Climb To The Top

Chapter 59.2

Jiang Ting stood in the C position, leading the other nine members in a wonderful dance.

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The two hands shook quickly, the left hand fell naturally, and the right hand again took a gun-holding position. It was placed across the forehead and slowly slid down.

Accompanied by the movement of the arms, all the hips were shaking, lazy and sexy. Coupled with the black suit, there was a touch of stunning handsomeness.

Especially when the camera switches to Jiang Ting, her brows and eyes are cold. Her movements are lazy and casual, but her temperament has an indescribable desire, which is simply fatal.

Under her suit is a short black top, revealing her exquisite abdominal muscles. As Jiang Ting sways from side to side, the waistcoat line is undoubtedly exposed. It is obvious that her whole body exudes a sexy and lustful atmosphere, but that face is getting more and more beautiful. Chill and calm. This kind of cute contrast immediately poked the hearts of fans.


Jiang Ting has mastered this temperament to death. She is lazy, sexy, handsome, a little unruly, and lovable indifference. She firmly catches the audience’s attention and keeps their eyes fixed on Jiang Ting.

As soon as she lifted her suit, her right hand on her shoulder fell to the right side. Then she turned around, turned her back to the audience, and made a wave vibration, becoming more and more handsome.

“It’s the love shot…”

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In the second paragraph, Jiang Ting withdrew to the left. Meng Yu occupied the right and the two of them were in the double-C position, but the audience was obviously still stuck in the second just now, refusing to take their eyes off Jiang Ting.

Fans frantically sent ‘Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! ‘, ‘plmm used abdominal muscle sharks, absolutely’, ‘Awei is dead! ’

The poisonous sound is coming again.



In the second paragraph, Jiang Ting put her hands in her pockets and raised her head slightly. Her expression was lazy and her figure swayed twice again. At this time, the previous light turned into a red light and hit her body, making her honey-colored abs facing the audience more sexy and seductive.

She held a gun in one hand and shook her head. Her black hair fluttered and the movements were done in one go. Then, her hands slipped from the sides of her waist and her cold expression looked extremely cool. Finally, she retreats to the backside with her back to the gun.

At this time, Lin Xinxiang shuttled from the back to the front and sang high notes.

“We freeze on this timeline…

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That look is no longer extravagant…”

Next, Meng Yu jumped out from the side and sang a rap.

“Blood ignites…”

Lei Yunyun took it by surprise and showed her soprano voice for the first time.

“It’s the love shot…”

Ten people changed their formation and Jiang Ting jumped from the back to the middle again.


She leaned back violently, exchanged her hands again, swayed her body, and swiped her right hand from her forehead to her neck. A series of skillful dance moves fascinated the audience for a second.


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She stood in the middle with her hands in her pockets, shaking her neck. Agile and rebellious, looking even more unruly and handsome.

After that, the ten people waved their hands in unison, bent down, and hammered the air twice with their right elbows, with fierce expressions.

After the ten people stood still again, they all stood on tiptoe. Jiang Ting stood in the center, shaking her neck. The unruly vigor on her body was simply amazing, from head to toe handsome to explosive. The lustful hormones overflowing from her body made people unable to take their eyes off her and stared at her.

Finally, after they finished a series of dance moves, the ten-person formation changed into a straight line again. They made an ending action of holding a gun and putting it down, ending the whole performance.

After a few seconds, the audience burst into violent applause and crazy screams.


“Jiang Ting…”

“Tingting, Mama loves you.”

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With the opening of some fan areas by the program group, Jiang Ting’s fans are paying for all kinds of tickets, Jiang Ting’s light board, name, light sticks, etc. In short, they must make the support line up and they can’t let other families look down upon them.

This was the first time, only Jiang Ting’s fans could be heard shouting in unison. None of the fans of the remaining three female trainees in the finals could fight.

The atmosphere at the scene was so overwhelming that the Chief Instructor Zhang Ning had to come forward to stop it.

“The performance of the trainees in the girls’ group is over. Are you satisfied?” Zhang Ning finished speaking with a smile and pointed the microphone at the auditorium.

The audience said in unison: “Satisfied.”

“You are satisfied and I am also very satisfied. Now, let’s invite the boys’ group, and let’s listen to the comments of the instructors.”

In addition to testing the level of the trainees during the qualification period, the instructors of “National Couple” basically spent the rest of their time helping the trainees in the practice room and watching live programs. They cannot comment on the performance of the trainees in front of the live public judges, so as not to affect the votes of the 500 live public judges. But they can make separate comments after the stage. The program team will edit the comments of the instructors in the previous rounds of the PK round separately.

But the team competition is different. There are only two teams in the team competition, which is different from the group voting in the PK competition. There are 500 public judges at the scene. At this time, either vote for the boys’ group or the girls’ group. Therefore, the comments of the instructors will help the public to make choices.

After the boys’ group appeared together, the two teams lined up and the line was extremely long. Zhang Ning stood at the center and said with a smile.

“Let’s listen to the evaluation of the Dance Instructor Lin Ershu!”

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