Princess Li looked at the tearful TIANYAO princess, pulled her hair to the back of her ear, sobbed, "take good care of yourself."

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He doesn't regret doing so many wrong things at all. If he has power, he will rebel directly like the royal family overthrowing the old clan. Unfortunately, he hasn't, so he can only calculate step by step.

TIANYAO Princess stared at him. Did her father admit what he had done?

"No, father, you can't leave me alone." She jumped up and hugged Princess Li and cried.

The royal family looked at their father and daughter coldly.

Black Xuanyi continued: "the prince of Li, who committed a lot of crimes, punished several crimes together, was unforgivable. According to the laws and regulations of the dynasty of the kingdom of Necromancy, the people of Lou family could not escape. They should be demoted to slavery and sent to the government to be slaves. But it seems that the people of Lou family did not participate in the struggle for power and position, and the people of Lou family have tried their best to serve the dynasty for thousands of years For the sake of the court '

Lou Qingluo looks at heixuanyi in a dazed way. He should be glad that the prince didn't kill the people of Lou's family. However, he can't be happy. It will be more difficult for him to see this person again after being cut off.

"No, I don't want my father..." TIANYAO Princess turned and kowtowed to heixuan fiercely. "Prince, cousin, my father only offended you for a while. Please spare my father's life or save him with my life."

She lost her mother when she was a child. Her father grew up in the palm of his hand. Now she wants to lose her father again. How can she accept it.

Lijun Wang sinks his face: "Miaoyi, don't say stupid things."

Prince Yuxian's family was hostile to Princess TIANYAO, but when they saw her like this, they couldn't bear to say more sarcastic words.

"Prince and cousin, please, please don't be so cruel to keep my father and daughter apart forever."

Black Xuan Yi tightens her eyebrows and sighs.

Although Miaoyi was his cousin, he also grew up like his own sister. If it wasn't for Li Junwang's guilt, he didn't want his cousin to lose his father again.

Seeing that black Xuan Yi was indifferent, TIANYAO County Lord quickly got up: "I want to find my aunt. I want to ask my aunt for help. She will help her to rush out of the penalty department at a normal speed.

Black Xuan Yi didn't stop her: "beheading is performed after Shangyuan Festival."

Princess Li smiled in a low voice and didn't react much.

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The bodyguard pushed him back to the prison.

The people bribed by Prince Li are not only Lord Huai and Lord Xu, but also many adults. Other people in black Xuan Yi have been handed over to other ministers to deal with them.

Just after the restoration of the previous dynasty, more than a dozen officials, large and small, were cut off and their residences were seized. This caused a lot of uproar. What shocked the people most was that the Wuxuan Pavilion, which had always been doing good deeds, was a murderer devil. Everyone could not help being afraid of it. They felt that they could no longer look at a person on the surface.

Wuruo and heixuanyi came out of the punishment department and asked, "Niang, do you know your execution of Lou family? The people of the Lou family and the princess TIANYAO are reduced to civilians. "

"Yes, she's very much in favor of me." Black Xuan Yi takes his hand: "it's better to be demoted than to lose her life. Besides, she also said that whether TIANYAO princess has been demoted to civilians or not is almost the same. She won't suffer too much if she has us. Fortunately, the Lou family has always been loyal to our royal family and has done many things for our royal family. Otherwise, they will be killed by the nine families or even the whole family."

"The Lou family are all tied up by Princess Li. They must hate Princess Li."

"People are dying. It's useless to hate."

Wu Ruo smiled: "yes."

The two returned to the Palace Road outside Hengxing palace. When they passed the small palace, Nianxia rushed out of it: "prince, princess, and maid have not seen their son Liangdong for ten days. Please ask us to see him."

Wu Ruo and Hei Xuan Yi take a look at each other. Their eyes flash and their lips hook up and say, "OK."

Nianxia looks at him happily: "really?"

"It's true, of course. I'll have cold winter brought here." Wu Ruo said to black Xuan Yi, "Xuan Yi, when you go back, let black letter bring Liang Dong here."

Black Xuan Yi looks at Wu Ruo and nods.

Wuruo enters the small palace.

Nianxia is confused and chases up: "princess, this is..."

"Of course, I want to stay here and watch you. I don't want you to beat Leng Dong again."

Nianxia hurriedly explained, "Prince and concubine, your maidservant has never beaten Liangdong."

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"Is it? What happened last time? "

"Last time because..."

Wu Ruo interrupts her: "forget it, last time things are over, don't mention again. Are you still used to being here? Is the food here still to your taste? "

"The maidservant has a good time here, and the food is delicious." Nian Xiaxin is surprised that this man suddenly cares about him.

Wu Ruo looks at her with a smile: "you've gained a lot of weight recently. You should eat well in the new year."

Read summer afraid to say more wrong, then a smile generation.

"By the way, you don't know if you heard about it in the palace?"

Read summer a Leng: "hear what thing?"

"About Princess Li."

Nianxia's heart leaped: "no, No."

She stayed in the little palace every day and didn't go anywhere. No one came to talk to her. She didn't know what happened outside.

However, this person is really strange. Why did he suddenly mention Princess Li? Did he find out about her and Princess Li?

The more she thought about it, the more likely it was, because the little eunuch said that she would ask Princess Li to come up with an idea, but it's really weird that she hasn't seen a figure for such a long time.

"When Prince Li had an accident, he not only set up Wuxuan Pavilion in private, but also bribed many ministers. The worst thing is that he stole the grandson of Prince Yuxian to pretend to be the son of the prince in order to seize the supreme power and calculate that the prince could not succeed."

Nianxia's face changed a lot.

If Wu Ruo saw her face so ugly, he smiled with satisfaction: "now he has been locked in the prison of the Ministry of punishment. After Shangyuan Festival, he will be beheaded and shown to the public. His accomplice will also end up in the same way.

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He did know that Liangdong was not her son. Nianxia's legs softened and fell to the ground.

Wuruo pretended to be puzzled and looked at her: "eh, how did you sit on the ground?"

"Princess, spare your life." Nianxia quickly gets up and kneels to kowtow to Wuruo.

"What are you doing? You are the mother of your highness Liang Dong. How can you kneel freely? " The official girl in the distance of Wuruo called to help Nianxia to sit in the pavilion, and then asked the palace girl to pour two cups of hot tea.

"I, I......" Xia hesitates to confess before Wuruo points out something. Suddenly, he feels that his nose is hot and two hot streams flow out of it.

She raised her hand, it was full of blood on the back of her hand, and it could not stop flowing down.

Wu Ruo was stunned: "Why are you bleeding? Raise your head quickly and don't let the blood flow out. I'm afraid you've eaten too much fried food recently, which leads to the imbalance between yin and Yang and the exuberance of internal fire. If you don't mind, I'll show you. How about that? "

Nianxia could not stop throwing blood even if he raised his head. His heart couldn't help panicking. After hearing Wuruo's words, he thought about it and handed it to him.

If Wu carefully to her pulse, but how to find out the cause: "there is no problem with the body."

"Well, then why am I bleeding all the time? By the way, pass it on to the doctor and show it to me. " Nianxia is afraid to shout to the palace maids around her.

The palace maid looks at Wu Ruo and nods to call the doctor.

Wuruo looked at the blood on her face and said kindly, "do you want to try it with silk

Nianxia quickly takes out the silk to plug her nostrils.

Soon, Taiyi was invited, but the cause could not be found.

"Quack." Nianxia jumped up in anger.

Taiyi Qizheng: "you are a little maid, dare not respect Taiyi.

"Do you know who I am, but..." Nianxia suddenly remembers that she is no longer Liang Dong's mother. She can't be oppressed by Her Highness's mother's identity any more. She stands in the same place awkwardly and weakens in a moment.

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At this time, heixin came into xiaoguanyuan with a tray and put it on the table.

If Wuruo asks Taiyi to go back, call another Taiyi.

Nian Xia hurriedly thanked Wu Ruo.

Wu Ruo pointed to the cup with a smile and said, "do you know what these two cups are?"

Read summer Leng Leng: "what tea?"

"They used to be called lucid tea, but later, a maid asked her fake son to put two pills in each cup of tea, and then the taste changed. So now, I don't know what these two cups are called. Can you taste them for me?"

All of a sudden, Nianxia's face lost its color. Because of the nosebleed, his lips were pale.

"This, this is not, is not already..."

"What is it?" Wu Ruo jokingly hooked his lips: "have they drunk it by the egg?"

Nianxia looks at him in shock.

"Isn't it surprising how I know about it?" Wuruo took out one of the cups of tea: "when you live here, we will send someone to monitor your every move.

He said the process of cold winter's medicine in the tea once: "he went to the room to look for eggs after the medicine. I didn't know my man had changed a cup of tea, so my sons didn't drink these two cups of water, and I specially left these two cups of tea for you to drink."

Wuruo's eyes suddenly snapped, and Nianxia fell off the stool.

Behind her, two palace maids grabbed her and opened her mouth. Then, Wuruo took out the tea and poured it into her mouth.

"No, don't..." Nianxia's eyes widened with fear. There was a feeling that death was right in front of her, a special fear.

The maid poured the tea before releasing her.

"Cough Cough... " Nianxia hurriedly picks her throat.

Wuruo said coldly: "do you know why you are bleeding? That's because the candy you gave cold winter was ground into powder and mixed with the food you ate during the Spring Festival. At that time, I was worried that I would eat it. But I was relieved to hear that the food was delicious just now. "

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