Climb To The Top

Chapter 31

In front of the video, countless Jiang Ting fans anxiously waited for the appearance of their idols. Especially in the trailer of “National Couple” last week, Xu Jiayin put on Sima’s face1. Jiang Ting fans who watched could not wait to jump into the screen and give him a social beating.

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Soon, with a smile on her face, Zhang Ning began to introduce the next trainee group that will appear to the audience.

“The couple who will appear in the next group is amazing. They have carefully prepared for a week of performances. I believe the audience has been looking forward to it for a long time. Without further ado, I will leave the stage to them.”

‘Bang…’ With the sound, all the lights on the scene went out. It became silent and dark, and a pre-match video appeared on the big screen.

At this time, the audience who were watching the show on Tengfei Entertainment also saw an inexplicable ‘hissing’ sound after the screen was switched.

Then, in the next second, Jiang Ting and Xu Jiayin were sitting in the small dark room and greeting the camera.

“Hello, I’m Jiang Ting.” Jiang Ting, wearing a light pink practice outfit, faced the camera with a serious face.

Unlike Jiang Ting, Xu Jiayin smiled and looked at the audience and fans in front of the screen to say hello, “Hello, everyone, I’m Xu Jiayin.”

After saying hello, the program team interviewed the two separately. The text questions of the program group’s post-production appeared on the video, and Xu Jiayin was asked first.

“Before, we heard that you wanted to cooperate with Jiang Ting. Now you have finally cooperated, do you have anything to say?”

Xu Jiayin sat up and said seriously.

“I just want to say that working with her was so hard.”

Jiang Ting’s fans who were watching the video exploded, and their teeth itched one by one with hatred for Xu Jiayin. But before the fans could take action, the camera switched to Jiang Ting again, and the program team asked Jiang Ting.

“How was your cooperation with Xu Jiayin this week?”

Jiang Ting thought for a while, then slowly spit out two words, “It’s okay.”

Then the voiceover continued to question her.

“Then which male trainee do you prefer to work with compared to Xu Jiayin and Chen Yi?” The program group shamelessly dug a hole for Jiang Ting.

Jiang Ting’s rational fans2 and career fans3 scolded the program group in their hearts, while praying that Jiang Ting would not be fooled. After all, this question is difficult to answer, and it is easy to be tempted and hacked by ‘caring’ people.

They saw that Jiang Ting spoke without changing her face.

“The two have their own advantages, and they work well together.” Jiang Ting is not a fool. With such an obvious conspiracy, how could she not see through the attention of the program group, she replied casually.

Seeing Jiang Ting’s perfunctory reply, although the program team was not satisfied, there was no way to force it, so they quickly turned to Xu Jiayin to ask the other party.

“Who do you think, you or Chen Yi, is more suitable to work with Jiang Ting?”

This question asked by the program group is very difficult. Xu Jiayin paused for a few seconds and said with a helpless expression.

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“Instead of asking me, you might as well ask Chen Yi how he cooperated with Jiang Ting in the first place. She has too many ideas in her mind and every sentence is very reasonable, which makes it impossible to refute. It’s both painful and happy to work with her.” Xu Jiayin avoided answering and turned the topic back to Jiang Ting.

Different from Jiang Ting’s perfunctory, Xu Jiayin’s textbook response can not help but make people’s eyes shine. First, he praised his partner Jiang Ting and then refused to respond to the topic related to Chen Yi in the form of rhetorical questions. What’s more important is that he inadvertently saved the bad image that had been edited by the devil of the program group.

Immediately afterward, the camera cuts to the practice room again.

The scene where Jiang Ting ignored Xu Jiayin’s request for cooperation in the knockout round and the scene of discord was not cut by the program crew. It directly began to edit from the two arguing with each other about how to choose songs.

For example, here Xu Jiayin wants to choose ‘Miss You’ by Queen Qi Mi, while Jiang Ting has reason to refute the flaws of this song.

Afterward, Xu Jiayin replaced it with “Love Who” sung by singer Miao Nan. Jiang Ting turned her head and criticized this song as not suitable for the competition.

Obviously, in the early stage of the two’s practice room, when Xu Jiayin chattered and proposed one after another the competition songs, Jiang Ting just refused and did not explain the reason. And in the end, he was still willing to listen to Xu Jiayin’s opinion, but Xu Jiayin made a mistake in choosing a song and was persuaded by Jiang Ting’s counterattack.

But in the trailer, the two were edited by the program crew into a situation where no one would give in to the other.

Including in the pre-match video, Jiang Ting’s reasonable rebuttals later on were justified. When the competition was approaching, Jiang Ting inquired about the songs selected by the other seven group couples and conducted an analysis and discussion with Xu Jiayin to express her views on the songs selected by the other groups.

Not only was this scene cut out, but it was also grafted onto Xu Jiayin by the program group. Because the program team is well aware of the audience’s nature, they know what kind of programs the audience likes to watch the most.

Tear and conflict, this kind of controversial dialogue is the most explosive point. Even if the pair can not be torn apart, the anger between the two must be cut out in the show.

Such a devil’s editing with a bull’s head and a horse’s tail4 really attracts countless audiences. All of them are waiting for whether the east wind will overwhelm the west wind or the west wind will overwhelm the east wind5.

After that, the scene of Xu Jiayin breaking out of the door in the trailer also came out. After an ‘intensive discussion’ between the two, Xu Jiayin seemed to be persuaded by Jiang Ting and then expressed that he wanted to go out for a while.

After he left, Jiang Ting was bored alone in the practice room, and said casually, “Xu Jiayin, can you listen to me?”

This sentence completely solved the puzzle in the last trailer. Without the background music of the program group, Jiang Ting did not seem to collapse, but was alone and bored, just talking to herself.

The Jiang Ting fans and Xu Jiayin fans who saw this almost scolded the program group to death.

In the last trailer, Xu Jiayin was edited into that virtue. Jiang Ting fans felt that Jiang Ting was wronged and hated Xu Jiayin to death. And Xu Jiayin fans were chased and scolded by Jiang Ting fans for a week. Who would have thought that the driving force behind the scenes was actually the devil editing of the program group, which obviously played the two fans.

Going back to the video, on the screen, Xu Jiayin was finally persuaded by Jiang Ting. The two began to discuss the song that Jiang Ting brought out, and then the devil’s cut came again.

When practicing the song, Jiang Ting felt that the arrangement of a certain part of the song needed to be changed and strengthened.

“Well, I think so too, but this sentence doesn’t work. This sentence is pretty good, so there’s no need to change it.” Xu Jiayin pointed to a part of it and said.

Then Jiang Ting nodded in agreement.

When Xu Jiayin’s fans saw this part, they started insulting the program group for not being a person. Xu Jiayin obviously lowered his head and said “this sentence doesn’t work”, but when this sentence appeared in the trailer, he had a cold expression on his face. They do not know which bastard in the program group cut this b-like in the later stage.

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The phrase “why” that Jiang Ting asked back was also cut from other conversations between the two, but the actual conversation was normal.

Such nasty devil editing, it was like playing with two fan circles last week, especially Jiang Ting fans and Xu Jiayin fans. For a trailer, they tore it up for a whole week, only to find out that all of this is behind the scenes of the program team, and the two fans don’t even bother with the program group anymore.

Soon, the pre-match video came to an end, Jiang Ting and Xu Jiayin stood together, and she finally said with a smile.

“I’m Jiang Ting.”

“I’m Xu Jiayin.” Xu Jiayin next to Jiang Ting said immediately.

“Please look forward to the stage performance we will bring to you this week.” The two looked at each other and said with a tacit understanding.

The next second, the camera cuts back to the scene.


On the dark stage, it suddenly became brighter.

The silver and white hollowed-out real scene stage built by the program team with huge investment appeared in the eyes of people.

The stage was filled with beautiful pink and white bouquets, which added a touch of fantasy. There were scattered petals in the air, which ignited the romantic hearts of the girls.

The music accompaniment sounded, and the gentle humming at the beginning, matched with the brisk and beautiful harmonica sound, appeared in people’s ears, which made people feel happy.

Immediately afterward, a snow-colored horse came towards the audience with a carriage full of flowers. Xu Jiayin was wearing a delicate white suit with a red rose pinned to his chest. He sat lazily on the carriage, showing his elegance.

The float moved forward slowly, he held the microphone in his hand and sang softly.

“Spring flowers bloom…

Take away the winter sentimentality…”

He slowly got down from the carriage and continued singing.

“Every love song…

suddenly full of meaning…”

Xu Jiayin finished singing the part, but Jiang Ting was not seen on the screen, and some fans became anxious.

The next second, the camera switches, and the sweet female voice follow.

In mid-air of the scene, a silver-white delicate semi-hollow hanging basket floated from the auditorium, surrounded by colorful and beautiful bouquets. Jiang Ting was wearing a pink and white floor-length gauze dress, sitting on the bouquet hanging basket, looking elegant and delicate.

She held the handrail of the flower basket with her left hand and the microphone with her right hand, singing softly.

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“The fragrance of spring flowers…

Take away the hunger and cold of winter…”

Jiang Ting sits in the hollow hanging basket and moves toward the stage. Her gauze skirt is also flying in the air. When the skirt is flying, countless petals are scattered in the air, the picture is beautiful like a flower fairy.

“The singing of the birds…

Bring us closer…”

After Jiang Ting finished singing, the hollow hanging basket just landed on the flower stand in the center of the back of the stage. Xu Jiayin walked over and stretched out his hand like an elegant gentleman. The two walked towards the front of the stage together and sang together.

“Listen to me…

Hand in hand with me…

Create a happy life…”

After the climax section was sung, male and female backup dancers in light blue and light pink costumes appeared in groups, embracing the two of them.

The beautiful and brisk harmonica sounded again and the pink and white lights on the stage lit up the audience. The two held hands and danced a simple and elegant waltz.

Jiang Ting’s long floor-sweeping gauze skirt had been ripped off indiscriminately by the backup dancer hiding behind the flower table when she came down from the hanging basket in the sky.

At this moment, Xu Jiayin dragged her around twice and the skirt that just covered her insteps fluttered. The video switched to the eyes of the two, sweet and happy as if they were really a couple in love.

The fans who watched the two screamed again and hated why it was not they who were dancing with their idols.

Afterward, the two ended the beautiful dance in the middle with Jiang Ting’s classic dance posture of being hugged by Xu Jiayin and bending over.

Immediately after, the two separated. Xu Jiayin left and the stage was handed over to Jiang Ting, who continued to sing the second part, and she opened her lips to sing.

“The enthusiasm of summer…

touches the laziness of spring…”

When Jiang Ting sang in front, the female dancers behind her danced lightly, making her more fairy-like.

After she finished singing, Xu Jiayin stood in the male dance group with a bouquet in his hand. He seemed to be encouraged by the other group, and he also sang his part.

“The sadness of winter…

continues with the loneliness of autumn…”

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He sang while hesitating, and finally gathered up his courage, and surrounded by a group of male dancers, he picked up a bouquet and walked towards Jiang Ting.

It happened that when the two were facing each other when it came to the chorus part, he took advantage of the opportunity to hand over the bouquet. After Jiang Ting received the flowers, the two looked at each other, smiled, and sang together.

“Listen to me…

Hand in hand with me…”

When the two sang, the male and female backing dancers also mixed together and danced the pas de deux6. At the scene, countless colorful flower petals fell again, and the picture was beautiful to the extreme.

After the second part, the catchy melody and the light and melodious harmonica are sounded together.

During the period, the music paused for a second, Xu Jiayin looked at Jiang Ting, showed a handsome smile, and asked.

“Today, will you marry me?”

Jiang Ting blinked and responded.

“Yes, I do.”

In an instant, the audience was stunned. The two stood side by side, singing high notes together.

“Today you are going to marry me, oh~” Xu Jiayin sang in a high voice.

“Today you are going to marry me…” Jiang Ting cooperated and sang softly.

Gradually, the song came to an end. Jiang Ting and Xu Jiayin stood together, holding a bouquet. Their other hands bent towards each other, and their arms formed a heart shape.

The romantic and melodious harmonica accompaniment sounded again. The silver-white stage slammed beautiful fireworks in an instant. The entire stage was full of fire and silver flowers, shining brightly. It more and more brought out the charm of the man and woman standing in the center of the stage.

After a few seconds of silence, the audience burst into thunderous applause and crazy screams erupted from the audience.


The author has something to say:

Track: “Today You Will Marry Me”

Singing: Tao Zhe, Jolin Tsai.

This song is actually not a song suitable for competition, but it is a very popular song after the competition. I remember it was popular all over the country, including whoever gets married now you can hear it. This song is really popular, and it is timeless to listen to it now.


T/N: Hello, everyone. I recently a little bit busy so for the next week I could not update as before. But, I will try to give an update asap ᕙ(‾̀◡‾́)ᕗ

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