Chapter 49 No problem is the biggest problem part 1

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What Mu Zi Ling didn’t know, was that uncle Fu never did find Long Xiao Yu. How  could he have told Long Xiao Yu if he never found him?


Long Xiao Yu had appeared because he had been discussing matters with the  Emperor in the Royal Palace since morning.


Later, It was Gui Ying who told him that Mu Zi Ling had been brought into the  palace by the Empress Dowager.


After that, he had been watching  her, so everything Mu Zi Ling did and said had  been seen and heard by him.


Originally Long Xiao Yu just wanted to see how Mu Zi Ling would deal with this and  didn’t plan to show his face.


However, when Mu Zi Ling had lowered her head, thinking about how she could feed the bowl of soup to her violet toad, Long Xiao Yu decided to show up. The  reason so, was because Mu Zi Ling’s body was angled as if she was about to  drink the bowl of soup from Long Xiao Yu’s perspective up above. Long Xiao Yu  had paused for a second, before he decided to come down from the roof.


Mu Zi Ling ordered Xie to do a few tasks, and then she sent Xie out. She made  sure to order Xie to make sure that no one disrupted her if there was nothing  important.

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After Xie left, Mu Zi Ling unhurriedly took out a wooden box, about the size of a  palm, which contained the violet toad.


However, the little creature inside seemed to have felt its owner take it out, and  combined with the smell of delicious food, it couldn’t wait any longer, so it started  to croak impatiently, wanting Mu Zi Ling to hurry up.


“Little Idiot, if you make any more noise, then I will put you back and you can  starve,” taunted Mu Zi Ling, as she narrowed her eyes at the sounds from the  box.


As expected, after Mu Zi Ling spoke, the creature inside of the box stopped making  noise.


Satisfied, Mu Zi Ling revealed a smile. Little Idiot was what she named the violet  toad. At first, she didn’t know that the violet toad could understand human language.  she only realized after being in contact with the violet toad for a period of time, and  decided it was very magically strange.


Then Mu Zi Ling took out some precision glasses and a few other small pieces of  equipment.


Precision glasses and microscopes were both magnifying devices, but precision  glasses were more convenient and a lot more powerful. The precision glasses  were linked to the Stellar System, so after she put it on, data about what she was  looking at, would appear in her mind.

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Mu Zi Ling placed a bit of the soup onto a disk, and started to observe it. Just one  look at it made her speechless. The worms in the soup were crawling around lively,  despite the fact that they had gone through high temperatures.


Then, data of the Heart Controlling Worm appeared in her mind. The Heart  Controlling Worm was nothing like other poisonous worms. Even after they were fully grown and had already formed their shapes, their sizes were still tiny. The  Heart Controlling Worms here however, were all newborns.


If they did not receive special treatment, then it would take a long time for them to  fully grow unless they entered a human’s body. Even if they were fully grown, a  normal human eye would not be able to see anything.


Mu Zi Ling silently sighed in her heart. She had only ever heard about these  terrifying creatures, this time was her first time coming in contact with them. If she  didn’t have the Stellar System, then she would’ve become the Empress’s puppet  by now.


She didn’t expect the Empress to be so vicious. Her moves were precise and  carefully thought out, down to the smallest details. Compared to others who were  satisfied just killing or poisoning someone, the Empress was the epitome of cruel.  To think she actually tried to use the Heart Controlling Worm against her.


No wonder the Empress was not worried at all about her taking the bowl of soup  with her. As it turned out, the Empress was sure that she would not be able to find  anything wrong with the bowl of soup. However, no matter how sly people from  ancient times were, they are still no match against the advanced technology of  modern times.


She knew that there were very little amounts of poisonous worms in the Min Yue  continent. If a person like the Empress, who stayed in the Royal Palace for most  of the time, was able to find the Heart Controlling Worm, then it seemed like there  were a lot of people behind the Empress.

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How could the Empress have so much capabilities and be so kind? If she doesn’t  return a gift in the future, then she would start feeling embarrassed.


Mu Zi Ling placed a small portion of the soup in the Stellar system, cleaned up her  area, and opened the box that contained the violet toad.

The box didn’t open completely, but the violet toad has already jumped out of the  box from a small opening.


A little creature that was emitting purple light flashed by Mu Zi Ling’s eyes. The little  creature jumped up and down around the room for a while before it finally landed  on the table. This was the first time that its little master brought it out in this world,  so it was very excited.


This was the violet toad. It was very tiny, not even longer than an inch. It was  dainty, delicate, and very cute. Its small body was emitting many rays of purple  light. One shouldn’t underestimate this violet toad because of its small size. Just a  tiny bit of its poison was enough to kill a whole group of elephants.


At this moment, Little Idiot’s three legs curved, and it crouched down. Yes, Little  Idiot only has three legs. The leg behind looked more like a tail when it is fully  stretched out, and it looks really cute.


It’s beautiful, bright red eyes stared at the bowl of soup, and its long tongue was  ready to eat.


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Such a tasty meal! As long as its little master say that it could eat, then it would  rush over immediately. Don’t think that it wouldn’t be able to eat much because  of its size. It has an extremely large appetite.

If it was afraid of its master placing it back in the Stellar System, it would’ve rushed  over already. It wants to devour the delicious Heart Controlling Gu. Who cares  about the consequences?


However, it waited for a long time, but its master still didn’t say anything. Then it  started to croak impatiently again.

Mu Zi Ling laughed at the Little Idiot who was longing for the food. She knew that  Little Idiot would love the bowl of soup. It was worth bringing this bowl of soup out  of the palace after so much “trouble”.


“Go eat, don’t-” Mu Zi Ling has not finished her words yet, and Little Idiot has  already replied with a croak and jumped into the bowl of soup. It happily swam a  few circles and then started to eat bite after bite.


Not long after that, she was able to see the bottom of the bowl. Little Idiot had all three of its legs facing the sky, and it looked like as if it was full and really enjoyed it.  The purple light on its belly was dim, revealing its bulging stomach. It has been a  long time since it last ate so much. How wonderful would it be if he could eat  delicious things like this everyday?


Mu Zi ling was scared to the point of being struck dumb. When the violet toad was  in the Stellar system, it only ate one or two little poisonous worms for a meal.

She originally thought that Little Idiot would only eat a few bites and be full. Who  knew that it would be able to finish the whole bowl of soup?! What is Little Idiot’s  stomach made out of? It had such a small stomach… Would something happen to it?

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