Chapter 55

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"Noisy!" Originally, this battle, Feng Xingying admired the strength of Ji, and intended to let Feng Yue go.


   But she still did not give up? Don't blame her for being ruthless.


   Under the protection of Ji, and with her spiritual power, she may be more powerful but Guwu!


 Feng Xingying acted out like a ghost, and rushed to the side of Feng Yue, and took advantage of her open neck, she grabbed on and, like throwing a chicken, threw her into the ant hole.


   "Ah!!!" Feng Yue screamed in fear as her body flew in the air.


   Ji quickly sent an icicle out of his hand, just to snag on to the clothes of the flying Feng Yue.


   Feng Yue was just a metre above the hole. Hanging by her clothes her face was pale.

   The magic ants in the ant hole smelled the scent of fresh blood, and swarmed excitedly, just waiting for the fresh meat to fall.

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   "Big brother ~~~" Feng Yue cried... "I don't want to die,  brother, you must save me. You brother~~ You said you wanted to marry me~~"


   " Hey !" Qin Molin said coldly, His tone full of warnings.


   Ji was smart, no need to talk nonsense, he understood what he meant.


   Qin Molin means that this is a fight between sisters, and if he intervenes once more, he will follow.


   If Qin Molin acts out, he may have a way to escape, he may be able to protect Feng Yue, but the tens of thousands of brothers in the entire Dragon Adventure Group will be buried by his hands.


   Woman or brothers, he can only choose the one.


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   No, he doesn't love her, he just wants to repay her.


   His options are not women or brothers.


   But benefactors or brothers.


   Ten years ago, without her help, he might have died.


   His life was saved by her. He had sworn, that the rest of his life belonged to her. He could give her his life.


   Although she is still the same girl from then, there are far too many differences from the child he knew, she was selfish and ugly, but he owed her.


   Even, Ji suddenly felt a little relieved, with the end of his life, he would not have to marry her.

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   Ji closed his eyes and push the wheelchair, squeak, closer and closer to the ant hole. Reaching out to Feng Yue, pulling her to the side of the hole, out of danger.


   "May I exchange my life for hers. Ji guarantees, after jumping into the ant hole, any of the thousands of ants that climb upon me I will not resist. I will not use my spiritual power.”


   "Do not!"


   "Boss "We fight him together!"


   "The life of us brothers are yours. Don’t do this."


   "Boss..." The dragon adventure group seemed very worried and agitated. From their reaction, one can tell that Ji had a very high prestige in the adventure group. Extremely high.


   They clearly were not happy about Ji covering for Feng Yue but if he must protect her, they were still willing to follow him into death.

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   This kind of friendship is deeper than the so-called bloodline.


   Feng Xingying stared into his eyes and quietly looked at Ji, and suddenly there was a hint of enlightenment in her heart.


   She remembered it!


   "For a woman, you choose to abandon the morality of the Dragon Adventure Group, are you enchanted by her beauty or charmed by her words?" Feng Xingying sneered out.


   "What do you know?" A dark-skinned short man from the Dragon Adventure group replied.  "Our boss is a heavy-hearted person. How can he be confused by beauty? Besides, this girl is no beauty."


   "So, because of a favour?" The tone of Feng Xingying still carried some ridicule. "It is beautiful to repay a favour, but is it worth a person to lose their own principles and life? How does that make sense?”


   "Yes. Ten years ago, that favour, let me be supported and live on. It gave me time to be rescued by soldiers. If Feng Yue had not helped me then, I would already be dead. My life is hers." Ji’s eyes showed a hint of gentleness. Looking at Feng Yue’s eyes so more determined.

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