That night, Feng Xingying slept very well.

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That was until she heard something outside. When she was younger she was trained to wake up at the slight sound of noise.  

   Sleeping in the wild, Feng Xingying has already laid out an array outside their tents. If there is the danger, it will immediately ring and wake up everyone inside the camps.

   Feng Xingying quickly gets up and moved to check what's outside.

   The little black rabbit cleverly squats on the back of Feng Xingying and integrates himself into the night, silently, for fear of disrupting Feng xingying 's quiet movements.  

   On the other hand, Muxiang just walks out of the tent calm and innocently.


Avoiding Feng Xingying's blockage, a huge red and green sphere shaped object falls to the feet of Muxiang.  

   Muxiang reaches out with a good heart and picks up the red and green ball.

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   In the middle of the big ball, a small head is extended out.

   It turns out to be a big turtle that has shrunk its head, tail, hands and feet into the shell.

   It’s just the head that is exposed, it’s full of blood, and it’s obviously hurt.

   "Good pity. Miss, can we help it?" Muxiang asks.

   Feng Xingying nods and gave it a remedy to stop bleeding.

    Life in the World of Warcraft is extremely bias. It respects the strong and bullies the weak. Very few are as kind as Feng Xingying willing to lend a hand, and stop the weak tortoise from bleeding out.

   The tortoise stared at Feng Xingying with untrust from beginning to end but did not resist its treatment.

   Waiting for Feng Xingying to finish her work, the tortoise snorted and said. "You saved me, I am willing to be your mount."

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   "Oh ~~" Feng Xingying laughed out. "You know your life is in my hand.” She jokes.


The tortoise ignores Feng Xingying's tone and replies, “Soon, those chasing behind me will catch up. I need to find a backer temporarily.”

“Quickly leave then go away” Feng Xingying replies.  

   When is she a fool?

   Now is the first layer of Warcraft Forest, the Warcraft grade will not exceed two stars, why would she be willing to do such a troublesome thing?

   What's more, the turtle mount is not the type of Mount she wants!

   "Human, do you dare to swear at me? I am a descendant of Xuanwu!"

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   "Well that's great~~ This medicinal medicine will help stop the pain. Think of it as a parting gift. Now bye bye" The big turtle bite his teeth, he really didn't expect to encounter such a weird human.

   .. "You protect me a few days and I will willingly become your mount, no contract. I promise to be obedient."

   In Warcraft, can you believe anyone?

   Unfortunately, there was only one psychic ball on Feng Xingying...

   "With you… fine... Since the bunny is called sesame, you're called watermelon."


   Turtles often deal with humans, and their IQ is not low, and they can understand some human words.

   This kind of fruit can be eaten and is fairly green on the outside.  

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   Girl, you're calling me a watermelon because I am green?

   Sesame is like a baby, excited she jump on the back of watermelon.

   The most incomprehensible thing is that watermelon does not resist, he just lets the little black rabbit play around on its back.

   If she remembers correctly, in the world of Warcraft, the clearest is the level differences. Any Warcraft creature will not tolerate creatures lower level than their own being disrespectful and yet also worship senior creatures.

   Then sesame, what is going on?

   Feng Xingying blinked and felt that she had unexpectedly picked up a treasure.

   "Miss, someone is coming. Will they come to catch watermelon? What do we do?" Musk hurried out.

   There are ten words in the lips of Feng Xingying.

   "The soldiers will stop, and water will cover the earth."

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