"I'm sorry." Ji ‘s face paled, readily coming up with a fine carved white jade bottle.

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   "This is a bottle of spirit days dew, please take this as an apology."




   Ji’s offering to Qin Molin, fell to the ground, the bottle body shattered, and the pale green liquid flowed out from within it, with a strong fragrance.


   "Save, Yunxiang..."

  Feng Xingying whispered quietly nestled in Qin Molin's arms, struggling to finish this sentence, before falling asleep.


   Before that, she was too tired. She had already exhausted all her strength and just wanted to rest.


   Qin Molin was helpless, and he was more concerned about Feng Xingying then slaying the dead dragon adventure group.


   After all, he has only one person. If he takes the shot, he will certainly delay the time needed to treat Feng Xingying.

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   The current meridian condition of Feng Xingying is really too bad, and there is no time to delay.


   And with the character of Feng Xingying, perhaps she would prefer serving revenge on a silver platter personally.


   Qin Molin casually glanced at Ji, and snorted in a cold tone, turned and left.


   There was a black man who suddenly appeared, picked up the body of Yunxiang
, and walked past Ji, and said coldly,

   "Get it."

   Ji, although unwilling, could only shake his head helplessly. Also sent a bottle of Tianlinglu.


   If he is only a person, he would not be afraid of Qin Molin. Even if he is not his opponent, he is well guarded by himself.


   But he also has a group of brothers, as well as the entire Dragon Adventure guild.


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   Qin Molin, the madman, mad, to him it doesn’t matter at all.


   Fortunately, Feng Xingying said a word, otherwise, he would have to fight with Qin Molin today, and his adventure group would suffer a great loss.


   Ji glanced at Feng Yue, who was scared by the side, and shook his head helplessly.


   This woman is really a disaster.


   But he swore to her that he would take care of her for the rest of her life and be good to her for the rest of her life.


   If so, in order not to blame the innocent, perhaps, only...


   At that time, who knew that Feng Yue would still have the gut to open her mouth. "But brother, why don't you stop them? Are you afraid of the cold king? He is just a different surname. Ji, how can he be compared to the dragon adventure group in your hand."


   "You should be glad that she is not dead. Otherwise, you and me, and our entire dragon adventure group, I am afraid it will be spared." Ji claims, looking away from Feng Yue.

Steam bun was feeling even more squirmy. Shuffling around all over Ji’s lap.

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   Feng Yue felt really afraid of this spirit beast cat, and decided to temporarily shut up, retreating to the side.


   Ji looked so handsome, cold aura with a perfect face, holding a white cat in his arms, bathed in the red sunset, it seems more and more enchanting.


   Feng Yue clung to the iris flower and looked at his back in obscurity. This man, she will not let go.


   Ji sat quietly throughout the whole night. Not moving an inch, deep in thought.


   The atmosphere was concentrated and thick, the people of the Dragon Adventure Group did not dare to make a slight noise, for fear of disturbing the meditation of Ji.


   That night, even Feng Yue did not dare to say more.


   "From now on, I will quit, and I will withdraw from the Dragon Adventures." The bright red lips of Ji said.



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   "Big Brother!"


   "You can't leave us!"


   "What's the matter, us brothers will accompany you."


   "Yes, Big Brother, you can't leave us."


   Even Feng Yue was completely stupefied. Her mother was a beggar. She was a maid since she was a child. She wanted to do everything possible to please her lady to gain power.


   When Ji recognized her through her old hairpin and recalled their childhood friendship, he later told her of his identity and told her that he wanted to marry her.


   Feng Yue had fantasized having a higher status and dreamed of becoming a Queen. He would one day be the head of the Dragon Adventure guild and she will finally have her perfect life. She will have servants serving her every need and be offered the rarest jewels of the land.


  Most importantly, Feng Xingying would be kneeling at her feet. She would have gotten her ultimate revenge.

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