Muxiang is just a small pimple to the outside world, full of novelty to the outside world, the grass and trees in the forest of Warcraft, even the birds and beast can arouse her interest.

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   Feng Xingying is not.

   Although she only has the strength of a Sixth-order Spirit, she has her own set of survival skills in the wild.

   She came to the World of Warcraft, looking for her own spirit beasts, luck is one aspect and strength another. Her second reason for coming is to look for spirit plants to create pills with.

  This is only secondary since adventurers have long harvest most of the plants to sell to the city. It was unlikely to find anything rare. If she was lucky maybe she will find something buried?

   Feng Xingying saved the idea of ​​collecting medicine in the forest of Warcraft.

   Anyway, it doesn't mean much to return home now. Her strength is not as good as her second uncle, she would be stupid to fight with him.

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   With the help of the cold king Qin Molin or the dragon adventure group Ji? This does not meet the style of Feng Xingying.

   What she needs now is time. With her rich experience and nine-star qualifications, she will definitely be able to surpass him.

   The only spoiled grandmother and aunt, escort her sister to marry and kiss, I am afraid it will at least take ten days to arrange.

   It is not too late to wait for her to return home later.

 Feng Xingying with the Muxiang seemed to be aimlessly swaying in the forest of Warcraft and sleeping through the night.

   Feng Xingying's combat power is very strong. When encountering low-level spirit beasts, She only required one stroke. If a fire burns, it will waste the skin, so she preferred to use flying knives and flying needles. It was crisp and neat, leaving no trace.

   The complete animal skin, animal bones, and blood are all treasures.

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   At night, Feng Xingying set up a bonfire and taught Muxiang to make barbecue.

   She is responsible for saying that Muxiang is responsible for doing it, but also with tacit understanding.

   In a short while, they smelled of meat around them.

   A thin, bunny rabbit with a pure black fur, rushed over.

   Perhaps the barbecue smells too fragrant, this stupid rabbit had forgotten its disguise and approached Feng Xingying and the barbecue.

   "A cute rabbit!" Muxiang screamed.

   Feng Xingying was playing with the black ball that Qin Molin sent her before, and saw such a confused black rabbit, but was also stunned.

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   What a pity for such a cute little thing?

   Feng Xingying threw the black ball towards the bunny, in a poor attempt to scare it away.

   Who knew that the light on the black ball would flash, and suddenly split into two, and put the little black rabbit into it.

   The black ball returned to the hands of Feng Xingying, and the star shadow was also smashed.

   What is going on?

   With such a small black ball, opened up and ate a rabbit?

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   And this black ball is also the first time to open the mouth before Feng Xingying has always thought it is a solid ball.

   Feng Xingying knocked on the black ball and it did not respond.

   "Did I tell you to steal?!" Feng Xingying came to the spirit and lit a fire around the black ball.

   The black ball re-opened, and the only black rabbit that was caught was smashed out.

   The bunny that appeared out seemed to be a little afraid of the flames of Feng Xingying but still choose to hug the calf of Feng Xingying.

   "Hey, why are you holding on to my leg? Say, what are you?!" Feng Xingying had a fierce face and no love for small animals!

   The bunny was short and thin and had short forelimbs. It was impossible to hold the thighs. She can only hold the calf of Feng Xingying, but she even then still can't hold on tight enough.

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