Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away Chapter 12

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Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away Chapter 12

This Chapter is fairly short so I am going to post the whole chapter. Enjoy. Please leave a 
comment if you enjoy the chapter and give me suggestions for how I can make this more fun to read. ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ (And sorry i try but the words are falling off the page sometimes :( )

Without waiting for the nine princesses to finish refining, the crowds that had gathered in
Tianning pharmacy have already flowed to Jubao Pavilion.


   The palace girl Bi Rui's nose switches in fury, hatefully cursing... "I don't know which
one is not open-minded, Who dares to grab the limelight with my princess?"


   "Bi Rui, don't talk nonsense." Ninth princess packed up her materials and the refine
blood-stopping Dan with a smile on her face. "The marrow-washing pill is a very difficult
pill/dan to refine. Granted master is creating a pill/dan, we are not allowed to make the
slightest noise. I am very curious, who is so arrogant as to steal the crowd."


   "I think Jubao Pavilion sure is mysterious." Bi Rui muttered angrily, assisting the ninth
princess to pack her stuff.


   "Who is the one who made you so unhappy?" At this moment, a hearty laugh came.


   Seeing a man approach them, riding a snow white one-horned horse, the ninth princess
puts on a sweet smile and sweetens her voice.

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Honestly, he sounds like he is riding a unicorn. ʕ→ᴥ←ʔ

"Second brother, you are finally back. I prayed for your safe return since you have left.
I knew you would return safely”


   Bi Rui rush to update his highness about what had happened. "Welcome your Royal
Highness, Jubao Pavilion attracted a lot of attention, and I don't know where they found an
alchemy teacher named Yu Ying. However, they really didn’t give ninth princess face. They
claim to be publicly refining the washing the marrow pill/dan, you say isn’t that ridiculous?"


   "Let’s go and see it." Prince Nangong Chu waved and pulled the ninth princess onto the horse.


   The two royals were riding together and were guarded by more than a dozen guards. As the
stars held the moon, they went in the direction of Jubao Pavilion.




   Jubao Pavilion outside the hall.

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   Mei’s face finally showed a satisfied smile.


   An alchemy teacher, the popularity of Jubao Pavilion, is back.


   The Ninth princess is beautiful, but her refining of the pill is too inferior.


It is pretty decent when there is nothing to compare to, however, with the appearance of the
washing of the marrow dan, the stopping of the blood Dan was as common as grass. It is
obvious that you can treat the wound directly with cheap hemostatic grass. Who would waste
their time with this dan?


(I will refer to the pill sometimes as dans because dan is a more correct term in my opinion.
Dans are sphere-shaped pills. While pills in modern term ares more oval...)


   Washing the marrow is different, eating this dan/pill will cause a person do be a lot faster for
their whole life.


   Which is more attractive, you can imagine.

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   Although the beauty of the ninth princess is a rare color in the world, the alchemy teacher
of Jubao Pavilion has a mysterious state, and it is even more noble.


   Her figure is like a fairy, and the white dark-skinned pharmacist robe is more solemn.
Although, the silver mask covers the entire face, she reveals a pair of cold and dusty scorpion
eyes, and people can't help but want to take off the mask to reveal the peerless face.


   When she did alchemy, she did not have the cautious wings of Ninth Princess Nangong
Yulian, but it was more like casual.


   She can be partial to her alchemy techniques, such as flowing water, without any blockage,
watching is the ultimate enjoyment of listening to everyone.


   Originally, the treasurer of the Jubao branch, Mei Mei, has already been in place behind Feng
Xingying, and is ready to personally serve her incase of error .


However, everyone was working perfectly. Mei Mei was very excited. This mysterious teachers
work will not only give the teacher glory but also bring lots of business to her shop. The word
of mouth about today's events will spread everywhere by night. Secondly, it will further introduce
the magical use of  the refining the marrow dan and the difficulty of refining, thus creating
momentum for the product.


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   The action of Feng Xing Ying is perfect to not allowing a trace of speech destruction from
the crowd, just watching her alchemy quietly is a kind of enjoyment.


   The perfect movement of alchemy adds a bit of mystery to her.


   Jubao Pavilion towering into the attic, the two people who were originally playing, stopped the
chess pieces at this time, and looked quietly at the bottom.


   "Qin brother knows her?" One of the white men asked.


   The person sitting opposite him wearing a standard black outfit gently placed down a chess
piece. Even the chess piece was black, but who knew if his heart was also this color.


   The black man did not deny. The jade corner of his lips raised gently, with some inexplicable
joy."Is it obvious?"


 The white man does not answer.


   He just followed Qin Molin's gaze and quietly looked down at the mysterious woman who
was concentrating on alchemy downstairs.


After a long while, she finished refining her pill/dan and said: “ It’s done”.

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