Climb To The Top

Chapter 33

After the game, there were several hot searches related to “National Couple” on Weibo. But the hot search named #DQJiangTingCousin# quickly climbed to the top of the hot search at an extremely terrifying speed.

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Click on the first one, it is a marketing account called ‘Uncle Papa in the Entertainment Circle’, which broke the news on Weibo

Uncle Papa in the Entertainment Industry: “It is revealed that the mysterious composer behind the popular female trainee in a recent duo talent show is not only her friend but also her cousin. Uncle Papa got the news from others that this female trainee was quite miserable. When she was a child, her parents died in a car accident. She had no other relatives at home, so she was raised in an orphanage. When she grew up, her mother’s half-brother’s son, who is her cousin, found her and wanted to take her away, but she refused. Coupled with the idea of ​​breaking into the entertainment industry, this mysterious cousin took action in order to support her cousin’s dream. It is reported that the cousin’s family is very rich and he studied at the top foreign music academy in Sevina. So, it is not difficult to imagine that he can write so many fairy songs. Therefore, this female trainee is still a daughter who has been left behind in the folk.” Attached are the chat records and cousin photos from the person who broke the news.

The conversations in the first few chats reveal a lot of information.

The person who broke the news: “DQ’s real name is Di Qiu. He is 25 years old this year. He lived in China when he was a child and later immigrated with his parents abroad. He graduated from the Sevina Conservatory of Music abroad. He is very talented and has won many awards.”

Uncle Papa in the Entertainment Industry: “What is the relationship between DQ and xx? Why does he help her?”

The mosaic ‘xx’ was not done well at all. The three dots of water next to the first word leaked out, plus the reminder of a certain popular female trainee in the talent show that was shining brightly on Weibo, anyone can guess it.

The person who broke the news: “Di Qiu’s father had a half-sister. Later, the whole family immigrated abroad and there seemed to be some conflicts among the elders, so they lost contact with each other. After Di Qiu grew up, he returned to China. Only then did he find out that his biological aunt had passed away many years and left behind a daughter, so he called the police to search for it. Finally, he compared the DNA in the gene bank, and then confirmed in an orphanage in China that she was his cousin.”

The first chat screenshot is completed, then followed by the second chat record.

Uncle Papa in the Entertainment Industry: “How do you know so much news?”

The person who broke the news: “We both grew up and went to school together when we were young. After he returned to China, I took care of everything, so I happened to know all these things.”

Uncle Papa in the Entertainment Industry: “Would he mind if you broke the news about him?”

The person who broke the news: “No, he was watching next to me and asked me to tell you. He hopes you all as marketing accounts don’t blackmail his sister. After all, his sister has had no parents since she was a child. It’s not easy for a person to grow up so big without their parents.”

Uncle Papa in the Entertainment Industry: “Okay, okay, I won’t black xx in the future. She is really miserable, but now it’s finally over.”

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Next, it would be interesting to switch to the third and fourth screenshots of the chat records.

Uncle Papa in the Entertainment Industry: “Then please ask the Mr. DQ next to you, does he still write songs? Apart from writing songs for his cousin, will he write songs for others? Recently, a lot of people in the entertainment industry have inquired about his contact information, hoping to invite him to a song.”

The person who broke the news: “Wait a minute, I’ll ask him.”

The person who broke the news: “I asked, Di Qiu said he is still writing songs. But he doesn’t write songs for outsiders. The songs for his younger sister were all written before. It happened that she wanted to participate in the talent competition, so he gave it to her. He hopes she can get good results in the competition.”

Uncle Papa in the entertainment circle: “Really can’t? Someone asked me to tell him that as long as the quality of the songs he writes is not bad and is of the same quality as the songs he prepared for his sister, they will give the price of 5 million for a song. This is the highest price for a song in the composer circle.”

The person who broke the news: “It’s not about money. Not to mention that 5 million can’t even buy a piece of turf in his house. Don’t think about it, the family is not short of money. Think about the university he attended abroad, the Sevina Conservatory of Music, the optical fee is tens of millions, really not short of money.”

Uncle Papa in the Entertainment Industry: “Okay, thank you very much for breaking the news. Also, can I publish these chat records between us?”

The person who broke the news: “Yes.”

The person who broke the news: “Announce it casually, I don’t mind and he doesn’t mind. In addition, let me give you a few photos so that no one will pretend.”

The five photos in the back of Uncle Papa in the Entertainment Industry include a single photo of Di Qiu himself, a group photo with others, and even a graduation photo at Sevina Conservatory.

In addition, his appearance is not as high as that of his cousin Jiang Ting. He is not aggressive in person but looks like a very elegant person with a very temperament.

After seeing this revelation, many Jiang Ting fans found that the two people’s eyes are very similar. Both have affectionate eyes with provocative attributes and the location of a tear mole under the right eye is exactly the same, which is largely the same. This makes Jiang Ting fans believe that the two are indeed related by blood.

Suddenly, the marketing account was occupied by a group of Jiang Ting fans. The first likes were actually Jiang Ting’s male fans.

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Jiang Baobao’s thousand and first husband v: “It turns out to be her cousin, so I can rest assured. Besides, cousin, draw your sword, I’m your cousin-in-law.”

The following group of fans sprayed him and made fun of him.

“Brother, how many dishes do you drink to be like this?”

“Brother, you want to fart.”

“Everyone give way, my urine is yellow, watch me wake him up with urine.”


Jiang Ting fans have believed more than half of their hearts after seeing the news. There are reasons and evidence and there are also pictures and truth.

In addition, compared to a good male friend who devotes wholeheartedly, of course, a cousin is more easily accepted by fans.

As for the former, who knows what the other party is paying attention to. If they have any unruly intentions towards their female goose in the future, such as repaying favors, then they will fall into the wolf’s den.

Therefore, the cousin is more reassuring.

The character set arranged by the system, whether it is the Sevina Conservatory of Music, the domestic police, or DNA testing, all people or things related to Di Qiu can be traced. Including, the assets under the name of Di Qiu can also be found online, but Jiang Ting and the system cannot use these things.

Just like Jiang Ting’s original memory in this body, whether he was a student of the same year at the Sevina Conservatory of Music, the director of the orphanage, or the policeman who thought he had helped Di Qiu, they had only a vague impression of Di Qiu. It’s also very rigid, they only know that there is indeed this person in their impression.

And if someone wants to get close to Di Qiu and study this person in depth, the simulator will automatically adjust its sense of existence, thereby reducing the magnetic attraction between the two. Generally speaking, as long as there is no second Moore system in this world and Jiang Ting must be killed, basically, no one will find the problem.

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With such a heaven-defying simulator, Jiang Ting wondered why it only cost 10 points, which is not as good as a song on earth.

The system provides a systematic Q&A.

[On Planet Moore, the simulators are discarded garbage and 10 points can be used to recycle 10 simulators of this style. The gigantic size of the Planet Moore on the high plane is beyond the imagination of the ancient earth people like you on the low plane.]

Jiang Ting: “…” Her expression instantly stiffened, so she was slaughtered by the system?


Going back to the fifth episode of “National Couple”, after the news of cousin Jiang Ting was revealed, the popularity of hot searches quickly dropped.

After all, only fans of “National Couple” and some entertainment companies and singer studios who want to invite songs will pay attention to DQ. Real passers-by will not pay attention to these issues.

The song ‘Today You Will Marry Me’ is a romantic, dreamy, folk-like little sweet song. It is also a classic song. It just takes time to ferment and taste to feel the beauty of the song.

So, unlike ‘Trouble Maker’ which was just coming out of the stage, it shocked everyone and shocked the audience, and the next day it directly exploded the popularity of the song “Miss Similar”, occupying the top position of the major music charts.

On the third day after the fifth episode of “National Couple”, the major fan circles found that the song data of ‘Today You Will Marry Me’ is not as good as expected.

Although it still occupies the top position of the best couple song column for the “National Couple” program group. However, it did not directly go out of the circle like Jiang Ting’s first two stages and washed the music charts with the highest gold content on major platforms with an absolutely invincible posture.

At present, ‘Today You Will Marry Me’ has not broken into the top 10 on the music list with the highest gold content and the best hit song list on the Tengfei Music platform. Compared with its brothers and sisters ‘Trouble Maker’ and ‘Miss Similar’, its data is really tragic.

After all, Jiang Ting’s first three stages are all dazzling, cool, and even sexy and hot, and most of her fans are fans of this stage style.

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Therefore, although quite a few of her fan base also think that this stage is wonderful, dreamy, and beautiful, they are not very interested in it. Because of their love for their idols, they will symbolically brush it up several times. But in comparison, they may be more willing to review the two stages of ‘Trouble Maker’ and ‘Miss Similar’.

Therefore, the data of the song ‘Today You Will Marry Me’ on the major music charts is not as exaggerated as the previous two times.

So much so that other fans gloated and laughed.

Elk Viya v: “Tsk tsk, treasure girl also misses the moment. Look at the data of ‘Today You Will Marry Me’, even half of the data of “Trouble Maker” is not there.”

Youran Xuande v: “Xu Jiayin is really miserable. He rushed to cooperate with a certain female star and then the data fell after the game. I want to ask Xu Jiayin’s fans how they feel now. In order to compete for the female star, they directly tore out the circle with Chen Yi fans. Does your face hurt?”

Only love me, Kai Kai, rushed duck v: “Isn’t Jiang Fan always good? Why hasn’t he been smug recently? Know that the cooking data is messed up? Don’t you dare?”

Seeing that Jiang Ting’s new song data is not as good as before, other trainee fans suddenly stood on a united front and temporarily formed an anti-Jiang alliance. Weibo, forums, and Tieba were all mocking Jiang Ting’s new song data. Connotation Jiang Ting herself is going to become a muddle, and even maliciously fabricated a golden sentence: The treasure girl in the past is the shame of today’s traffic.

But no one expected that on that night, a video of a marriage proposal appeared and became popular on the Internet. Immediately afterward, an endless stream of confession and marriage proposal videos also appeared, and the background music was all the song ‘Today You Will Marry Me’.


Translator’s Comment:

Oh, what a sour smell in the air.

At least, my female goose song is more popular than your idol!! No rebuttal!

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