Climb To The Top

Chapter 36

Jiang Ting looked at the suddenly deserted dormitory at the competition base of the “National Couple” show, with a sad expression on her face.

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Yesterday, after recording the second round of elimination, four trainees were eliminated. Early this morning, they all left this trainees’ dormitory building one after another.

After the elimination rounds, the trainees also received new notifications. The program group said that the day after tomorrow, the national judges will select their partners for the next PK competition, and let the remaining trainees take a good rest tomorrow. After all, there are several high-intensity competitions in succession and everyone will be tired.

Therefore, most of the trainees asked for leave and left.

Jiang Ting has no sense of belonging to this strange world, and the memory of this body is too vague, so she doesn’t know what she would do if she asked for a leave.

If a day can only be wasted on eating, drinking, and having fun, then it is not necessary. Jiang Ting grew up in a small orphanage and was not a pleasure seeker. So after thinking about it, Jiang Ting decided to stay at the competition base.

Therefore, Jiang Ting came back from eating in the cafeteria and stood outside the dormitory, looking at the bustling and now empty dormitory building with a lonely expression.

But at this moment, someone patted her on the back, and Jiang Ting frowned.

She saw one of the program assistants who were familiar with her look anxious, but when she saw her, she looked happy and said.

“I didn’t expect you to be here, Jiang Ting. I thought you were asking for leave too! It’s good to be here, it’s good to be here. Come on, the director is looking for you!”

Jiang Ting was stunned and asked subconsciously, “Looking for me again?”

“Well, it seems that something happened and he needs your help.” The assistant of the program group responded. After finishing speaking, she pulled Jiang Ting and strode toward the filming team.

Jiang Ting had no choice but to follow her to the director’s office.

When they reached the door of the director’s office, the assistant knocked on the door, and there was a slightly anxious and rough voice from inside.

“Come in.”

The two entered the room and found that there was not only the director, but also the screenwriter of the program group, who was responsible for the host’s script, the instructor’s script, and the arrangement of the competition.

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“Director, Jiang Ting is here.” The assistant said quickly.

“Well, thank you, Xiao Wang. Let’s discuss something, you can go out first.”

“Okay.” The assistant responded, left quickly, and closed the door.

After the assistant of the program group left, the director suddenly changed his expression and said kindly.

“Jiang Ting, you’re here, let’s see this quickly?”

Regardless of whether the program crew has plans to plot against her, the director has indeed given Jiang Ting a lot of help. As long as she needed things in the competition that required sets, stage lighting, costume props, and so on, all of these requests were given the green light without any hesitation. Therefore, the two seem to have a good relationship.

“Director, what do you need me to see for you?” Jiang Ting asked.

The director and screenwriter looked at each other, and then the director pushed the laptop in front of him to Jiang Ting.

Jiang Ting hesitated for a while, then took over the computer, and saw the hot topic that caught her eye, #”NationalCouple”Shady#.

Her eyelids jumped abruptly, and then she swiped the mouse to browse the whole story.


This trending search originated from a Weibo blogger with tens of millions of fans last night. The other party opened a late-night topic called #TalkingAboutYourWorkUnknownThings#.

A small Weibo account leaves a message below.

vs1513461: “Hey, I work in a talent show for two people that have become popular recently, so let me tell you one thing. Everyone must not know that this talent show that claims to have a fully transparent voting system has a shady scene of making fake tickets.”

In an instant, the number of likes on this Weibo soared by 10,000 and it was topped as popular. And this blogger with millions of fans naturally has many fans of “National Couple” among her fans.

When seeing this trumpet swearing to reveal the shady scene, countless people flocked to his comment and replied.

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Ting Bao’s little wife v: “True or not? There is a hammer on the hammer, but you are not hammered1.”

Love me again v: “???????”

Xu Jiayin’s sweetheart v: “Who made the fake ticket? Please let me know.”

In just one night, the replies below this small account fermented tens of thousands of comments.

And that night, his small Weibo still had many photos taken at the show. The corner of one of the set photos was also picked up by Jiang Ting fans, their female goose squatting on the ground to eat a boxed lunch, and next to her stood a smiling Lin Xinxiang.

These clues, after comparing them one by one, seem to have been filmed on the spot of the “National Couple” program.

Suddenly, this trumpet’s shady news gained credibility.

Afterward, all the fans of the trainees in “National Couple” ran over to retweet the comments and they mentioned the “National Couple” program group to give an explanation.

Also, probably when this trumpet first made this comment, not many people believed it and some people scolded the trumpet for spreading rumors and making noises.

This trumpet also replied.

vs1513461 replied tonight that you are not drunk and sleepless: “I don’t know who your idol is. Was it pushed out by the voters and eliminated, or was the high-ranking suppressed by someone?

When it was found out that this person really could be a staff member of the program group, the fans of the twenty trainees suddenly began to believe the two major shady messages revealed by this sentence.

First, several people have been eliminated at present and some trainees have been squeezed out by the program group to make tickets. On the other hand, some trainees in the high ranking were suppressed, and the program group also pressed the other party’s tickets.

Twenty fans, among which the four trainees Pan Yujia, Li Ling, Shi Yi, and Yin Ziyu who were eliminated, all speculated that the trainees who were squeezed out by ticketing were their pitiful little idols with no background, sold miserably everywhere, and begged for justice under the official blog of the program group. It’s a pity that there are too few fans, even if the four join forces, can they make a splash?

But the high-ranking circle is different. After all, can high-ranking be suppressed? As soon as the outside world heard this special term for eating melons, they were immediately excited and they took up the bench and watched the play.

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As expected, in just one night, one big show was staged one after another, which was extremely exciting.

First of all, there are 16 trainees in the program group, 8 men and 8 women. In the eyes of various fan circles, the trainees who can be called high rankings are probably the top three.

But for the first time, the fourth place in the personal ranking voted by the national judges, Meng Yu fans and Sheng Kai fans in the boys’ and girls’ group, said that the fourth place is also a high ranking, and speculated that maybe it happened to be suppressed by some high rankings and became the fourth in the middle pick.

But their remarks were not recognized by various fan circles.

The high-ranking trainees widely recognized by fans of various forums include Jiang Ting, Lin Xinxiang, and Xu Ya in the girls’ group, and Xu Jiayin, Chen Yi, and Xu Zhengxuan in the boys’ group.

Among them, Jiang Ting fans picked up Jiang Ting’s photo on the mysterious trumpet at first. Then they heard the other party say that the high-ranked trainee was suppressed and thought it was their own female goose.

Ting Bao plmm shark me v: “Hey, Ting Ting must be the one who was suppressed by the program group and voted. In this photo, she is squatting on the ground eating a box lunch. It’s too miserable.”

Suddenly, the major fan circles laughed and ridiculed.

“Jiang Ting fans, this is a little shameless, what kind of heat rubbing? Your family’s votes are so high, how do you want the program group to press?”

“Your family Jiang Ting is the most stunning in each episode of the stage. With excellent props, excellent dance lighting, and even the best camera rate, do you calculate how much preferential treatment the program team gave her? Is this called suppression?”

“With Jiang Ting’s ability to go out of the circle, if she can still be suppressed by the show team, then will this show be canceled sooner or later? Your family should not worry that Jiang Ting will be suppressed, but the show team is afraid that it will not treat her as an ancestor. So, don’t say that Jiang Ting is suppressed, it will be laughed at. ”

Neither other fans nor Jiang Ting’s fans think that Jiang Ting has been suppressed. It’s really that Jiang Ting’s data is too high, so high that the gap with the second place is several times. This is all suppressed, so how high is the actual number of votes?

Besides, the other party said that it was the high-ranking who was suppressed, which means that the suppressed person had someone who suppressed him. So it could not be the first place anyway, because the first place only has the possibility of suppressing others. There is no possibility that others will suppress them.

Therefore, Jiang Ting was first excluded from the high-ranking circle, and Xu Jiayin was secondly excluded for the same reason. These two happened to be the first place in the boys and girls groups and no one could suppress them.

After excluding Jiang Ting and Xu Jiayin, among the four families, except for Lin Xinxiang fans, which are of the same Buddhist style, the remaining three fans were torn apart.

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In particular, the two third places, Xu Ya and Xu Zhengxuan, believed that there was a shady scene, so their scores in this PK competition were extremely low.

For the first time, these two parties ranked third in the personal vote of the national judges and they felt that there was no problem with the first place in the boys and girls group.

Jiang Ting and Xu Jiayin both have the qualifications to secure first place regardless of their strength or statistics. Well, it’s clear that second place overwhelms them.

Xu Ya fans first attacked Lin Xinxiang fans and bombarded Lin Xinxiang fans.

Yaya Toure v: “Tsk tsk, there must be a golden pig behind Lin Xinxiang. Otherwise, as the last place in the qualification competition, how could she be promoted to the second place after the second round and then hold down the third place Xu Ya?”

Call for Yaya v: “I said that Xu Ya’s performance in these few episodes is so good, but her grades are not as good as Lin Xinxiang’s. Now it seems that the answer is obvious. The program group helped someone to suppress Xu Ya and took away the second place that belonged to Xu Ya.”

Xu Ya’s baby sweet fruit v: “Oh, in the show on weekdays, Lin Xinxiang pretends to be a foolish white sweet indifferent to the world, but now she seems to be the white lotus of the prosperous age. All kinds of hugging Jiang Ting’s thigh, the dog-legged posture is undoubtedly on display, now that I recall it… vomit.”

Most of Lin Xinxiang’s fans are attractive fans. When she sang the first verse of ‘Miss Similar’, she was absolutely amazing. It is ethereal and clear and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a sound of nature. It has attracted many fans and the votes will naturally go up.

And attractive fans are very different from other fans. Fans in the seriously mixed singer circle like to listen to songs and are willing to spend money to vote, but these people are not very mixed in the fan circle. Therefore, many Lin Xinxiang fans are willing to vote for her, but Lin Xinxiang’s fans on Weibo Chaohua are not as many as half of Xu Ya Chaohua’s fans.

Therefore, in this tearing battle, comparing Xu Ya’s fans with Xu Jiayin’s fans, Xu Zhengxuan’s fans, and Jiang Ting’s fans with such battle-hardened fighting power, Lin Xinxiang’s fans are simply hung up and beaten by Xu Ya fans.

On the other hand, Xu Zhengxuan’s fans felt that Chen Yi suppressed their family, but Chen Yi fans were too lazy to pay attention to them.

As for why, there is really no need to suppress it. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Chen Yi’s first national judges voting data exploded. He was only a little behind Xu Jiayin, but Xu Zhengxuan was a lot behind.

Therefore, Chen Yi fans did not pay any attention to Xu Zhengxuan’s fans at all and directly broke up with Xu Jiayin’s fans.


Translator’s Comment:

Why do I think that these fans’ battles are more thrilling than the stage battle itself? Hahahaha…

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