal route (Chen Yi)

b. Lily route (Lin Xinxiang)

The vote is open!

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