Chapter 4 – A Strange Man (Two)

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When something good happens to someone, even a mosquito can look more beautiful than a butterfly, Yan Xiaoxuan happily thought, walking in the direction of the grand visitor’s tower.

She had been there enough times to know that it was very expensive, but the food was really great. Her father was never stingy when it came to her eating, he would always let her eat whatever she wanted and relax. Fortunately, her family was rich, otherwise they wouldn’t have been able to withstand her eating like this.

The grand visitor’s tower was considered pretty close to the imperial palace, no small food stall would dare set up in near of the imperial palace, and, from this, you could tell that this visitor’s tower was very elite. Patting her stomach with a satisfied burp, Yan Xuan unhurriedly walked towards the guard of the imperial palace.

The guard lifted his head, calling a greeting, only god knew that there was someone behind her, and she immediately felt dizzy. When she recovered, she realized she was in a man’s arms.

“Shh, don’t speak.”

The voice was so familiar, Yan Xiaoxuan lifted up her head, but she only saw a thoughtful face, oh, it was that strange man.

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She was also pleasantly surprised. He wasn’t dead, he didn’t get eaten.

“You are……” Before she finished, his hand came up to cover her mouth.

In the street there were many angry shouts of, “quickly, don’t let him escape!”

Before, this man had been killed, was it…… witchcraft? Yan Xuan’s heart felt uneasy, her pure and clean body was dirtied by this strange man.

“Little friend, excuse my impoliteness, I mean no harm.” He removed his hand, then hastily hurried off.

Yan Xiaoxuan looked after him in a daze, looking like an idiot.

Yes, this person apologized, he was a good person.

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After a few moments, Yan Xuan realized what “fate” was.

The ordinarily dressed, meek looking butler across from her was very clearly the strange man from before. Also, wasn’t he being chased? How did he get that steamed stuffed bun on his head? It certainly looked delicious.

Her father said, “this is our new housekeeper, Tang Beichen, and he will take care of you and your studies.”

Tang Beichan, huh. She looked at the “new housekeeper” pensively, laughing, “seems like I’ve seen you before.”

He immediately put on a smiling expression as bright as a sunflower, “Yes, Young Miss!”

Her father looked pleased with their exchange, saying a few words before entering the house.

Yan Xuan walked to his side, standing on her tiptoes and attempting to pat his shoulder, but because of her height, she had to settle with patting his back, “Butler Tang……”

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“Young Miss, are there any problems? If there’s nothing I’ll leave for now.”

Yan Xiaoxuan scanned his figure briefly, before earnestly saying, “the way you are dressed now looks a lot better than before.”

Leaving Butler Tang standing stiff, she walked away.

Butler Tang? Do you really take her for an idiot, why would she forget someone she’s seen two times and left a deep impression on? But seeing him so nervous, he evidently didn’t want anyone to know what he had been doing before, Yan Xiaoxuan decided to be a nice person and keep his secret for him.

She should, this wouldn’t send her into the 17 layers of hell, would it?

Having Butler Tang, someone fun to play around with, Yan Xiaoxuan’s life was so much more interesting, this man was very clever, and he also had many strange ideas and ways of thinking. Also, he made very, very delicious snacks, usually ones she had never heard of before. This wasn’t good, her saliva was flowing with no end.

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August fifteenth, she lay down on a soft couch, eating this thing called a “yue bing”, staring at the moonlit sky, when she suddenly thought, “Butler Tang, the sweets you make are so delicious, can I marry you later on?”

“Kekeke, ke, ke…… “ Butler Tang choked politely.

He lifted his head, his face a little red, “Young Miss, you can’t throw those words around so easily.”

“I’m serious.” Her face was entirely innocent.

“Then you might as well marry the head chef of the grand visitor’s tower.” Tang Beichen gazed at the sky, a few good dishes could win this girl over, her father would be irritated if he knew.

Her face suddenly lit up, delightedly exclaiming, “what you said is right, why didn’t I think of that?”


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