Chapter 53 What? This King could not come? Part 1

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Mu Zi Ling was not surprised at all by Le Tian’s reaction, she herself had the same  reaction when she first learned about these Heart Controlling worms.


“Has Mister Le Tian ever heard of this ancient poison worm?” asked Mu Zi Ling  curiously.


Now, she was itching to know where this ancient poison worm came from and how it  ended up in the Empress’ hands. Although Le Tian couldn’t tell that it was the Heart  Controlling worm, he should’ve at least heard about them before right?


If the Empress brought in more worms to the Royal Palace to harm other people,  then the Royal Palace would not remain peaceful.


Although how chaotic the Royal Palace was has nothing to do with her, the Empress’  main goal was her. Since she didn’t succeed this time, she was probably plotting  other strategies to get rid of her. And Mu Zi Ling was not a person who just stood  there waiting to be bullied.


Although she was just a nobody by herself, she still needs to get rid of the harm for  the goods of others. However, there was no way that she could overturn the  Empress herself. But it was possible for her to make the Empress suffer a few  losses. She was an expert when it came to making small movements, and she  loved doing it.


“The Princess must be joking, this one is inexperienced. Today was the first time  that I have ever heard of such a poisonous creature. However, the Princess’  medical skills really did bring me benefits and I have learned a lot today,” said Le  Tian happily.


He truly admired this Princess. Her secrets seemed to be a never ending hole.  Once he finally got some free time, he must come back and seek guidance from  her.

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Mu Zi Ling felt a bit disappointed after hearing those words. Even Le Tian had  never heard about the Heart Controlling worm. Who else could possibly know  about them? The powerful figures she knew could be counted with just her ten  fingers.

(TL Note: This means that she doesn’t know much people.)


“Mister Le Tian is overly praising me. I've only heard about this species of ancient  poison worm because I overheard my master talk about it. I only know a tiny bit  about it's complexities,” replied Mu Zi Ling modestly.


Her words were half true. No matter how much she knew, the Stellar System would  always know more. However, she couldn’t just mention the Stellar System, so she  could only push it onto her non existent master.


“Haha, the Princess’s master really does know a lot. Your master is so smart that  this one is starting to feel a bit jealous,” chuckled Le Tian.


Who knew if he actually believed Mu Zi Ling’s words.


He couldn’t be envious of something non existent.


“Yes, this Princess’s master is very wise,” lied Mu Zi Ling.


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The only things she admired were the professors in high technology at Noah’s  Medical School, and the Stellar System.


“Is the Princess’s body really fine?” asked Le Tian again. She had, for 3 whole  days, been asleep for no reason, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not  for the life of him, figure out why.


“Of course, there's nothing wrong, I myself am a doctor. How wouldn't I know if  my own body was unwell?” laughed Mu Zi Ling.


“It’s the best that you are well then,” said Le Tian, nodding.


He was worried over nothing. There was nothing wrong he could see, and since the Qi Princess excelled so much over him as a doctor, if she said there was  nothing wrong, then there should be nothing wrong.


Le Tian had originally wanted to keep talking with Mu Zi Ling, but out of the corner  of his eye, he saw that Long Xiao Yu seemed to be getting annoyed at their  unnecessary chatting so he could only change the topic.


“Is the Princess going to tell his highness about what happened? After all, people  from the Royal Palace are not that easy to offend,” said Le Tian with underlying  meaning.


He was really curious about this Qi Princess’s attitude to his highness Qi King.  And after all, it was impossible for the Qi Princess to go up against the Empress  alone.


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The Qi King probably also knew that. But whether or not the Qi King actually cared  about this Qi Princess and would protect her, was a mystery known only by himself.


He dying to know how the Qi Princess would reply. However, Mu Zi Ling’s answer  would only render him speechless, and give him lots of problems in the future.


Mu Zi Ling felt strange when Le TIan asked her that question.


From the way Le Tian worded it, he seemed to know that the jar of soup was from  the Royal Palace. She had been just wondering why Le Tian would come here  without a reason, and now it turn out that he already knew that the jar of soup was  from the Royal Palace. Did someone tell him about this?

Back then, Long Xiao Yu had known that she brought the jar of soup back from the  Royal Palace, and he handed it to her after they got off the carriage. Could it be  that it was Long Xiao Yu who told Le Tian?


Then again, Long Xiao Yu had only handed her the jar of soup, and didn’t even  ask any questions before leaving. Even now she didn’t know where he had  disappeared off to.


Plus, the way that Le Tian asked the question, implied that Long Xiao Yu didn’t  know about this matter.


Le Tian also said that he was here to discuss medicine with her, so it was  definitely not Long Xiao Yu who told him.


Could it be Xie? She did tell Xie that this jar of soup came from the Royal palace.  However, Xie was so pure and innocent, how could she think that the Empress  placed something in the soup to harm her? Why would she ask Le Tian to check  the jar of soup?

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Neither possibilities were possible. So where did the question come from?


“This is my own problem. Why should I tell his highness?” asked Mu Zi Ling in  confusion.


Was Le Tian’s question implying that she wanted Long Xiao Yu to protect her?  How was that possible? Le Tian had obviously overestimated her importance in  Long Xiao Yu’s heart as well as his interest in women.


Although Long Xiao Yu helped her a few times, and she used Long Xiao Yu as  her support, it doesn’t mean anything special.


She was married to Long Xiao Yu by the orders of the Empress Dowager. She  was already glad that Long Xiao Yu hadn’t tried to kill her and left her alone  most of the time.


Once Mu Zi Ling’s words left her mouth, Le Tian suddenly felt his surroundings  turn cold. He felt a chill go down his back. Why did everything turn so cold all of  a sudden?


The coldness seemed to spread from the soft mattress. Le Tian felt that something  was wrong, but he didn’t dare look at his highness, the Qi King’s face anymore.


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