Come To My Side

Chapter 6


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If a month ago someone told Guan Xi there will come a day where she 'afraid of going home' or 'have no home to go back to', that person will surely get thrashed to the ground by her.


Yet at this moment, she was driving around mindlessly and was actually scared to drive back home.


After one hour of wandering aimlessly, she went to the bar she often frequented at, beckoned the bartender to give her something to drink.


"It's been a while since your last visit." The bartender recognized her, putting aside the fact that she and her group of friends frequently come and spend a high amount of money, her beauty is just hard to forget.


Guan Xi rested her chin on one hand,"I suppose so."


"Why are you coming by yourself today, where's your friend?"


Guan Xi gazed towards the liquor cabinet, lost in thought, friends? She could have called either Ling Fan or Lang Ningyi…..they certainly would come and keep her company if she asked.


However, for a proud person like Guan Xi, there is absolutely no way she can tell them the reason why she looks this miserable.


"I'm not in a good mood today, want to drink alone." Guan Xi tapped the table with her finger twice, slightly raising her eyebrows,"Why, I can't?"


Realizing he almost made a wrong mistake, the bartender smiled as he said,"No, of course you can, but best be careful, don't drink too much."


Two minutes later, Guan Xi took the drink he brought over for her.


She drank it fast, gulping it down with ease,"One more glass."


The bartender looked at her with eyes wide open,"This drink has a pretty high alcohol content."


Guan Xi grew impatient,"I know, quick bring me another one."




Even after knowing that, her drinking speed still remains the same.


She didn't feel anything at first, but this drink has a strong after-effect, the effects gradually sweep over her.


Guan Xi leaned her head, feeling dizzy,"One more, get me another glass."


The bartender who saw that she was already drunk didn't comply with her,"Guan Xi, ask your friend to pick you up."


Guan Xi waved her finger and was on the verge of falling down.


Seeing that she's really about to get wasted in this place, the bartender worried something would happen to her and hurriedly grabbed the phone she placed on the table.


"Look here, unlock it." He held up the phone and shook it in front of her.


Guan Xi raised her head to look towards the phone, taking her time to smile and making a V gesture,"Make sure to use the beauty filter—"


He successfully unlocked the screen with face recognition.


Clicking into the contact list, the bartender was unable to hold back his laugh,"You'll still look pretty even with original camera. Hey, see who should I call to pick you up? Dad… about your family?"


"You dare!" Guan Xi's expression changed in a split second,"Don't you dare give them a call, watch out before I destroy your business."


"Okay, fine, pick someone then, I'll call them for you."


Having no intention to leave, she simply ignored him.


The bartender was left with no other option and ended up rummaging through her recent calls; out of the first three numbers he saw, only one was marked with a nickname.


Jiang Ergou**

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(**Ergou literally means second dogs, it's a teasing nickname addressed towards the second child in the family.)


Such a nickname is typically used between very close friends, so without thinking twice the bartender pressed the call.


While waiting, Guan Xi continue to urge him to bring her a drink, the bartender didn't dare to give her another one and could only put on a business smile.


"Pretty girl, you want to drink, eh? How about I buy you one?" Ten minutes ago, a man came to sit on the seat beside her. The man has been paying attention to Guan Xi for quite some time. When he noticed that she's alone here, he could not resist coming over.


Hearing the voice, Guan Xi took a glance at the stranger, a greasy-looking man, she then waved her hand,"No need."


The man approached closer,"Don't be like that, I'll treat you to a drink."


Guan Xi shifted away, disgusted by the striking and over-the-top smell he exudes,"Who?"


"New friend, let's get to know each other."


Guan Xi was already irritated to begin with, she has no more patience left now,"I don't want to get to know you, get out of my face."


"How hot-tempered." The man smile weirdly,"What else can be the reason for someone to come alone at such a place like a bar other than looking for friends?"


He Intentionally accentuated the word 'friend', most likely alluding to a fuck buddy.


Guan Xi scanned him up and down, letting on a smile weirder than that of his,"Then I still have to find that person attractive first, who the hell do you think you are!"


The man was stupefied, his expression suddenly turned bad,"What are you saying, you!" As he said that, he tried to pull her wrist, but before he could even touch it, his hand was slapped away by someone.


The man froze and turned to look at the person who had somehow appeared next to them. That person had a cold expression, staring at him blankly.


The man wrinkled his eyebrows and was about to tell that person to get lost when he heard Guan Xi shout, "Erguo! Erguo, you came just right in time! Quick! Bite him!"




The light on the bar was dim, Guan Xi tugged on Jiang Suizhou's sleeve and pointed her hand toward the man that tried to hit on her.


The bartender let out a light cough, saying politely,"Are you Ergu…..I mean, Mr. Jiang? That, I was the one who called you just now."


Jiang Suizhou held Guan Xi up from her seat and nodded at the bartender, "Thanks."


"Don't mention it."


Jiang Suizhou then pulled Guan Xi to leave.


The man who tried to hit on her was dumbfounded to see that she was going to be taken away,"Hey, you——"


"Fuck off."




The man was bursting in anger, but the other person didn't even bat another eye at him and seemed to be certain that he wouldn't dare to confront himself! Thus, under the influence of alcohol, the man instantly rushed forward.


"Eh, eh, Sir!" The bartender launched over to grasp and pull his sleeve.


The man turned around, casting him a furious look, "What are you doing!"


"Calm down, don't do anything rash. That's Guan Xi, don't be impulsive." Suggest the bartender.


The man: "What Xi?"


The bartender: "Consider this as friendly advice, you should never provoke that young lady just now, the same also applies to her friends, all of them are no ordinary people. Uh, if you still insist on stirring up problems, our bar shall not be responsible for the consequences."

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Guan Xi was still able to steady herself to some extent, she was half-dragged by Jiang Suizhou to get out of the bar.


However, just right before they reached his car, she suddenly felt queasy and crouched down next to a flower garden, "I didn't say I want to go home, where are you taking me?"


Jiang Suizhou happened to be nearby with a few clients tonight, he was slightly surprised when he got a call from the bar. It's nothing new for Guan Xi to indulge herself in all sorts of pleasure-seeking activities or going to the bar, he was simply surprised at the fact that she was all alone today.


"You're alone?" Asked Jiang Suizhou while standing in front of her.


Guan Xi propped her head,"Yeah, I'm by myself…..why, can't I drink alone? I can't go to the bar alone? I still want to drink more, I want to go back….."


"You're drunk, it's not safe to be there by yourself."


"Oh, then you accompany me to drink?"


Jiang Suizhou: "No, I still have work to do."


"You can just leave then."Guan Xi lowered her head, she was dizzy from the effects of alcohol, mumbled,"I don't need anyone to take care of me…."


Jiang Suizhou didn't budge, only saying,"I'll have someone to come pick you up, should I call Lang Ningyi? Or should I just call your Dad?"


"No!" Guan Xi at once lifted her head and tugged at the hem of his shirt, "Don't call them!"


Jiang Suizhou has no patience to talk to a drunkard, so to ensure her safety he simply planned to let Guan Xinghao take care of her, while he proceeded with his own business. But the moment he looked down, he saw tears building up in the corner of Guan Xi's eyes, on the verge of dropping.


Jiang Suizhou froze, his finger that was pressing a number stopped.


"Why are you crying? Not feeling well?" Jiang Suizhou squatted down in front of her, frowning.


Guan Xi shook her head, "No."


"Don't want to go home?"




"Then what do you want?"


"I want to go back and drink."


Jiang Suizhou coldly said no,"Not a chance."


Still not letting go of his clothes in her grasp, Guan Xi said furiously,"Fine, if I can't do that, then take me to your house or go to your office."


Looking at her eyes that were brimming with tears, Jiang Suizhou unexpectedly became a little softhearted. He had never seen this side of her and found it hard to get used to it.


"I have several clients waiting for me." He said.


"Is your client more important or your girlfriend more important!" Guan Xi sniffled, glaring at him fiercely,"If worse comes to worst, I won't ask you to buy me things and help you save money, will that do? It's late at night, stop thinking about work."


Take that back, sure enough, Guan Xi is Guan Xi, she has waltzed along the path of capriciousness and has sealed off the road tightly.


Jiang Suizhou laughed, feeling helpless, "I got it, stop yelling."


He turned around,"Hop on."


Guan Xi looked at his back, and without the slightest hesitation, plopped right down on it.


With her on his back, Jiang Suizhou got up and walked towards the direction of where his car was parked.


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"Had a quarrel with your dad?" He asked as he walked.




"With a friend?"




"Then who are you quarrelling with?"


Anger flashed inside Guan Xi's eyes,"Must I quarrel with someone?!"


Jiang Suizhou went silent for a moment,"Otherwise?"


Guan Xi leaned on his shoulder, counting on the fact that he couldn't see her, tears flowing out uncontrollably.


"I have nothing left to say to you." The drunkard sounds choked up in sobs.


Jiang Suizhou paused in his tracks and glanced sideways. The person in his back had actually cried a whole lot of snot and tears, his shoulders were wet from tears, "Guan Xi, calm down."


"Huhuu......huaaaaa——" The small sobs out of a sudden turned into loud howls.


Jiang Suizhou took a deep breath and hurriedly quickened his pace towards the car.


"Why aren't you asking me why I'm crying, huhuhu——"


"You can tell me if you want to."


Guan Xi slapped his arm fiercely, "Then can't you ask!"


Jiang Suizhou: "...... well, why are you crying?"


The person behind him did not utter a word.


When he arrived at the car door, Jiang Suizhou thought that she was probably just being unreasonable because she was too drunk and would not say anything more. But the moment he reached his hand to pull the car door, her low, aggravated voice came to his ears,"Jiang Suizhou, I'm scared......"




Guan Xi was terrified out of her wits at her own self as soon as she woke up the next morning.


She looked at herself in the mirror, smudged eye makeup, messy hair, the smell of alcohol all over her body, she tried so hard to hold back her screams.


So this ghost is what she looked like when Jiang Suizhou brought her back yesterday?


Oh, and on top of that, she even cried and made a fuss like a moron.


Her expression increasingly became rigid, she felt that her gorgeous enchanting beauty image had significantly crumbled down.


She wonders if Jiang Suizhou is flipping through the lunar calendar in search of a good day for their break up last night?!


No no no, she gave him twenty-eight gifts the other day. He wouldn't be so ungrateful.


Guan Xi rushed to take a shower and came out of the room with an exquisite no-makeup look.


Jiang Suizhou is currently eating his breakfast.


"Good morning." Guan Xi sat down in the seat across from him, forcing herself to pretend like nothing had happened, and picked up her fork to eat her breakfast.


Jiang Suizhou: "You've sobered up."


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Guan Xi paused slightly, "Sure I am."


"Yesterday, you——"


"Nothing happened yesterday, I just drank too much, you also know how alcohol is something that messes with people's minds, I usually didn't behave that way!"


The corner of Jiang Suizhou's mouth twitched a little, "Um, that was the first time I ever heard you cry so loudly."




"So what was the last thing you wanted to say yesterday?"


Guan Xi looked at him, "Did I say something?"


Jiang Suizhou took a quick glance at her, she said she was scared yesterday but she stopped without explaining what she's scared of.


Jiang Suizhou remembered her expression at that time, in his opinion, that wasn't the kind of expression Guan Xi should have. 


"Drunken nonsense, just forget about it." Guan Xi herself didn't remember it, but she seemed to have a guilty conscience and felt that if she indeed did say anything, it must be something embarrassing.


Jiang Suizhou said 'Oh' then added, " I answered a call from your Dad yesterday."


Guan Xi: "What did he say…"


"Nothing much, just asking where you are. I told him you were with me and he was already reassured."


"I see."


The two began to resume eating their breakfast.


Guan Xi still can't take her mind from yesterday's outburst, her eyes were glued to Jiang Suizhou during the whole meal, thinking about whether he was ridiculing herself like crazy last night.


Her pair of eyes resemble that of a fox, each glance and stare naturally oozed with an amorous feeling, calmly seductive.


Jiang Suizhou who was being stared at by her eventually couldn't take it anymore and put down the knife and fork in his hand, said,"Something came up in the company this morning, I didn't have the time to stay, so take your eyes off me."


Guan Xi said 'Huh?' not understanding what he meant. After a few seconds, a realisation hit her, the person right before her eyes was now talking about something indecent.


She let out a laugh and might as well start acting according to the script in his head, "Is that so~ not even ten minutes, Mr. Jiang?"


Jiang Suizhou grabbed a napkin and wiped his hands, "Will ten minutes be enough?


Guan Xi thought that he had a point,"That's right, how could Mr.Jiang possibly be limited to only ten minutes. Mr. Jiang is so imposing that he can conquer all directions of threat and firing eight canon at night——"


"Take your meds if you're sick."Jiang Suizhou cut her off, gave her a glance then got up to leave the table.




Guan Xi gazed at his back and laughed to her heart content.


Jiang Suizhou couldn't even bother to respond to all that fancy crap and began getting his things ready to go out.


Guan Xi laughed for another while, and only after she slowly calmed down did she take a glimpse towards the living room.


Jiang Suizhou has already left.


She scoop up the toast on her plate, feeling sad but also somewhat grateful;


Sad because she got drunk last night while trying to run away.


Grateful because she still has Jiang Suizhou house to run to.

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