Close to You

Chapter 113.1

That night they didn’t do it. Luo Lin Yuan’s body couldn’t bear it, and the location was inappropriate.

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Luo Lin Yuan answered Yu Han’s question. Since Yu Han knew he had changed his surname, there was no point in hiding it again.

He explained lightly, “As you know, they had a bad relationship when I was in high school. They divorced when I was in college, and I followed my Mom.”

Yu Han was silent for a while, and then asked again, “Why did you follow your mother?”

Luo Lin Yuan lay on Yu Han’s lap, pulling the other’s finger and playing with it, “At that time, I was young and couldn’t do without my Mom. Don’t all children follow their mothers? It’s quite normal.”

Yu Han: “I thought you had a better relationship with your father.”

Luo Lin Yuan smiled, “Otherwise, it’s to say that mother and son are linked. I still stand on my Mom’s side at this critical time.”

Yu Han: “Then why did you hide it from me?”

Luo Lin Yuan made an innocent look, with interlocked fingers with Yu Han, he took them and kissed them. “I didn’t hide it from you ah. Are you mistaken?”

There was indeed no evidence that Xiao Xiong’s interruption may have been an accident. The kick on Han Zhui under the table may also have other reasons. He gazed at Luo Lin Yuan’s eyes, unable to tell whether it was true or not.

Yu Han: “Even if they are divorced, your father won’t leave you alone like this, right?”

The only son of the dignified Luo family didn’t inherit the family business and is here engaged in a child institution?

Luo Lin Yuan sat up and rubbed his hair, “I followed my mother and I’m gay again…” Speaking of this, he felt out of place again. He stole a glance at Yu Han, “Aiya, anyway, this and that, my Dad is so angry with me that he doesn’t care about me.”

Luo Lin Yuan: “It’s actually good. If I’m still in the Luo family, won’t I be packed and sent to a political marriage? Isn’t it good now?”

He couldn’t sit still, so he got up and stepped on his slippers to go through the drinks. He had a small refrigerator in the dean’s office. The teachers like to stuff cold summer fruit drinks here. “What do you want to drink?”

Yu Han: “No, don’t drink too many cold drinks.”

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Luo Lin Yuan reluctantly closed the refrigerator door. Yu Han said, “Let’s go, I’ll take you home.”

Yu Han’s car had already been driven back, saying that he had just called a taxi to send Luo Lin Yuan home.

In the taxi, the two sat on each side, separated by a distance.

With the driver inside, it was hard to talk. Luo Lin Yuan asked the female teachers about their arrival in the group chat. He also went to the parents’ group chat to celebrate today’s success and also sent red envelopes to the group.

When he was busy, he looked to the side.

The street light fell on a bright yellow side in the middle of the seat, Yu Han’s hand seems to rest on it unintentionally, his palm faced up and his five fingers spread relaxingly.

Luo Lin Yuan, blessed to the soul, hurried to reach over, held it, and clasped it.

A wave of enthusiasm went straight from his earlobes to his cheeks. They were obviously two adults, but they seemed to be high school students who were secretly in love back then. They only dared to hold hands in the dark, in the taxi, and no one knew they were in love.

It was the usual long journey, but in an instant, not even waiting for the rapid heartbeat to calm down, they arrived.

Luo Lin Yuan wanted to let go of his hand but couldn’t. He was held by Yu Han’s hand and got down the car with inconvenient movements.

It wasn’t until he stood on the street and the car was far away that he asked, “You’re not going home?”

Yu Han took him by the hand, “To your home.”

The tone was so firm and natural that Luo Lin Yuan began to think about how messy his room really was. Was it messy that he couldn’t receive guests? Was Yu Han going to sleep tonight? Can his small bed fit two grown men?

The apartment where Luo Lin Yuan lives was located in the Second Ring in the old town without an elevator, but the rent was still very expensive.

But there was no other way. He can’t live too far from Yuyuan.

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After climbing six floors high, Luo Lin Yuan was unable to get used to it. He turned his head and looked at Yu Han while gasping, “I live a little high, isn’t it tiring?”

Yu Han patted his back, “It’s okay, don’t breathe so fast, breathe through your nose.”

Luo Lin Yuan slowed down for a long time and went to open the door and the lights. He lived alone in a one-bedroom with a bed, wardrobe, and desk. It could be seen at a glance. Next to him was a small kitchen and bathroom separated by a door.

This place is too small and it looks like it’s more than 30 square meters.

After letting Yu Han change into his slippers, Luo Lin Yuan went to the kitchen to pour water.

When he came out with a glass of water, he saw Yu Han standing on the edge of the bookcase pulling out his drawing book.

Luo Lin Yuan’s heart stopped from fright. He hurriedly walked over, and almost spilled the water, “Don’t look!”

Yu Han’s movements stopped. Before he opened it, Luo Lin Yuan had already gone straight to him. Before he dared to grab it, he looked at him pitifully, “This doesn’t look good, it’s too humiliating, don’t look.”

Looking at the way he plead and refused to let him look, it can be seen that this is another little secret.

This person has so many little secrets.

Yu Han put the album back. He first apologized for his rummaging behavior. He didn’t mean it. Then he looked down at his watch, thinking it was time to go home.

Yu Han knew that he wasn’t this magnanimous, but it was a secret that adults have. They have boundaries with each other and even boyfriends can’t probe out arbitrarily.

What’s more, it’s a special pair like them, who only reunited after many years.

The relationship is already treading on the edge and crumbling, so why be insensitive and insist on checking it?

He stuffed the album back in place but was stopped by a hand. Luo Lin Yuan’s palm was delicate with few lines, unlike the hands of a young master who has done a lot of rough work. Even now, it’s as good-looking as it was born.

Luo Lin Yuan stuffed the album into Yu Han’s hand with his cheeks flushed, “Why are you apologizing, I just feel…”

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He didn’t say what exactly he felt. He was a little anxious to see if Yu Han was holding it or not. He couldn’t bear to see Yu Han’s expression become unfamiliar and polite demeanor just now. He clearly said he was sorry but it made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

What’s there to be sorry about this? Being polite in this way as if only to ease the close relationship and he was allocated a light years distance apart.

Yu Han asked him, “Can I look through it?”

Luo Lin Yuan was almost angry with shame and took the initiative to turn it over to someone. If he lost face, then he lost face ba. Anyway, he has lost face in front of Yu Han a number of times.

The drawing album was full of various figure drawings, silhouettes, back views, and hands. The date is marked at the bottom, which was drawn several years ago.

Yu Han first flip it over slowly and occasionally praised Luo Lin Yuan’s good drawing, very good, and decent.

When he got to the back, he fell silent. Obviously recognizing that the person inside was himself.

He flipped forward violently, then looked at the partial close-ups again, “These… are all me?”

Looking at the date, it was after the breakup.

Luo Lin Yuan sat on the bed to drink water and refused to answer.

Yu Han finished the whole album and determined the date. It was the second year of the breakup. Luo Lin Yuan drew a whole book for him.

The interval was intermittent. Sometimes, he doesn’t draw for a month and sometimes it was full of drawings of him for a whole day.

Yu Han couldn’t tell what kind of mood he was in. He was shocked, throbbing, in disbelief, and incomprehensible. The complete mess crowded in his head like a thread, his veins burst, and he had a headache.

The drawing in his hand was pulled away by Luo Lin Yuan. His face was held upright. Luo Lin Yuan frowned and whispered for mercy, “I told you it doesn’t look good and not look at it but you didn’t listen. Why are you looking at me this way ah.”

He kissed Yu Han’s eyelids in an attempt to muddle through with coquettishness.

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Luo Lin Yuan’s lips were still stained with water, which coolly covered Yu Han’s eyelids.

Yu Han’s voice was hoarse as he said, “Luo Lin Yuan.”

Luo Lin Yuan softly answered.

Yu Han: “Why the hell did you break up with me?”

This question completely dissipated the ambiguous atmosphere between the two. Luo Lin Yuan wrinkled his brows for a long time before saying, “Must this be said?”

Yu Han didn’t say anything but looked firmly at his face as if trying to see any flaws in his face.

Luo Lin Yuan’s energy relaxed. He sat down on the bed and pulled his fingers, “At that time, you also knew… something like that happened at school. I can’t go back to continue studying.”

Luo Lin Yuan: “And my family asked me to go abroad, I agreed.”

He raised his eyes and smiled helplessly at Yu Han, “Abroad was a distant place, I didn’t want to, so…”

Yu Han: “So you only used one text message to break up with me, not even willing to say it in person?”

The reason why the past is the past was that it can’t be said or touched. When you touch it, you will see blood, and hurt your feelings.

Luo Lin Yuan had thousands of words but couldn’t say anything. Finally, he blocked his throat and turned into a weak sorry.

Yu Han stood silent in the same place, surrounded by a terrible aura. Luo Lin Yuan didn’t dare to touch him, only sitting on the bed with his head raised, his face pale from the light.

His voice couldn’t be softer, his posture was very low, and he repeated, “I’m sorry, don’t be angry.”

In the silence, Yu Han suddenly laughed. He covered his face and shook his head, revealing only a pair of eyes hiding pain, he said, “It’s okay, it’s just that I thought too much.”

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