Close to You

Chapter 82

Close To You Chapter 82 – Shanghai Fantasy

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7-8 minutes

After speaking out about his mental state, Luo Lin Yuan also didn’t dare to look at Yu Han due to embarrassment. He buried his head in eating noodles and drank the soup. From time to time, he would raise his eyes from the edge of the bowl to peek at Yu Han’s face.

Yu Han directly got up, came over to hold his hand, and asked him to finish eating. Luo Lin Yuan hurriedly finished the last sip of soup and wiped his mouth twice with a tissue. They were all done single-handedly. He couldn’t bear to let go of Yu Han’s hand.

He was taken to a room. Although Yu Han’s home was small, it was also a three-bedroom and one-living room. Before Luo Lin Yuan discovered that there was always a closed door, he didn’t try to open it. This is the privacy of other people’s homes.

Only now did he find out that the door was locked. Yu Han took out a key, opened the door, and turned on the light. It’s been a long time since someone came in. The dust swayed in the dim warm light and fell gently on every object in the room.

A bed, desk, closet, and piano were covered by a cloth. Yu Han looked at the piano, lost in thought for a while before smiling at Luo Lin Yuan, “You know, I can play the piano.”

When Luo Lin Yuan went to the bar for the first time, he saw Yu Han come on stage to save the show. Looking back now, perhaps that was the first time his heart moved without realizing it. Yu Han on the stage was so good-looking, he could see how two-faced[1]Literal translation: Mouth says no, heart says yes. Which means to say one thing but mean another, in this context. he is and he stubbornly had to think he didn’t like him. This person didn’t like him well.

Yu Han carefully took off the dust cover, wiped the chair carefully with wet tissues, and said to Luo Lin Yuan, “Xiao Yuan, come here.”

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Luo Lin Yuan sat next to Yu Han and watched as the person opened the cover of the piano. He didn’t dare to raise his hand and touch it, he sensed who owned the room.

With the light-colored bedcover, the photos on the wall, and the old books in the bookcase, this was Yu Han’s mother’s room.

Yu Han stretched out his fingers and played a tune for Luo Lin Yuan. He heard it even if Luo Lin Yuan didn’t know much about piano music. This piece is too famous called the Starry Sky.

Yu Han whispered amidst the sound of the piano, “This is the first piece my mother taught me. She’s not considered to be a good mother. She misses that man all day long, misses him until she fell sick. Ten years ago…” Yu Han seemed to be unable to speak and paused.

tw: suicide

Luo Lin Yuan’s heart was so flustered that he wanted to tell Yu Han to stop talking, but his throat was so tight that he couldn’t make a sound at all. Yu Han said, “She sneaked out of the country to meet that man, and killed herself when she came back.”

Yu Han stopped playing and Luo Lin Yuan’s tears fell simultaneously. He reached out and hugged Yu Han, “Don’t say it.”

Yu Han pressed his hand on his neck, pressing Luo Lin Yuan into his arms. His fingers were cold as if asking for warmth. He seemed to feel Luo Lin Yuan’s pulse beating. Yu Han’s body temperature gradually warmed up and was no longer stiff.

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Soon, Luo Lin Yuan knew why Yu Han wanted to tell him this, and why it was so uncomfortable, so he chose to play the Starry Sky to him.[2]Anyone curious about it, here it is, I found the song. Link

Yu Han said, “She once said that if I have someone I like in the future, I will know the mood of playing this piece. I actually don’t like this piece. I’ve practiced it too many times. I don’t like that every time she watched me play it, it’s like she’s missing someone else through me.”

He felt Luo Lin Yuan’s hand around his waist tighten, and the tears in his arms seemed to be unstoppable, spilling big drops on his shoulders and neck.

He gently stroke Luo Lin Yuan’s back, “Even if I don’t think what she said is correct, I can’t deny that I do understand the meaning of this piece now. I like you. I want to play this piece for you to hear. It has nothing to do with the past, it’s just for you.”

Yu Han: “Baby, you make my past more worthwhile and no longer meaningless. It’s like my name she used to remember that man, I belong to you, solely to your spring.”

Luo Lin Yuan was simply about to collapse from crying, he was so ashamed. He buried his face in Yu Han’s arms, refusing to get up. He can only cry, “You fouled… what can I do with this kind of confession later on. Can I also like you a little more? I also want to give you everything I have.”

In the end, Luo Lin Yuan cried till he went soft, and was hugged into the bathroom by Yu Han like a child. Sitting on the edge of the bathtub, Yu Han washed a warm towel and wiped it on Luo Lin Yuan’s face.

Luo Lin Yuan’s head was dizzy, but his rabbit-like eyes kept looking at Yu Han; cherishing it so much that he didn’t even dare to blink as if Yu Han would disappear as soon as he closed and opened his eyes again.

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Yu Han frowned at his swollen and red cheeks soaked in tears, and moved gently, “Does it hurt?”

Luo Lin Yuan suddenly stretched out his hand and wrapped them around Yu Han’s neck. He leaned into his ear, his voice was soft but his words were unyielding and straightforward, “Let’s do it, Yu Han.”

Yu Han almost pushed the person in his arms into the bathtub and panicked for a while before he said embarrassedly, “What nonsense!”

Luo Lin Yuan licked his reddened lips, used his eyelashes wet with tears, looked at Yu Han with puppy eyes, and said stubbornly, “I’m not talking nonsense, I want to give it to you. Don’t you want me?”

Yu Han’s hand grabbed his waist, and his strength gradually increased. Luo Lin Yuan felt a little pain but didn’t retreat. “I want you, in every way.”

Yu Han breathed heavily, his eyes gradually deepened, and his voice was hoarse, “You won’t regret it?”

Luo Lin Yuan hugged Yu Han, “Why should I regret, but I’m afraid of pain, please be gentle oh.”

Luo Lin Yuan ended up crying in pain. He lay in Yu Han’s room, on his beloved’s bed. His sweaty hair pressed against the pillow full of his favorite smell.

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It was over, it was quite late. Luo Lin Yuan fell asleep with marks all over his body and traces of tears on his cheeks. He missed the kiss Yu Han landed on his cheek and didn’t hear the words, I love you, I love you so much.

Jie Jie: *screms* They did it. Also, sad because there was no detailed snu snu xd


↑1 Literal translation: Mouth says no, heart says yes. Which means to say one thing but mean another, in this context.
↑2 Anyone curious about it, here it is, I found the song. 

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