Episode 1: Awakening

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[……? Where…?]

When he woke up, he was first confused as to when he had fallen asleep, and then he was even more confused by the sight of a scenery he didn’t recognize, but he woke up anyway.

As he looked around, he saw that it was a spacious room, the most spacious room Daiki had ever seen. No, a company’s workplace would probably be bigger than this room, but this was different. It was the biggest living space he had ever seen, with a huge TV, a large dining table, and a kitchen in sight. Perhaps it was a living room.

When he looked back, he saw a glass partition wall. It was not a window, but a wall of glass, and the sunlight was pouring in through the lace curtains. Perhaps because of this, the place where Daiki was sleeping was also warm, and not just because it was indoors. No, maybe it’s not even hot.

Then he suddenly realized. The place where Daiki had been sleeping was not a bed or futon, but a spacious sofa.

He was covered with what appeared to be a soft, thin down quilt.


The couch and the quilt looked so high class that he couldn’t help but say that.

Somewhat intimidated, Daiki fearfully peeled off the covers and stood up from the sofa. That’s when he realizes that he doesn’t have a jacket on.

[…Oh, there it is.]

It was hanging on a hanger right behind him. Perhaps he had overlooked it earlier, or perhaps he hadn’t noticed it because of all the crazy things he had seen.

[No no, more importantly, what kind of situation is this…?]

As he got his head around it a bit, Daiki finally came up with the answer to his question.

[Err, yesterday I’m sure… I got off the train… caught a beautiful woman, went to a convenience store, bought an energy drink, drank it, met her again, she scattered the contents of her bag, and I helped her pick them up――Aah!]

Finally, Daiki remembered. He remembered that he himself had collapsed there, dizzy with his face going pale.

[I remember…but――but…?]

Yes, as he recalled, there was not enough information for Daiki to understand his current situation.

[Ah, the bag…]

He looked over and was relieved to see his familiar bag on the side of the table, and headed for it.

[Oh, my smartphone too.]

Then there was a phone on the table, a plastic bottle of sports drink next to it, and underneath the two was a piece of paper with a note that said.

[You can drink it]

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After reading the words and looking at the plastic bottle again, Daiki suddenly felt thirsty. No, he was probably thirsty to begin with, but he was probably unaware of it.

[It’s probably, for me…? It was with my smartphone after all… itadakimasu.]

Probably so, but there was no confirmation. But since he became aware of his thirst, he couldn’t take it anymore.

Daiki opened the lid and gulped it down in one gulp.

[Haaa…delicious…I feel revived.]

His thirst seemed to be substantial, and to be honest, it was warm, but he felt the deliciousness that washed over him.

Thanks to the sugar in his head, which had begun to spread slowly, Daiki’s head finally began to turn fully.

[Hmm…considering the circumstances, this is that Onee-san’s house…right?]

Yes, he guessed that he was in that 100-million yen apartment.

[That means, after that, that beautiful Onee-san helped me…? No no, that’s impossible.]

That thin, beautiful Onee-san would not be able to carry an unconscious person with her moderate physique. That’s what he thought.

[No, but the size of this room, even assuming it’s not that apartment, looks like it’s worth 100 million yen…]

As he said this, he approached the glass wall and looked at the scenery.


He thought it was high up, but when he looked at it, it was even higher than he had expected.

Behind the glass was a balcony, or a veranda, or a path that leads to it, but when he stretched his neck to look down, he found a familiar station and a large shopping complex.

[…As I thought, this is that 100-million yen apartment right…? If so, then how…]

As he was fretting, a door at the back of the living room was opened and a beautiful woman wearing a bathrobe and exuding an alluring atmosphere appeared, wiping her wet hair with a towel.

[ !?… Ah, you got up? Good morning.]

The beautiful woman jolted when she noticed Daiki, but she quickly remembered and then gave him a pleasant smile.

[G-good morning…Err, you’re――the Onee-san from yesterday, right?]

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[‘Onee-san’, fufufu…Eh, am I the onee-san here?]

The beautiful woman tilted her head as she approached. Daiki replied as he struggled to keep his eyes on her.

[M-maybe… I thought, that you were older than me.]

[I thought you were about the same age as me. …… How old are you?]

[I’m twenty-four.]

[What!? You’re four years younger than me!?]

(That means…you’re twenty-eight.)

[H-haha…I’m often told that I look older than I am.]

[I-is that so…?]

The beautiful woman approached right in front of him and reached out to put her hand on Daiki’s forehead.


It was such a close distance, and from the way she was dressed, she must have just taken a shower, because she smelled so good.

And because she reached out, her bathrobe got a little messy, and her deep cleavage was visible in front of him.

(S-sure enough, it’s huge…)

Isn’t this the so-called ‘watermelon-cup’? {TN: スイカップ, huge like watermelons}

[Yeah, you don’t seem to have a fever… Do you remember what happened yesterday?]

Her words made Daiki jump, and he removed his eyes from the valley of earthly paradise.

[A-about that. Um, for now I know I’m indebted to you for helping me, but why…?]

[Yeah, well… For now, you――err.]

When he realized why she stopped, he told her his name.

[Ah, I’m Yanagi Daiki.]

[Right, Yanagi-kun――is that fine? I’m Kisaragi Reika.]

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(Somehow, she even has a pretty name too.)

[Yes. First, why don’t you take a shower and get refreshed? I don’t have a change of clothes, but I can give you a towel.]

[Eh? No, that――]

[It’s fine it’s fine, Yanagi-kun, you think you’re the only one who was saved, but I was saved from falling down the stairs and getting seriously injured, so don’t be shy.]

Reika’s face, which smiled after saying that, was tremendously attractive, and Daiki, who felt like he was being sucked in, hurriedly looked away.

[? What’s wrong?]

[N-no――That’s right, that appearance is….]


When Reika realized, she blushed as she covered her b*****s and tugged on her waistband.

[S-sorry? This appearance… whenever I wake up on a day off, I take a shower and wear this, so…]

[No no…]

(It was an incredible sight for sore eyes…)

He wanted to worship her, but Daiki knew it would be a bad idea to do so.

[ F-for now, why don’t you take a shower? In the meantime, I’ll dry my hair and change my clothes! Alright!]

As she said that, he couldn’t refuse anymore.


[Yeah. Then, go this way――Ah,  wait for a moment.]

Reika, who was about to show him around, took out a drinkable jelly, a main type of energy supplement, from the refrigerator next to the kitchen.

[Did you eat dinner last night? If not, you haven’t eaten anything since then right? Maybe you should at least have this before you shower?]

Daiki thanked her and drank it down in one gulp, as if she was concerned about his collapse yesterday.


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After it dropped into his stomach, he felt a little strength return to his body, and he knew he had made the right decision in receiving it.

[Thank you very much.]

[Please don’t mention it. Then, the bathroom is this way――]

Then, in the spacious and clean bathroom, Reika took out a towel.

[Here, take this. You can use the shampoo, body soap, and whatever else is in there, okay?]

[Ah, thanks.]

[Ah, the toilet’s this way.]

[Ah, do you mind if I use that first?]

[Yeah, go ahead. Well then, I’ll be in the living room, so come back when you’re done, okay? Oh, take your time, okay?]

When Daiki replied in an understanding manner, Reika left the washroom with another enchanting smile on her face.

[First, let’s go to the toilet――Spacious!!]

At first, Daiki thought it might be about the same size as his apartment, but when he looked closer, he realized it wasn’t that big.

It was clean and smelled so good that he was afraid to use it, but refraining from doing so here would only lead to misery.

His business was small, but to avoid getting it dirty as much as possible, Daiki decided to do it while sitting down.

As he was washing his hands in the washroom lined with bottles of cosmetics, he looked at his face in the mirror in front of him and muttered to himself.

[My face looks awful…]

He looked emaciated. There were some dark circles. Still, it was better than yesterday.

(That’s why she handed me that jelly…She probably couldn’t stand looking at me. What a kind person.)

Not sure if it was because he understood it or not, but for some reason Daiki felt happy.

It was the first time in a long time that he had experienced the kindness of a superior, but he didn’t notice it and smiled wryly as he took off his clothes and went into the bathroom.


Even Daiki didn’t know how many times he had unintentionally uttered the same phrase today.

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