Concubine Raiders

Chapter Prologue

In the back garden, the corridor in Luo Mansion, the 10th Lady’s face was full of resentment while grabbing the 11th Lady’s skirt: “Take it off! Take it off for me!” The little 11th Lady was being dragged staggeringly, her big eyes were filled with tears, the corner of her lip was lifted but she continued to remain silent.

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Bitao and Hongtao, the maids beside the 10th Lady, one was looking down at the bluestone brick under her feet, the other was looking sideways at the magnolia tree beside the stairs, pretending not to see anything.

Shuisu, the maid beside the 11th Lady, couldn’t help but sigh at the scene. Afterward, she walked up and hugged the 11th Lady, then turned and smiled at the 10th Lady: “10th Lady, 11th Lady doesn’t have any jacket and those that she owns were too thin. When the weather is cold, I don’t dare to even open the door. Yang Mother lended your jacket to the 11th Lady to wear and after paying ceremonial respect to the Eldest Madam, we will return it to you immediately.”

Upon hearing it was her birth mother who lent the jacket to the 11th Lady, she furiously looked at Bitao.

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Bitao raised her head to look at the 11th Lady’s expression and glanced at Shuisu, who was still talking. The 11th Lady looked back at her, Bitao immediately smiled and nodded: “10th Lady, the jacket was indeed given by Yang Mother.”

Upon hearing those words, the anger on her face was lessened and the 10th Lady let go of the 11th Lady’s jacket: “Even if my mother let you borrow it, don’t be arrogant. After ceremonial respect, you must give it back to me right away.”

Seeing that the evil 10th Lady finally calmed down, Shuisu let out a sigh of relief and promised her with a smile: “10th Lady, don’t worry. Once the ceremony is over, the jacket will be returned immediately.”

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The 10th Lady was very satisfied with her answer, she nodded and walked away. 

Shuisu stood up and she prepared to bring the 11th Lady to the main hall to pay respect to the elders. 

Suddenly, the 11th Lady ran to the front and said: “I will tell my mother that you picked on me.”

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The 10th Lady became angry and she ran up to her: “I will hit you for being a tattletale.”

All the maids were shocked and wanted to catch up with them, but the 10th Lady was very quick, her hands and feet moved very fast, she caught up with the 11th Lady with just a few steps. She pulled the 11th Lady’s hair and pushed her against the wall: “Do you still dare to….”

The 11th Lady was still young and  had short legs, therefore she wasn’t fast enough. She started to cry while covering her hair. 

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Seeing their Lady is being aggressive, Bitao and Hongtao didn’t know what to do, they just observed from afar. 

Shuisu quickly walked up to try and stop them, but didn’t dare to use any strength to push the 10th Lady, she just yelled: “10th Lady, please don’t be like this…”

The weather was cold, the water had freeze and turned into ice. The bluestone path had been swept of dirt and only snow was left, making the walkway even more slippery. Pushing and shoving, the 11th Lady fell to the ground and hit her head against the white stone pillar, blood was spurting and absorbed in the snow, she became unconscious. 

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